I m a g e s
/P r e s sA s s o c i a t i o n
/A P
i m
I b r a h
A c h m a d
Analysis Special feature: Zero carbon world 14 Powering up to zero Can we make the transition to a fossil-free future?
Jess Worth meets the people who say we can.
18 In search of Utopia Communities across Europe are already living the alternatives, discover Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan.
22 Cutting the carbs Danny Chivers sets out eight steps to a fossil-free future.
26 Back to the future What will it be like to live in a zero carbon world? George
Marshall encourages us to look to the past to find out.
i c t u r e s
/St i l lP
l i n g
B o e t h
J o e r g
Agenda Making the news this month 9 Indonesia’s Abu Ghraib West Papuan freedom struggle gathers momentum.
10 Bhopal disaster
Water contamination causes further tragedy for survivors.
12 Belarus elections Voters face a Hobson’s choice.
13 Press crackdown South Africans protest.
i s/R e u t e r s
N o o rK h a m
/R e u t e r s i s t a n
St r i n g e rP a k
4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● D E C EM B E R 2 010
Also in Analysis 29 Why do so many journalists beat the drums of war and peddle propaganda? John Pilger talks truth and justice on the eve of his latest film release.
32 Country profile: Kenya