A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From the B r ie f oj H is Holiness to T he T ablet, Ju n e 4, 1870.

Voi. 38. No. 1Ó44. L o n d o n , O c t o b e r 14, 1871.

P r ic e 5d. B y P ost 5%d.

[R eg is t e r ed a t th e G en e r a l P ost Office a s a N ew spape

C hronicle of t h e W e e k : The

End of the Newcastle Strike.— The Scarcity of Gold.—Mr. Bruce .and the Miners.—The AngloFrench Treaty.—The Address of the 46 Deputies.—The History of the War.—The Customs Treaty.— Trade in Paris.—Courts of Enquiry.—Diplomatic Contradictions. —The Orleans Property.—Communist Trials and Escapes.— General v. Goben and Dijon.—The Bonapartists’ Plots.—The Councils General.—The Fire at Chicago. The New Bohemian Constitution. —The Mission of Mgr Franchi.— The Maronites of the Lebanon.— Persia.—Missionaries in China.— Canton Aargau . . . .4 8 1


L ead ers :

The Termination of the Newcastle

Strikes. . . . . . The Tyranny of Unbelief Dr. Dollinger and the Schism Arbitration Instead of War.—IX . A Lecture at the London Univer­

sity ............................................... E nglish A dm in istratio n s and

Catholic I n t e r e st s :

X XXVI.—The Tithe Grievance. —Cardinal Weld.—Lord Nor-

manby . . . . . Saint Joseph, Patron of the Univer­

sal C h u r c h ...................................... T he A nglican M o v em en t :

Anglicans put Sight against Faith in their Estimate of “ The Holy Catholic Church.”

T E N T S .

485 485 486 487 488

488 489

R eview s :

The Fourfold Sovereignty of God 491 A History of the Christian Councils 492 The Bells of the Sanctuary. No. 3.

Monseigneur Darboy . . . 493 The Contemporary Review . . 494 S hort N o t ic es : The Administra­

tion of Holy Orders according to the Roman Pontifical.—The Old Church of Fairford, and its Stained Glass Windows.—Tyborne, and “ Who went thither in the Days of Queen Elizabeth.”—Dark Blue.— Blackwood—&c., &c. . . . 494 Correspondence :

The Mainz Congress . . . 495 Passion Plays. . . . . 495 Diffusion of Good Books . . 495 S. Andrew’s and S. Michael’s 490 Schools, Barnet . . . . 495

R ome :

Letter from Rome . . . 496 Two Allocutions of the Holy Father 497 Cook’s Excursionists and the Pope 498 R ecord of th e Council:

Reply of the Archbishop of Munich to Herr von Lutz . . . 498 The Bishop of Augsburg . . 499 Hungary on the Infallibility . 499 D iocesan N ews : Westminster.—

Southwark.— Beverley. — Clifton. —Hexham and Newcastle.—Salford.—Shrewsbury.—Scotland . 500 I reland :

Letter from our Dublin Corre­

spondent .


F oreign N ew s .... 502 M emoranda :

Religious.—Literary.—&c., . . 504 G en e r a l N ews .... 504



TH E Newcastle strike was terminated at the close of last week by the happy interfernce ritw uM1L1 o f a bystander. Mr. Philipson, the town


The cry is being raised that we want more gold, and that the Bank should again raise its rate o f discount, in order to attract gold to this country. The pretext is that France is coming

’"'TtrikiL clerk o f Newcastle, talked the matter over with

Mr. Cowen, representing the workmen, and they drew up, without authority from either side, a minute o f the terms which appeared to them just to both, and likely to terminate the dispute. The employers were to consent to 54 hours being the normal working time per week, and the workmen were to agree to work overtime when required to do so. The wages, both for ordinary work and overtime, were to remain as they were before the strike, and to be paid weekly at 1 2 . 1 5 p.m. on Saturdays. The old system o f 57 hours was to remain in force for the rest o f the current year, and the new one o f 54, to come into operation on the 1st January. The agreement was to be for 12 months, but to be terminable at the end o f six months by a month’s notice from either party. This minute was submitted through Sir W. Armstrong to the associate masters, who agreed to it, and on Friday it was communicated to a general meeting of the workmen, at which a resolution, moved and “ eloquently “ supported” by Mr. Burnett, accepting the terms, and requesting the employers to appoint six o f their body to meet an equal number o f the men to arrange matters o f detail, was carried without opposition and “ with immense enthu“ siasm.” The first consideration which occurs to one is, that the workmen have gained a great victory, and that their leader, Mr. Burnett, has managed the matter with great ability and moderation. H is proposal, when the masters offered more wages instead o f less time, to resign wages while insisting on the reduction in time, was, as the P a l l M a l l Gazette calls it, a “ masterly” stroke o f policy. The next thing that occurs to the looker-on is the beneficial influence which an outsider can exercise on these disputes, and the chance o f preventing them which a Board o f Arbitration possessing the confidence o f both sides might offer. The question then suggests itself whether these terms i f proposed at an earlier date might not have either prevented the strike or rapidly put an end to it. Possibly they m igh t ; at any rate it is a pity that the trial was not made ; but it must not be forgotten that the prolonged inconvenience, and the experience o f the obstinacy o f the other side, must have gone a long way towards producing conciliatory dispositions. Unfortunately when money interests are at stake, the first instinct is not towards compromise but towards resistance ; and we fear that fresh demands will as a general rule produce fresh refusals and fresh strikes, unless it is known to both sides that their difference will ba immediately settled by an impartial authority which both respect.

upon us for gold to pay the war indemnity, and that Germany will drain us for her new gold coinage. But the T im es, in its money article on Monday, very pertinently observes that people would not be so alarmed i f they “ would “ only ask themselves by what means it can be possible for “ Germany to take from us a single sovereign that we may “ not be disposed to part with.” “ I f Germany desires “ gold ” she must “ pay for i t “ or if she does not require “ to buy it, owing to France being bound to send it to her, “ France, i f she requires aid in the transaction, cannot ob“ tain it except upon conditions such as commend them“ selves entirely to our capitalists” ; and i f Germany buys our gold for use at home it will only be at the price o f supplying the silver which we want for India and China. A t the same time it is quite possible that in undertaking to help in the Franco-German settlement we may have slightly miscalculated our resources. But, as the T e leg raph points out, it is only that kind o f temporary derangement which occurs in New York every autumn, when the currency has to be sent to the South and West to facilitate the moving o f the

“ crops.”

While Mr. Bruce has been complaining in


mr. bruce Renfrewshire and at Banff o f the badgering which he— most luckless Minister o f the Crown •—-is always coming in for ; o f the “ hell ” which office is to him, and the hardship o f being taunted with his withdrawal o f Bills for the failure o f which he is not responsible, a miner at the Miners’ Conference has been giving his opinion on the claims o f the Home Secretary to the gratitude o f his fellow-workmen. No man is a prophet in his own country, and perhaps the former member for Merthyr is more severely criticized there than he would be elsewhere. A t all events, the speaker declared that his blood had run cold when he heard the Home Secretary declare that life might be saved by the appointment o f trained managers in mines, but that the time had not come .for it yet. “ Was that,” he asked, “ the language o f a statesman fit to be charged with “ the safety o f hundreds o f thousands o f miners ? ” The miners shouted “ No, No,” evidently forgetting, says th ¡¿ P a l l M a l l, that their case is no worse than that of thousands who die annually while the Home Secretary is considering the report o f the Royal Sanitary Commission. I t is clear that the Government did a very stupid thing when they allowed the Mines Regulation B ill to be slaughtered with the other innocents. A little more pressure would have forced it through.

N ew Series. V ol. VI. No. 153.