A IVeekly Newspaper and Review.


F r om th e B r ie J o j H is Holiness to The Tablet, J u n e 4, 1870.

V o i . 3 7 . N o . 1 6 1 4 .

L o n d o n , M a r c h i 8 , 1 8 7 1 .

price ¡d. bypostsk

[Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.

Chronicle of the Week : The

Catholic Union.—Americans received by the Pope.—The Allocution.—Suppression of Convents in Rome.—The Roman “ Impiegati.” — France.—The French Monarchy. —The 17 Constitutions of France. —North German Elections.—Ca■ tholic Successes. — The New Bishop of Southwark.—&c., &c. L eaders :

• 317

Help to the Pope, the Salvation of the World .... 321 Recent Ministerial Changes . . 322 Reorganization of the British

Army . . .

. . 322

The Irish Education Question . 323 “ The Patron of the Catholic

Church” . . . . . 324 Our French Relief Fund . . 325


The Anglican Movement :—Gene­

ral Excitement Produced in the Anglican Body by the Purchas J u d g m e n t ..................................... R eviews :

Sir R. Phillimore on International

Law ...... The Contemporary Review . Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblet h w a i t e ..................................... Short Notices : The Religious

Reading Book.—The Little Virtues and the Little Defects of a Young Girl at School and at Home.—The Last Days of the Papal Army.— —A Cry of “ Stop Thief!” in Dame Europa’s School.— Select Readings in English Prose and Verse.—Early English Religious Literature.'—Reasons for Return


ing to the Church of England.— M a cm i l l a n ..................................... 329 Correspondence : Mr. Mivart’s “ Genesis of Species” 330

The Bishop of Birmingham, Lord

Robert Montagu, and Mr. R. J . McGhee . . The Index of Prohibited Books . The Religion of the “ Times” Foreign Missionary Emigrants Southwark Education Fund . The Crèche in Bulstrode-street P arliamentary Summary . R ome : Letter from our Roman

Correspondent . Apostolical Letter of the Holy

Father to the Archbishop of Westminster ..... The Catholic Union of Great


3 3 0 330 330 330 330 330 331


336 337

R ecord of the Council

The Archbishop of Paris . . 338 D iocesan News : Westminster........................................338

Southwark ..... 339 B e v e r l e y ....................................... 339 Birmingham....................................... 339 Northampton. . . . . 339 The Mission of Caithness and the

O r k n e y s ....................................... 339 I reland :

Letter from our Dublin Corre­

spondent . . . . . 339 Memoranda :

Educational ; Modifications in the

Revised Code.—London School Board.— Higher Education in Ireland ..... 340 General News .... 341

C H R O N IC L E O F T H E W E E K .


N another column we publish two important documents which we have received from the “ Catholic Union.” The first sets forth the object of the Union, and is the au­

thentic programme of the course of action determined upon by the nobility and gentry who have pledged themselves to the C atholic Union. It dwells emphatically upon its main duty, the duty to labour for the restoration of the Pope to his Sovereign and independent rights. This is the one object of all Catholic societies, unions, and associations established throughout Europe during the last six months. This is the one point of cohesion among them all, as it is the one doctrine which at this period of disorganization and apostasy Almighty God is pleased by events to proclaim for the world’s salvation. The human race is just now passing through a solemn crisis of its history ; on the issues of that crisis the future of the world may very much depend. The Saviour of mankind does not abandon His redeemed ; but He speaks to them the Word o f L i f e in which alone is to be found safety for the human family. That word went forth from the Pontiff and Fathers of the Vatican Council : it is now proclaimed by Catholics in every land. While the powers of the world are rejecting, or endeavouring to undermine it by destroying the sovereign independence of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, God is gathering together its apostles in every country of Europe and of America. And they are wisely binding themselves together for common action, in Leagues, Societies, Confraternities, and Unions, which will eventually form the elements of the Catholic Crusade of the

19th century.' The members of the Catholic Union are like their brethren in other countries, about to send a deputation 'to Rome, even as Paul went up to Jerusalem to confer •with and learn of Peter. It will be headed by the Duke of Norfolk. Some 1 5 representative names are upon the list, and that number will be still further increased. The address which theywillcarry to the Holy Father, must, forreasons of etiquette, remain unpublished until after its presentation. But we may satisfy the legitimate curiosity of our readers by ■ saying that it falls in no way short of the noblest addresses 'that have been already presented by other nations, and,-—-

■ which is its highest praise,— that it is fully equal to and worthy of the occasion. The second document to which we refer our readers is a very valuable paper drawn up by Mr. Bodenham, giving a history of the great Catholic rnove.ment, to which the Catholics of Great Britain now fairly stand committed. We have referred elsewhere to the visible action of God in the Church at the present time. The See of Peter and S. Joseph are teaching mankind the duties of a loyal Christian Apostolate in the world, and at the same time the virtues of the interior life.

N e w S eries. V ol. V . No. 123.

A letter from Rome in the O sservatore Cat-

americans to lic o of Milan says, that the Pope lately rethe pope, ceived a company of American visitors to the number of over 200. Around His Holiness stood Cardinals Patrizi, Amat, Barnabo, Guidi, and Bonaparte, with many prelates. The visitors were spoken to separately, to each the Pope gave his hand to kiss ; and then returning to the throne he addressed them in a short speech which was brief but very impressive. He said :— “ The present season calls on us specially to meditate on the Passion of Our Lord. He suffered and died for a l l ; for you, Europeans, for you Americans ; before Him there is no distinction of peoples. But do we all enjoy the fruits of his merits ? To you Americans the Lord has given in large measure all the good things of the earth ; you have the fervour of industry and of commerce and all the arts that are useful to life; to you belongs a soil fertile and boundless, and at the same time you have such a spirit of union amongst yourselves that your power is ever on the increase. But you have desires that go beyond all these things. Some years ago it happened to me to read a book written by an Irishman who has a celebrated name, Thom as Moore. It was entitled Travels in S earch o f a R e lig io n . Well, do you make these travels ? You may do it without traversing seas or mountains. You have only to descend into your own hearts, to examine, enquire, and reflect. If you search with a mind free from prejudice, you shall find the truth. That you may do so I invoke upon you the Divine blessing. I impart it to you in the name of the Father, the Author of all Good, of the Son Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who died for us all, and of the Holy Ghost, who will grant you the light to know and the strength to embrace the truth. B en ed ic tio D e i Omnipoten tis, &c.”

We read in the Times, that faithful chronicler t he of events, and in other daily prints, the analysis ALLocuiioN. tjie pjoly Father’s Allocution at the Consistory on the 6th of this month. We were even informed upon the authority of some one, who had sure access to secret information, who were the authors of the Allocution, viz., two leading Jesuits. We have now the pleasure to inform our readers that no Consistory whatever took place on the 6th, and there was consequently no Allocution. A private council (consiglio p r iv a to ) of Cardinals was held at the Vatican, for the nomination to a number of vacant Sees; and that was all. But then what has become of the two Jesuits, the Allocution, and its summary published in the daily papers ? We cannot say.

We learn from the G azzetta Ufficiale, that for suppression it tjle pUbpc utility and the public service of

“ the State ” the following Convents, in several of which the inmates are of all kinds of OF CONVENTS IN ROME.