A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From the B r ief o) H is Holiness to The Tablet, J u n e 4, 1870.

Voi. 37. No. 1611. L o n d o n , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 8 7 1 .

P rice sd. By Post $% .

[Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper.

C hronicle of the Week : The

Papal Crusade.—More Confiscations at Rome.—The Jesuits in Italy.—The “ Daily Telegraph” •on Papal Freedom.—Words of the Pope.—M. Thiers.—The Negotiations at Versailles.—The Keller Protest.—l’Univers on Paris.—The Paris Deputies.—Monarchy in the Assembly.—Restoration Prospects. —Henri Cinque. — Aid for the French.—Proselytism in France.— See., &.................................................... 221 ¿Leaders :

Constitution of the New Germanic

E m p i r e ....................................... 225 "The Papal Guarantees—III . .225 Higher Education in Ireland.—

VIII. Erasmus Smith’s Benefactions ................................................ 226


Our French Relief Fund . . 228 Peter’s Pence. . . . 228 The New Education Code, 1871 . 228 E nglish Administrations and

Catholic Interests.— XXVI. The Viceroys of Ireland.—Lord Capel, Lord Rochester, and the Duke of Ormond .... 228 The Anglican Movement Vote of Convocation on the Committee for the Revision of the Translation of the Protestant Bible . . . 229 R eviews :

A Voyage Round the World . . 230 Mivart’s Genesis of Species . . 232 Comic War Literature . . . 233 What I saw of the War . . . 233 Short Notices : The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe.—Rainbow S to r ie s ..............................................234

Correspondence :

Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the

Election of Pope Pius IX . . 234 La Ste Adoration Réparatrice ;

P a r i s .............................................. 234 The Returned Papal Zouaves . 234 Parliamentary Summary . . 234 Rome : Letter from our Roman

Correspondent .... 237 Letter from our Italian Corre­

spondent ..... 239 Are the Romans for the Pope or for Victor Emmanuel ? . . 239 Mgr Nardi on the Roman Ques­

tion and Lord Acton’s Speech at Kidderminster .... 240 Diocesan News : Westminster ..... 241

Beverley. ..... 242

Diocesan News (continued)

Birmingham .

Clifton. . . .

Hexham and Newcastle


Menevia and Newport .

Nottingham .

Salford . . . .

Shrewsbury .

. . 242


. 243

• 243

• 243

. 244


. 244

Ireland :

Letter from our Dublin Correspondent .

The War . . . .

. 244


Foreign News :

Spain . . . .


Memoranda :


Educational .

General News

. 245

. . 246

. . 246


OU R vigilant and sagacious contemporary,

the Pall Mall Gazette, has discovered to the British public a new Popish p lo t ;

and the Globe, who evidently borrows, without acknowledgment, from the Pall Mall, is quite sure that it is true. The R om an correspondent o f the former journal tells us that th e r e is “ a P apal Crusade”; that “ forces for the recovery o f ■“ the P apal States are being mustered,” (!) and that “ when “ all is ready the P ope will leave Rom e , and put himself a t “ their head to lead them to the field,” &c. (!!). More than this, there is what the Globe calls “ every appearance of ■“ circum stantiality”; for the Pall Mall assures us that the ¡Questor at Rom e has ju s t seized, at a house in the Corso, a lith ographic stone, representing the bronze cross to b e worn by the Crusaders. Now what is the analysis o f the news ¡published by our contemporary, whose wisdom only fails fhini upon the Rom an question? His writer dates from R om e , F eb. 1 3 . H e was in haste to warn the British publ ic ; for on that very day on which he wrote, F eb . 1 3 , the Nuova Roma said that the Questor had found the lithographic stone. The Tempo o f the same date added, that “ on the night preceding, at 7 o ’clock, a public authority ■“ h ad presented him self at the Convent o f Santa Sabina to search a certain cell, and was perfectly successful, as he had ■“ found papers relating to the cross, &c.”. The Capitale o f ¡the same date provided another d e t a i l : “ F ive persons have b een arrested in the act o f enrolling people in the Catholic ““ C rusade.” Now that the Pall Mall, by a id o f the R evolu t ion a ry Rom an papers o f the 1 3 th , has discovered so much o f the truth, we may as well make a clean breast o f it ourselves, and say, what is perfectly true, that there is “ a Ca“ tholic Crusade” on f o o t ; we have known o f it for weeks p a s t , but kept it dark. The Catholic Ufiion, which meets at .Norfolk House, is deep in the plot, and the enrolment is ¡proceeding vigorously. P robably some medals may b e found at Rotherwas, and some papers at Newnham Paddox. I t might b e wise to inform the Lord L ieutenant o f the County, or at least the police. We will add two words : the C rusade discovered is a very real Crusade— but it is a crusade o f prayer; and the Pall Mall Gazette is correct when it says, that “ there is no doubt that the Italian kingdom is in

■“ a very bad plight.”

The P apal museums and libraries have now fiscations keen declared national property. The conseat rome. quence is that the Vatican P a lace itself, up to the P ope’s antecam era,is confiscated. The Holy

F a th er cannot even walk into his garden without exposing him self in the room s and galleries held by his despoilers. On the 10 th o f this month six members o f his Swiss Guard were wantonly assaulted and taken prisoners by the Italian

New Series. Vol. V. No. 120.

“ Guardie di publica sicurezza.” Twenty-six o f the principal convents in the centre o f Rom e are about to b e suppressed. Such is the liberty secured to the Church by the Guarantees o f Italy. When will the truth be acknow ledged in England ?

The Revolution which always proclaim s “ liberty” and freedom o f association, always persecutes and expels the Jesuits. A proposal o f law is now before the Italian Chamber to suppress this noble Society throughout Italy, to take possession o f all their houses, colleges, churches, revenues, and property, to forb id any o f them to live together and to b id them leave the K ingdom under pain o f expulsion. The following are the two considerations which are to determ ine the creation o f this new law : “ F irst, the evils brought upon society and “ the Church by the politico-religious sodality, called the “ Company o f Jesus: Second, that the Italian Revolution “ has always, by an irresistible political and moral necessity, “ been accom panied by the expulsion o f the Jesuits from “ the Provinces in which they existed.” So we have the barefaced hypocrisy o f a number o f Italian deputies p roposing to destroy the Jesuits out o f love for the Church, as well as for society. Yet Pius IX has declared them to be his “ unwearied co-operators,” viiei instancabili co-operatori. The Rom an College, which was their property, has already been confiscated. I t is now to serve as the Chambers for the Italian Parliam ent. As we go to press we learn that the Jesuits are under orders to leave Rome. The illustrious Society may well rejo ice in its privilege, to suffer for the faith as well as to teach it.

While the Times has indulged in an article,

the daily flavoured with personal animosity, against Mr.

on papal G ladstone for considering the “ independence freedom. “ o f the P o p e ” to b e a matter that justly con­

cerns the Government o f some 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 o f

British Catholics, the Daily Telegraph has taken a far broader and ju ster view o f the question. In a leader on W ednesday it tells us :— With respect to the Pope, the intense fanaticism of extreme Protestants would overpower the common feeling of generosity. If he were an Indian Prince who worshipped Buddha or practised polygamy, or if he were familiar with the filthy sensuality of the harem, it would not matter so much. The idolator or Mussulman might be tolerated, but the Bishop of Rome is guilty of an inexpiable offence. It is idle to reason with men who have worked themselves to a pitch of fury against the Head of the Roman Church; we need only point out that they would exclude him from the benefit of rules which apply to all the rest of the world. Happily, however, this bitter feeling is far less prevalent now than it was a few years ago. Several millions of our fellow-subjects acknowledge Pius IX as the Head of the Church. Have they not their rights, as well as every oilier class of the community ? Protestants may bewail the benighted Popish ignorance which renders allegiance to the Bishop of Rome ; but a Prime Minister, in his public capacity, is not an arbiter in religious controversies. Plainly, it is his duty to maintain, to the utmost of his power, the rights of every portion of the people without distinction. Mr. Gladstone, in his letter to Mr. Dease, lays down the principle that the