A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


F rom the B r i e f o f I l i s Holiness to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.

Voi. 36. No. 1597. L ondon, N ovember j 9, 1870.

P r ic e 5<3. B y P ost SY*'

[R e g is tered a t th e G en er a l P ost O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper.

•■ Chronicle of the Week : The

End Approaching.— Liberty of the Press. — Liberty for Episcopal Documents.— Educational Liberty in Rome.—A Living Picture.— The Quirinal Palace.— I. hi. S.— 'General Trochu and the Pope.— Thiers and the Pope.—The Pope’s Civil List. — The “ Tim es” on Jireach o f Treaty. — Russia.— Policy of Russia.— Paris.— Great French Victory.— Catholic Heroes. — Subscription for Paris.— Ireland for the Pope.— Meeting of English Catholics.— &c., &c. . . . 637 '•¡Leaders :

English Statesmen and the Inde­

pendence of the Pope. . .641 The Future of the Papacy . . 642

C O N T L eaders (continued):

The School-Boaid Elections . . 644 French and other Protests to the

Pope ...... 644 Peter’s Pence. . . . . 646 E nglish A dm in istr a t io n s and

C atholic I n terests : — NIV. The Irish Insurrection of 1798 . 646 R eview s :

The Life of Henry John Temple,

Viscount Palmerston . . . 647 Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana 648 The Matrimonial News. . . 649 S hort N otices : Anglican Friends in Council.— Schooled with Briars ; A Story of To-day. — Father Gerlache’s Account of the last days of the Pontifical Army . . . 649

E N T S . C orrespondence:

School Boards

False Christs

The Nag’s Head Story: Anglican

Orders ; S. Peter

The Uhlans in Lancashire 650 An Unreported Speech . 651 A Plebiscite Defined 651 The Murder Out .... 651 The Rosary for the Holy Souls . 651 R ome : Letter from ur Roman

Correspondent . . . 653 British Church Property n Rome. 655 Protest of the Catholics of Great

Britain against the Invasion of R om e ............................................ 655 R ecord of th e C ouncil : Con­

tinuation of Prayers for the Council.— The Council Suspended from




want of Freedom.— The “ Church Herald ” and the English Bishops. — Infallibility and the Bishop of Birmingham . . . . .656 D io cesan N eavs : Westminster .... • 657 Southwark .... •657 Birmingham . . . . .658 Liverpool . . . , . 658 Scotland.— Western District . . 658

Northern District .

• 658

I r elan d .................................... . 658 T h e W a r . . . . •659 M em oranda :

Educational . . . . .660 Fine Arts . . . . .660

C H R O N I C L E O F T H E W E E K .



H E beginning o f the end is appearing in

Rome. A private letter from a wellinformed person says, “ A massacre of the priests is expected upon the first opportunity. The Mazzinians do not stick at trifles.” A great Republican de•monstration is to take place in honour o f the miscreants Monti and Tognetti on the 24th ; and an armed attack on •the Vatican to follow is considered highly probable. Our correspondent, under date the 12 th from Rome, begs us to notify all English, Irish, and American priests not to put on the cassock on arriving in Rome, as they would run a good •chance o f the stiletto as being Jesuits ! We also learn from an eye-witness that “ the revolutionary clubs from all parts o f Italy are crowding into Rome, and groups are gathered in the piazzas, the streets, and before the cafés in a way never seen except when mischief is at hand. It seems almost certain that the Pope will very shortly leave Rome. The G azzetta del Popolo has an article on his “ departure,” say­

ing it would be a “f a t to capitalissim o e g ravissim o,” and that “ with the Pope in so abnormal a position the Catholic Powers would naturally be obliged to occupy themselves in restoring him.” “ The abolition o f all the Religious Orders, (says the Capitale) must be extended to this Capital” (Rome) : Rome resounds with cries o f “ Death to the Jesuits, away with the Jesuits! & c.”


While the Republican journals, though openly inciting to murder— only the murder o f priests and persons attached to the Papal Court— are tolerated, i f not encouraged, the Unità Cattolica has been three times seized by the police. Its offence has been that it has maintained the rights o f the Pope and has stigmatized th e conduct o f the Italian Government. This confiscation o f the Unità has been in obedience to the clamours of the Revolutionary journals, who demand the suppression of the purely Catholic papers. The Osservatore Romano, four ¡numbers o f the Im p a rz ia le in one week, and two out o f four numbers of Rome, ou la p a t r ié Catholique, have also been similarly sacrificed to Revolutionary intolerance. AVhat have our leading journals to say as to the liberty o f the press in Italy ?



The Bishop of Bergamo has published a Pastoral, calling upon his flock for prayers for the Pope and the Church under the present circumstances. It was purely a spiritual and •official document. But it has been suppressed by the Government. This is for the Government, which proclaims “ a free Church in a free State,” another instance of the meanin g they attach to those craftily designed words. What amount of liberty would they be likely to grant to the much more weighty Papal documents, if they could so far deceive

N ew Series. V oi.. IV . No. 106.

and bamboozle Europe by their lying professions o f loyalty, moderation, and conciliation, as finally to accomplish their designs, when they confiscate the inoffensive Pastoral letter o f a Bishop ? The whole of this policy has the merit o f consistency. In 1862, by an A c t o f the Government, dated April 27, the Bishops of Italy were refused permission to go to Rome for the week o f the Canonization o f the Japanese Martyrs; the hypocritical reason given for this act o f tyranny was— the prudent idea of withdrawing the Ordinaries from the consequences to which they might be exposed, in the face of their flocks, if they undertook a journey which was generally opposed to the public opinion [sic\ ! Then again so lately as the 15th o f August last, the Minister Raeli sent out an instruction marked “ R is e rv a t is s im a ” to all judicial authorities, instructing them to impose the fine o f 3,000 lire and three years’ imprisonment (a mere bagatelle 1) upon Bishops or parish priests who should publish and enforce the “ Constitution ” defining the Infallibility of the Pope. How long will the English press be silent? How long will it applaud the Kingdom o f Italy ? How long will it approve o f a policy of deception and tyranny ? When will poor John Bull wash from his eyes the religious humours which obscure his moral v is ion ; when will the good man be consistent in his advocacy o f liberty ?

“ The Romans have been restored to liberty,” e d u c a t io n a l sayS t ile circular o f Signor Visconti-Venosta.

rome. Let us ‘lave a sample o f his idea o f liberty, and at the same time o f the strength and fairness o f the new governors o f the Romans. The lecture halls of the Roman College belong to the Jesuits with as good a right and title as the Halls at Eton, Harrow or Marlborough belong to their respective proprietors or trustees. But the Municipal Giunta coveted them, and so General Lamarmora turned the Jesuits out and declared the College a Municipal Lyceum. The Jesuits however received permission (what a mockery o f liberty that such a thing should need General Lamarmora’s permission !) to hold classes within the precincts of their own dwelling. Students began to flock to their schools in greater and more enthusiastic numbers than ever before. In order to avoid all offence they were admitted by the house door and not by the public College door. But the Republican party is not to be bribed. They must have all they want. And so on Sunday week the Giunta demanded of the Governor that they should be forbidden to teach at a l l : and, as our Roman Correspondent assures us, they gave as their reason that all the Roman students preferred the Jesuit to the Municipal schools. In the evening a procession o f some 200 Republican blackguards paraded the streets with torches to the cry o f “ abbas so i Gesuiti, v ia del Collegio Rotnano, abbasso i p r e t i, & ’c.” Lamarmora was serenaded with these cries under his very windows. Lamarmora and his Government were too weak to resist the Repub-