THE TABLET. A W eekly Newspaper a n d Review .
From, the B r ie f oj H is Holiness P iu s IX . to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.
Vol. 86. No. 2885.
London, A u g u s t 24, 1895.
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[Registered a t the General Post O ffice as a N ewspaper
C hronicle of the Week !
Imperial Parliament : Debate on the Queen’s Speech— Scene in the House—The Water Famine— Continuation o f Debate on the Address — Monday’s Business— Tuesday’s Business—Wednesday’s Business — The Native Rising in China—A Missionary Autocrat in Persia— A ir. Chamberlain on Swaziland— Mr. Chamberlain’s Reply. — A •Channel Steamer Lost—The Mombasa-Uganda Rail way-An Adventu r o u s Journey — The Church Party in the House o f Commons— Lord Salisbury and Agriculture— The Rebellion in Cuba . . . . 285 L eaders :
Genteel Gipsydom ._. . . . . 289 Sancta Maria ad Nives . . . - 290 The Procession of Our Lady of
Boulogne at Boulogne-sur-Mer 290 Mr. Gladstone on Christianity . . 291 N o t e s .................................... ~ 291
R e v ie w s :
Anglican Orders . . . . . . 295 Chaucer’s Stories Simply Told . . 296 The Pulpit . . . . . . . . 297 Hajji Baba . . 298 Books of the Week.. . . . . 298 Dr. Zahm on Evolution . . . . 299 The Feast of Our Lady of Gua
dalupe . .
C orrespondence :
Rome (From Our Own Corre
spondent) . . . .
— 301
News from Ireland . . _ _ 302 L e t t e r s to t h e E d it or :
The Rights of Animals . . . . 303 Anglicans and “ Individual Seces
sion ” . .
Miss Vaughan . . . . . . 304 The Drakensberg Mission . . 304 Board Schools and Voluntary
Schools . . . . . . . . 305 Paul IV. and Anglican Orders . . 305 Catholic Hop-Pickers . . .» 305 Anglican Baptisms.. . . . . 305
L e t t e r s t o t h e E d itor (Con-
Continued) : Nuremberg . . . . . . 305 Ritualism and the Church . . 305 A School of Civil Engineering . . 305 “ Revealed Religion” .. . . 306 Matins and Evensong . . . . 306 Conservatives and Radicals . . 306 The Genealogy of the Blessed
Virgin . .
The D is c u s s io n on Anglican
Orders . . . . . . . . 306 The Outlook of Christianity in the
United^ States ........................... 306 The Passion Play at Vorderthiersee 307 The Cardinal Archbishop on the
Religious Needs of Wales.. . . 308 Notes on the Monogram “ I .H .S .” 308 Irish Banks and Railways .. .. 309 England and Devotion to Our Lady 309 The Bishop of Argyll on Reunion 310 A Clerical Congress . . . . . . 310 Cardinal Gibbons . . . . . . 3 1 1 F rom E v e r y w h e r e ........................... 312
O b it u a r y .......................................... 313 Social a n d P o l it ic a l . . — 313
SU PPLEM EN T . N ew s from t h e S chools:
T h e P r o s p e c t s o f Voluntary
Schools _................................317 A French View o f English Edu
cation . .
Criminal Literature and Crime . . 319 Grindelwald and a Concordat in
Religious Education . . . . 320 Wesleyans and th e Education
Question . . . . . . . . 320 Barry S c h o o l B o a rd and the
Catholic Schools . . . . 320 Prize Day at St. Joseph’s, Cardiff 320 N ew s from t h e D io c e s e s : Westminster ........................... 321
S o u th w a rk ................................321 Portsm outh................................321 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 321 Glasgow ....................................... '322 The Duke of Norfolk . . . . 322 The Lourdes Pilgrimage . . . . 322
Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.
relation to judicial rents. Mr. Gerald Balfour replied for the Government. On Mr. Harrington declaring that the late Government threw over Home Rule, Dr. Tanner shouted “ I t ’s a lie.” Declining to withdraw, he was suspended.
H E Queen’s Speech was read in the H ouse o f Lords on Thursday, and the Address in reply was moved by the Duke o f
Marlborough and seconded by Lord Ampthill. T h e Earl o f Rosebery, in criticizing the Speech, asked for information w ith regard to the massacres in China, and the Government p o lic y towards Arm enia and Chitral. A s to the last-named country, he defended the decision o f the late Government. A llu d in g to the general election, he declared that he did not feel any great despondency, for during the past 60 years ih e re had been action and reaction, and immunity from this could not b e promised to the Conservatives. Lord Salisbury, in reply, contended that the abandonment o f Chitral would have a most detrim ental effect. A s to China, he thought the Government o f that country were deter-mined to mete out justice to those who deserved it. In A rm enia the Government were following the policy o f their predecessors, and France and Russia had expressed an earnest desire to maintain their co-operation with this country. A fter some remarks by Earl Cowper and the Duke o f Devonshire on the London University question, the Address was agreed to. In the Commons, the Attorney■ General moved for the production o f the conviction, ju dgment, and sentence on John Daly, who is now in Portland Prison, but who has been elected for L im erick. Mr. J. R edm ond and D r . Tanner protested, but the motion was carried by 314 votes to 77, a majority o f 237. Mr. Balfour gave notice that he will move to take the tim e o f the H ouse for Government business and to suspend the twelve o ’c lo ck rule. Mr. L egh moved, and Mr. T . H . Robertson seconded, the Address. In the debate which followed, Sir W . Harcourt referred to questions o f foreign policy raised in the other H ouse by Lord Rosebery, and was ■ followed by Mr. Balfour, who, on the subject o f domestic legislation, defended the course taken by the Government in deferring their measures till next year. T h e Irish land •question would have to be dealt with then. Later, Mr. J. Redmond moved an amendment calling for a declaration o f policy on various Irish topics. Mr. D illon proposed an •amendment to this, demanding immediate legislation in
D r . Tanner’s suspension was another indica-
— s c e n e in tion o f the strained relations between the t h e h o u s e , various Irish factions. Mr. T im o th y Harring
ton, a Parnellite, who was making a speech on
Mr. R edm ond’s amendment to the Address, asserted that the Radicals had “ run away from H om e R u le .” Upon this D r . Tanner exclaim ed, at the top o f his voice, “ I t ’s a l i e ! ”— a breach o f Parliam entary order o f which the Speaker took immediate notice b y “ n am in g ” him. I t accordingly becam e the duty o f Mr. Chamberlain, who was temporarily leading the House, to move the suspension o f the Member for M id Cork, and the Speaker, having put the question, appointed Sir W illiam W a lrondand Mr. Anstruther, the Government whips, to tell for the motion. H e next inquired whether there were any tellers against it, to which Dr. Tanner responded, “ I will tell myself, i f I can find a co-teller.” N one o f his colleagues came to his aid, however, so the Speaker having again put the question, declared, “ T h e A yes have it.” T h e scene that ensued was partly painful, partly ludicrous. T h e member for M id Cork, who was labouring under great excitem ent, threw h im self back in his seat, fo lded his arms, and b y his gestures gave it to be understood that he would not y ield except to superior force. I t thus becam e the Speaker’s duty to call upon the D eputy Serjeant-at-arms “ to see that the orders o f the H ouse are obeyed.” In response, Mr. Gosset left his seat and, approached the irate doctor, who stood up, and gesticulating I towards the Chair shouted, “ I f the Speaker calls me to withdraw I shall take counsel— .” W ithout finishing his sentence he descended the gangway, and standing in front o f the Mace, exclaim ed, “ I withdraw with more pleasure than I entered this dirty H ouse o f Commons.” Next, he crossed over to the Treasury Bench, and, pointing at close quarters to Mr. Chamberlain, called out, “ Judas— Judas ! ’’ repeating the word again and again as he moved backwards down the floor. On reaching the Bar, where a number o f members were assembled, he turned round, elbowed his way through the throng, shrieking, “ Out o f my way. None o f your nonsense with me ! ” and actually seized and roughly shook one hon. member by the coat-collar as he passed. Finally, he disappeared from view, closely followed by the Deputy-Serjeant. T h e suspension, being for the first tim e, remains in force for a week.
New Series, Vol, LIV ., No. 2,194