RL Weekly Newspaper and Review.
From the B r i e f o f H is H o lin ess P iu s IX . to The Tablet, June 4, 1870.
V o l . 85. No. 2869.
L ondon, May 4» 1895*
price 5d. bypost ¡w
[Registered a t th e General P ost O ffice as a N ewspaper
-Chronicle of th e W e e k : Page
Imperial Parliament: The Rating o f Government Property—Mon■ day’s Sitting — One Man One "Vote, One Day’s Poll—Lord Halifax and the Recent Encyclical— The Occupation of Corinto—The ‘Great W h e e l — T h e Unionist Alliance— Spain and Morocco— Lord Lansdowne on Home Rule —Church History and Disestab
lishment— English History for Little Fijians — Drones in the Legal Hive — The Tasso Centenary — Agricultural Crisis^ in Spain—German Trade in Chile— Election Intelligence— The Budget ................................................ 677
L e a d e r s :
The Scene at St. Mark’s and its
Lesson ..
.. . . 681
French and English Methods in the East .. .. .. .. 681 The Westminster Cathedral . . 633 Lord Halifax and Reunion .. 683 Anglican O r d e r s .........................684 N otes . . _ . . . . — 686 R eviews :
The Lamaism of Tibet . . . . 688 Studies in Theology .. .. 689 An Ethical Commonplace Book 689 The Resurrection of the Dead .. 690 The Social-Official Etiquette of the United States .. .. 690 Incense : A Liturgical Study .. 6go Books of the Week.. .. . . 690 Old-Time Odes on the Holy Rosary 691
Disendowment and Continuity . . 691 The Fraternal Society of Conveirts 691 C orrespondence :
Rome :—(From Our Own Corre
spondent) .................................... L etters to th e E ditor :
Catholics and Armenian “ Atro cities ” Bishop Walmesley, V.A., 1756-
Chapter of St. Anne of Bavaria 695
A Slip Anglican Orders Father Bernard Vaughan’s Lectures in Reply to the Bishop of Man' Chester on Roman Claims The Anglican Church and Divorce 699 Jeanne D ’Arc and the Memorial
693 694
695 695 696
Church at Domremy . .. 700
The Press on the Pope’s Letter .. 700 The Irish Protestant Synod .. 701 O b ituary ........................................ 703 Social and P olitical . . . . 704
SUPPLEMENT. Leo XIII. ad Anglos .. .. 709N ews from th e S chools :
Birmingham School Board and
Voluntary Schools .. .. 711 Religious Examinations in the
Diocese of Shrewsbury .. 712 Scholastic Reform in Germany .. 713 Public Aid for Voluntary Schools 713 The Biggest Bjok in the World.. 713 Marydale Catholic School, Strathglass ........................................ 713 N ews from th e D ioceses : Westminster . . . . ... 713
Southwark . . .. ,. . . 703
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----------------* ---------------
N Friday Sir A .R o llit moved an amendment to the effect that the exemption of Government property from rating
■ was wrong in principle and unjust in its operation to the local authorities and to the general body o f ratepayers, and ought to be terminated by legislation placing such property on an equality for rating purposes with that of otner ratepayers. H e said he had received many communications which indicated that there was a general and strong feeling ■ on this subject throughout the country. Government works ot an industrial character frequently added to the poor o f a neighbourhood, and consequently increased the local 'burdens. The County Council estimated that from ,£ 40>°°° to £ 5 0 ,000 was lost to the ratepayers of London each year, owing to the exemption of Government property, but other -valuers put it at ¿£87,500 a year. A t present the Government made its own valuation of its property, but the only satisfactory method was for Government and private property to be valued on the same principle. Mr. Pickersgill seconded the Amendment. The subject was discussed at some length, and Sir J. Hibbert admitted that some case Lad been made out for an appeal from the valuation by the Government valuer, and that he would be prepared to grant such an appeal if a proper tribunal could be constituted. H e had full confidence that the Government valuer would deal with the question brought before him in a way which would give satisfaction not only to the local authorities, but also to the Treasury. H e thought it would be desirable in the future that the Government valuation should be liable to revision when a re-valuation took place in the Metropolis and in the country. Under these circumstances, he hoped the'Amendment would not be pressed. He wished to carry out loyally the Treasury Memoiandum o f 1874. Mr. W. Long thought that if the Amendment was adopted it would carry matters too far, and he hoped the House would adopt the assurance that the Government would remove existing injustices. Mr. Stuart pointed out that the Treasury Minute o f 1874 stated that the Treasury adopted the principle that property occupied for the Public Service should be subject to the local rates equally with other property in the parishes
New Series, Vol LIII., No 2,178.
in which it is situated. H e said that the Treasury had carried out this principle very inadequately. The carrying of it out should not be left to the discretion of a Department, and all that the Amendment insisted on was that the Minute should be given effect to permanently and not arbitrarily. He, therefore, pressed the Government to frankly accept the Amendment, with or without the words which called for legislation on the subject. After some further discussion, Sir J. H ibbert adhered to his position, and preferred to rely on the carrying out of the Treasury Minute of 1874. On a Division, the Amendment was lost by 65 to 64.
—Monday’s s i t t i n g .
In the House of Commons on Monday, the B ill promoted by the Chelsea Water Company, for the purpose o f obtaining power to raise ¿£50,000 for the laying of new mains, was referred to the same Select Committee as the Bills proposing to give the County Council power to acquire the undertakings o f the Lambeth and the Southwark Companies. The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved that for the remainder o f the Session the Tuesdays and the Friday mornings should be devoted to Government business. After some further debate, in the course of which Mr. Chamberlain opposed the Motion, Mr. Balfour said his reason for opposing the motion was that the whole of their proceedings during the present Session were not undertaken in a serious spirit, by serious politicians, and for a serious object. The whole thing was an elaborate practical joke. H e objected to making all this immense exertion about Bills which were not to be passed. On a division, the motion was carried by 252 to 230, amid Ministerial cheers. On a formal motion to set up Supply, the Chancellor of the Exchequer sketched the business of the House during the remainder o f the week, and his announcement that a Bill in reference to plural voting would be introduced on Tuesday gave rise to derisive Opposition cheering. The motion was agreed to. The House went into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates.
On Tuesday, Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, in asking for leave to introduce a Bill to prohibit plural voting at Parliamentary elections and to provide for taking the polls at these elections on one day, remarked that a great advantage of the measure was that it would have immediate effect after becoming law, whereas a Registration Bill could not be passed in time to be operative at the coming registrations. With a view to giving force to the Bill at the earliest