A Weekly Newspaper and Reviezv.
F ro m ih e B r i e t oj H i s H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T h e T a b l e t , J u n e 4, 1870.
V ol. 84. No. 2831. L ondon, A ugust i i , 1894. P r ic e sd . b y P o s t sJ£d.
[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r
' C r o n ic le o f t h e W e e k :
Imperial Parliament : The Evicted T e n a n t s Bill — The Building Societies (No. 2) Bill — Equaliza•tion of Rates (London) Bill— The Postmaster-General and the Postmen—The Wellman Arctic Expedition— Lynching in the United
'S ta tes— The Grindelwald Conference— The Doctors on Respons ib il ity— T h e N a t i o n a l Free Labour Association— The Social Democrats— The Imperial Wedding at Peterhof — The Chino-
apanese War — The Relations etween Britain and China . . 197 L ea d e r s :
The Latest Theory o f Evolution 201 Books before the Printing Era . . 202 Aspects of Anglicanism . . . . 203 N o t e s ........................................ . . 205
C O N T E N T S .
R e v ie w s :
The Primitive Church and the
See of Peter .. . . . . 207 Fastern Customs in Bible Lands 208 The Mass . . . . .. . . 209 Catholic Science and Catholic
L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r (Con
tinued) : The Gieek Church . . . . 216 A School Treat . . . . . . 216 St. Edward the Confessor and St.
Page 1
Scientists .. . . . . 210 The Expositor's Bible . . . . 211 Books of the Week . . . . 211 Father Ignatius in Cardiff . . 211 C orrespon d e n c e :
Rome :— (From Our Own Corre
spondent) . . . . . . . . 213 News from Ireland ........................ 214 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :
St. Constance . . . . . . 215 The Inverted Image on the Retina 215 Catechism of Bulgaris . . . . 216 St. Anselm’s Society . . . . 216 C a t h o l i c English Books fo r
Brussels . . . . . . . . 216
Peter . . . . . . . . . . 216 Geographical Catholicism . . .. 218 The League o f the Cross Convention 219 The Religion of Three Children 220 Peace Association . . . . . . 221 Catholic Social Union . . . . 221 N ew s from t h e S c h o o l s :
The Buckfast School Contest . . 221 Fort Augustus : Exhibition at the
Abbey School .. . . . . 2 2 1 St. Francis Xavier’s College, Rue
Notre Dame, Bruges, Belgium 222 American Teachers and the Supre
macy of Law . . . . . . 222 A Chinese Competitive Examina
tion . . .. .. . . 222 London School Board E lection . . 22?
N ew s from t h e S chools (Con
tinued) : P u b l i c Elementary Education
Money .. . . . . .. 222 Smyllmn O r p h a n a g e School,
Lanark . . . . . . ..222 N ew s from t h e D io ce se s : Westminster . . . . . . 223
Southwark . . . . . . . . 2231 Clifton . . . . . . . . 223 Hexham and Newcastle . . ..224 Portsmouth . . . . . . 224 Plymouth . . . . . . . . 224 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 224 The School Board Election.. . . 224 F rom E v e r yw h e r e . . . . 224 S o c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l . . . . 224
SU P P L EM E N T Catholic Young Men’s Societies . . 229
Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.
C H R O N I C L E O F T H E W E E K .
— T H E E V IC T E D T E N A N T S B IL L . T ‘ H E Evicted Tenants B ill was again considered in Com mittee on Thursday week.
With three or four exceptions, the
‘Conservatives and Liberal Unionists once more declined to take part in the proceedings. On Clause 4 Mr. C lancy moved an amendment the object of which was to empower the arbitrators, in addition to ordering a free grant o f ^ 5 0 for the rebuilding or repair of a house, to make a free grant to the reinstated tenant in respect o f offices or in sowing ■ crops or stocking his holding. Mr. J. Morley, upon declining to accept the amendment, was pressed by a number of Nationalist members, as well as by Sir A . Rollit and Mr. Hanbury, to give it his favourable consideration, all o f them arguing that a certain limit o f discretion might fairly be left to the arbitrators. Eventually the Chief Secretary promised to consider the matter before the Report s ta g e ; and on this understanding the amendment was withdrawn. Mr. C lancy next moved to strike the ^ 5 0 limitation out o f the Bill, in order that a sum in excess o f that amount might be given, at the discretion o f the arbitrators, in exceptional cases. M r . J. Moriey protested that the funds at his disposal were altogether insufficient to justify him in consenting to the amendment. After some debate the amendment was negatived, on a division, by 104 votes against 54. T h e title »having been amended in conformity with the objection which was taken by Mr. Chamberlain on Friday that the Bill exceeded the “ order o f leave,” the measure passed through »Committee, amid cheers, and the Report stage was fixed for Monday. On that day two new clauses were introduced on ■ the motion o f Mr. John Morley. T h e first provided that voluntary agreements made within a year after the commencement o f the A c t might be made the subject o f an order under its provisions ; and the second gave the arbitrators power to “ migrate ” evicted tenants whose reinstatement was impossible owing to the objection o f the new tenant. A long discussion took place on an addition to Clause 4, proposed by Mr. John Moriey, providing that in the case o f objection by the new tenant the arbitrators may award out o f the funds at their disposal to the evicted
N f. w Series. Vol. L I I . , N o 2,140
tenant “ such sums as they may deem reasonable, not exceeding the sums which might have been payable if the reinstatement had been made.” Mr. Sexton moved to extend this so as to apply to evicted tenants whose application for reinstatement had been dismissed from any cause. This was opposed by the Solicitor-General on the ground that the ^250,000 would not meet the new charge, and it was rejected by 93 votes to 53. Mr. Hayden next moved an amendment enabling the arbitrators to award to the evicted tenant the value of his tenant-right recoverable from, the landlord or the new tenant. T h e Solicitor-General opposed this as being contrary to the principle o f the B ill, and Mr. Sexton, on behalf of the Anti-Parnellites, supported it. On a division, it was rejected by 94 votes to 52. Mr. Morley’s addition was then carried, and the Report stage was concluded. Lord Balfour has given notice o f his intention to propose the rejection o f the Evicted Tenants Bill when Lord Spencer submits the motion for second reading in the House o f Lords on Monday.
In the consideration o f this Bill, as amended by the Standing Committee on ( n o . 2) b i l l . Law, several new clauses on 1 hursday week were accepted by Mr. H . Gladstone and the Lord Advocate, on behalt o f the Government. One o f them was moved by Mr. Hanbury to prevent, under a penalty o f ^ 5 0 , a building society official accepting any gift, bonus, commission, or benefit. Another, moved by Mr. Hopwood, was to enable a defendant or his wife to give evidence in any criminal proceedings under the A c t. A third, in the name o f Sir J. Lubbock, which was criticized by Mr. G. Balfour, the Lord Advocate, and other members, was ultimately passed in a modified shape, providing that the form o f annual account and statement directed to the Registrar should be laid before Parliament. A number o f amendments on points o f detail were moved, and negatived without any division, and Clause 14 was still under discussion at twelve o’clock, when the debate was adjourned. On Wednesday this Bill was further considered on the report stage, and, after the remaining amendments had been disposed of, it was read a third time.
On the order for going into Committee
— e q u a l i z a t i o n on this g j j j on jT r j(3a y week, Mr. Grove
(l o n d o n ) b i l l . movecl an instruction empowering the
Committee to extend the provisions o f the Bill to West Ham, on the ground that that borough was an integral part o f the Metropolis, and was a poor locality