TABLET. A Weekly Newspaper and Review.
F rom the B r ie f oj H is H o lin ess P iu s IX . to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.
V ol. 83. No. 2815. London, A pril 21, 1894. P rice sd. by P ost 5% d.
[R egistered a t th e G eneral Post O ffice as a N fwrpapfr
C hronicle of th e W e ek :
Imperial Parliament: The Budget — The Registration Bill — The Scotch Standing C om m i t te e — European Disarmament — Crimes Act — The State of the French .N a v y — French Finance — The Condition of India— Germany and the Jesuits— The Spanish Commercial Treaties— Wesleyan Census of Church Membership . . 597 L e a d e r s :
Taxing the Landed Interest . . 601 The Spanish Pilgrimage . . . . 602 Cardinal Pole and the Reconcilia
tion of England . . . . . . 603 The Proposed Institute in Sinigaglia 604 N otes . . ... 605 The Catholic Social Union Demon
stration, St. James Hall . . . . 606 R eviews :
Ascetical Treatises by Jesuits . . 606 In an Orchard .............................. 607
R eviews (Continued):
Jack Doyle’s Daughter . . . . 607 Prince Bonaparte’s Library . . 607 Barabas .. . . . . . . 60S Books o f the Week . . . . 608 Funeral of the Bishop o f Liverpool 608 Opening of the Carmelite Convent o f the Blessed Trinity . . . . 611 Feast of St. Benedict in Rome . . 611 O b ituary . . . . . . . . 611 C orrespondence :
Rome :— (From Our Own Corre
spondent) . . . . . . . . 613 News from Ireland...........................615 L etters to th e E d itor :
The Deluge and the “ Higher
Criticism ” . . . . . . 616 | Duties of Men Towards Animals 617 1
L etters to th e E ditor (Con
Page tinued) : Stonyhurst Coats of Arms . . 618 Beware of Breakers Ahead ! . . 619 Vivisector's Tactics . . . . 619 Public Control . . . . . . 620 The Name o f Blessed Petci Favre 620 Cardinal Newman Memorial Fund 620 The Paschal Candle . . . . 620 The Hymns o f St. Ambrose . . 620 The Catholic Social Union . . . . 620 Undenominational N u rsin g .. . . 621 Another Catholic Evidence Lecture at Shoreditch Town Hall . . 621 F rom E verywhere Social and Political . . 621 . . 624
SU P P LEM EN T . N fws from th e Schools :
The Twenty-first Annual Report of St. Joseph’s Society . . . . 629
Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.
Actual revenue Actual expenditure
N ews from th e Schools (Con
tinued) : Buckfastleigh School Question . . 630 R e l i g i o u s Teaching in Board
Schools . . . . . . ^ . 630 The School Board and Religion 631 Education Department . . . . 632 N ews from th e D io ceses:
Westminster . . . . . . 632 Birmingham ............................632 Clifton . . . . . . . . 632 Leeds . . ............................633 Middlesbrough . . . . . . 633 Newport and Menevia . . . . 633 Northampton . . . . . . 633 Nottingham ........................................ 633 Portsmouth . . . . . . . . 633 Glasgow . . . . . . . . 633 Galloway . . . . . . . . 633 Archconfraternity o f Divine E xp ia
tion . . . . . . . . . . 63
9 L 3 ° 3.° ° °
N the House of Commons, on
Monday, the Chancellor o f the Exchequer made his Budget statement in Committee o f Ways and
Means. A s to the past year the revenue was .£91,133,000, or £507,000 less than the estimate, while the expenditure was ¿ 9 l i3 °3 t000t or £ 16 1 ,0 00 less than had been estimated. With regard to the coming financial year the estimated expenditure was ^95,458,'000, or nearly four millions more than last year. This increase was due to extra provision for the navy, education, and the postal service. On the other hand, the revenue was estimated at only £90,956,000, or £ 177,000 less than last year. This left a deficit of £4,502,000 t0 be provided for. To meet this he described a method o f dealing under the New Sinking Fund with certain charges— the Imperial and Naval Defence Funds— by which he would reduce the deficit to be met by taxation to £ 2 ,3 7 9 ,0 0 0 . T o provide for this he turned first to the death duties, which he discussed in detail, calculating they would eventually yield an increase o f between 3 and 4 millions,but only about a million o f the increase could be counted on in the present year. With regard to the Income T ax he asked that it should be raised by a penny in the pound, from 7d. to 8d. But an allowance would be made on the gross income as assessed under Schedule A . There would also be a further exemption and graduation. Incomes under £ 1 6 0 a year would be exempt, and those up to £ 4 0 0 would have an abatement of £ 1 6 0 instead of £ 1 2 0 ; while incomes between £400 and ¿£500 would have an abatement of £ 10 0 . The net result would be that people with incomes below £ 5 0 0 would pay less than now, and the additional penny, in consequence of this relief, would only yield an extra £330,000 to the revenue. The remainder o f the deficit would be met by an additional duty of 6d. a gallon on spirits and 6d. a barrel on beer. The chief features o f the Budget will be readily seen from the subjoined table :
Estimated revenue .. . ... ... ... £91,640,000 Estimated expenditure ... ... ... 91,464,000
Estimated surplus N e w S e r i e s , Vol. LI., No. 2,124.
Actual deficit
Estimated revenue on existing taxation Estimated expenditure
Estimated deficit... Less the New Sinking Fund (taken to meet
Naval Defence charges) and other amounts
Net estimated deficit Estimated revenue on amended taxation :
Increase on Death Duties ... Increase on Beer and Spirits Increase on Income Tax ...
Total Increase ... Estimated deficit...
90,956,000 95>45s ,° 0°
4.502.000 2.123.000 2.379.000 1,000,000 1.340.000
330,000 2.670.000 2.379.000
Estimated surplus ... ... 291,000 These are the details o f the Graduated Death Duty : The present probate duty, account duty, estate duty, and succession duty abolished, and a new estate duty substituted, chargeable on every class o f property passing at death, whether realty or personalty, at the following rates :
On estates of
£ 10 0 , and less than
£500, I per cent.
500, and less than 1,000, and less than 10.000, and less than 25.000, and less than 50.000, and less than 75.000, and less than 100.000, and less than 150.000, and less than 250.000, and less than 500.000, and less than 1,000,000 and upwards,
1,000, 2 per cent. 10.000, 3 per cent. 25.000, 4 per cent. 50.000, 4 per cent. 75.°°°) 5 Per cent. 100.000, 5% per cent. 150.000, 6 per cent. 250.000, per cent. 500.000, 7 per cent. r,ooo,ooo, 7)^ per cent.
8 per cent.
Stamp duty o f 30s. on estates not exceeding £300 abolished.
Mr. Morley, on the 13th, moved for leave to bring in a Bill to reduce the period o f qualification for Parliamentary and Local Government electors ; to provide for the halfyearly registration o f such electors, and for taking the polls at a Parliamentary General Election on one d a y ; to restrict