A IVeekly Newspaper and Review
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX . to T h e T a b l e t , June 4, 1870.'
Voi. 53. No. 2041.
London, May 24, 1879.
pm« post 5^<i
[R eg iste r ed a t t h e G en e r a l P o st O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper.
C hronicle of t h e W eek
The Irish University Bill.— The Debate on the Second Reading. — CardinalNewman.—TheFrench Government and the Archbishop of A ix .— Liberal Opinion on M. Ferry’s Bill. — England and France.— The End of the Afghan War.— Sir Bartle Frere and the ColonialSecretary.-The Memorial o f the Boers to the Queen.— Disturbances in the Deccan.— Tenant-Right in Ireland.— The Presidency of the German Reichstag and the Centre Party.— The Fitzalan Chapel at Arundel. Dr. Von Ddllinger on Cardinal Newman .. . . . . .. 641
P e t e r s P en c e
L ea d e r s :
Page • 645
The Irish University B i ll.. . . 645 English Opinion on the French
Education Question _ . . .. 645 The Municipal Administration of the Metropolis . . .. . . 646 The War in South America . . 648 Mr. Gladstone on Probabilism.. 649
R ev iew s :
Daniel Defoe . . . . . . 650 Hume . . .. . . . . 650 The Church Missionary Atlas 651
C hurch M usic N ew M usic . . A r t :
Burlington House ,
Page . 651 . 652
. 652
C o rrespondence :
Catholics and Board Schools .. 653 School Boards . . . . . . 653 Catholic Schools and Government
Grants .. . . . . . . 653 Catholic Education . . . . 654 St. Joseph’s, Brighton . . . . 654 The “ Month” for May . . . . 654 Re-Opening of St. Etheldreda’s . . 654 Provost von Dollinger . . . . 654 P a r l ia m en t a r y S ummary : 655
_ _
R ome :— Letter from our own
Correspondent........................ «657 D io cesan N ews
Westminster.......................................6 ^ Southwark . . . . . . . . 659 Birmingham.. . . . . . . 659 Leeds.................................................. 660 Salford ....................................... 66r S cotland :
Galloway . . .. . . . . 66r M em oranda :
R e l i g i o u s .......................................66r I r e lan d :—
Letter from our own Corre
spondent ......................... _ 662 F oreign N ews :—
Germany . . . . . . . . 663 G en er a l N ews : .............................. 663
ON Thursday last T h e O ’Conor D on introduced his B ill “ to make better provision for University education in Ireland.” T h e names on the back o f the B ill are those o f Mr.
Kavanagh, Mr. Shaw, Mr. M itchell Henry, Lord Charles Beresford, and Mr. Parnell. The O ’C onor Don explained its provisions in an able and judicious speech, and, in the short conversation which follow ed, the Chancellor o f the Exchequer, on the part o f the Government, intim ated that he would postpone the expression o f any opinion on the subject until he had seen it in print. T h e B i l l was in the hands o f members on Monday. I t proposes that there shall be established in Ireland a University which shall be a corporation by the name o f the “ University o f S t . Patrick.” T h e University is to consist o f the Chancellor, V ice-Chancellor, and Senators, and of all persons who shall becom e matriculated students, and upon whom the Senate shall confer degrees. T h e Lord-Lieutenant o f Ireland is to appoint the Chancellor and V ice-Chancellor, and the first Senators are to be named in the Bill. T h e Chancellor, V ice-Chancellor, and Senate, and registered graduates for the time being shall constitute the Convocation o f the U n iversity, and all graduates of two years’ standing shall be entitled to register. A s soon as the number o f Convocation reaches one hundred, every alternate vacancy in the Senate which shall arise from death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be supplied by creation o f a Senator by Convocation for the three ensuing years until six Senators shall have been so elected ; and the vacancies among elected Senators are to be supplied as they occur, so that the total number o f Senators elected by Convocation shall continue six. T h e duty o f the Senate shall be to promote University education in Ireland, (a) By instituting and carrying on a system of public examinations o f University students for matriculation, degrees, exhibitions, scholarships, and fellowship. (b) B y conferring degrees, (c) B y providing for the payment o f exhibitions, scholarships, and fellowships, (d) B y affiliating or taking into connection with the University colleges fulfilling certain conditions. (c) By providing for the payment to the heads or other governing bodies o f affiliated colleges o f fees dependent upon the results o f public examinations. (/ ) By providing for the payment o f such salaries as the Senate shall direct to lecturers attached to affiliated colleges, (g) By providing for the erection and maintenance o f museums, libraries, and laboratories at the affiliated colleges, [h) Generally by applying the funds p laced at the disposal o f the Senate for the purposes o f the A c t , provided that no examination shall be held in any
New Series, ’ Vol. XXI. No. 550.
subject o f religious instruction, nor any payment made in respect thereof. T h e Senate is to make rules, with the a p proval of theLord-Lieutenant, for carrying the A c t into effect, which are to be laid before Parliam ent within three weeks. Exhibitions, scholarships, and fellowships shall not be held, by any person who holds similar prizes from any other U n iversity, or who, during the preceding year, has attended lectures therein. T h e Commissioners o f Church T em poralities in Ireland are to provide for the use o f the Senate, out o f the property accruing to the Commissioners by the Church A c t o f 1869, such amount as the Senate shall estimate to be required for the purposes o f the Act, not exceeding in the whole one million and a half pounds. T h e word “ college” is interpreted to mean in the A c t “ any in stitution in Ireland— not being a college in connection with any University now existing in Ireland, or an institution in receipt o f result fees under the Interm ediate Education (Ireland) A c t , 1878,— at which the studies required by the Senate for obtaining a degree shall be taught, and in which, or in some boarding house or houses under the control o f the authorities o f which, at least twenty persons over the age o f eighteen years shall, for at least six months previous to each examination, be resident.” T h e word “ S tu d en t” means a person pursuing his studies in the manner required by the Senate. T h e University is to consist o f the faculties o f the arts, of medicine and surgery, o f law, and o f engineering. I t is proposed that there shall be twenty fellowships attached to the University, four o f which are to be competed for each year at the examination for the degree o f B .A . , provided that at least twenty students pass; and if less than twenty pass, then there is to be one fellowship for every five students who pass. Each fellowship is to be o f the value o f jQ 200 per annum, and shall last for four years, provided that the fellow takes his M .A . degree in the fourth year, and be resident at, or a professor in, his college for ten remaining years. For every ten students who pass the matriculation examination, an exhibition o f £¡20 a year, tenable for hree years, is to be assigned ; and for any ten students who pass the examination o f the first year in the faculty o f arts an exhibition o f ,£ 30 is to be given, tenable during the second and third years o f the arts’ course. A scholars ip o f £(50 a year is to be assigned for every ten students ' ho pass the examination in the second year, tenable for three years, conditionally on the scholar obtaining his degree o f B .A . at the end o f the third session, and his degree o f M .A . at the end o f the fourth. Further exhibitions of ,£'20 each are provided for the faculties o f law, medicine, and engineering on similar conditions. T h e results fe - to be payable to the affiliated colleges from which student; may be presented for examination to the University, are set forth in a schedule attached to the B ill.