A Weekly Newspaper and Review.
From the Brief of His Holiness to The Tablet, June 4, 1870
V o l . 4 6 . N o . 1 8 5 8 . L o n d o n , N o v e m b e r 2 0 , 1 8 7 5 .
P rice sd. By P ost s^ d .
[R egistered a t the General P ost O ffice as a N ewspaper
C hronicle of th e W e e k :—
The Prince of Wales in India.— The French Electoral Law.—The New French Press Law.—The Municipal Bill.— Higher Education in Ireland and America.—The Colston Anniversary Speeches.— The New Law Officers.— The Floods.—Turkey & the Northern Powers. — The Insurgents in Servia _ and Montenegro.—The War in Spain.— Don Carlos’s Offer.—The Outbreak in Perak.— Mr. Stanley’s Expedition.— King Mtesa.— Count Von Arnim’s Pamphlet.—The New French Universities .. .. .. .. 641
L eaders :
Reformatory & Industrial Schools 645 Catholic University, Dublin .. 646 The Premature Announcements of
Science .. .. .. .. 646 Fictitious Appeals to a General
Council.— I II................................647 A Trial in Rome, in the Convent of the Filippini .. .. .. 648 P ictures :
The Frère Gallery .. .. 649 R eview s :
The Dublin Review.. .. .. 649 Sherborne ; or, the House at the
Four Ways.. .. .. .. 651 Contemporary Review .. .. 651
Short N otices :
The Children’s Treasury of English
Song...............................................652 The New Testament .. .. 653 The Mirror of Faith . . .. 653 Literary, Artistic, & Scientific Gossip 653 C orrespondence:
Ratisbon; Church Music and
“ Precentor” .. .. .. 653 Secularism in Elementary Educa
tion ........................ .. .. 654 Dr. Johnson on Communion in
One Kind .. .. . . . . 655 The Barnet Schools.. .. .. 655 Freemasonry.. .. .. .. 655 St. Joseph’s Foreign Missionary
College of the S. Heart, Mill Hill 655 R ome :— Letter from our own Cor
respondent . . .. .. 657
Address to the Pope . . .. 658 D iocesan N ew s :—
Westminster.. .. .. . . 65S Southwark . . .. .. . . 658 Beverley .. .. .. .. 659 Birmingham .. .. .. .. 659 Clifton.. .. .. .. .. 659 Liverpool .. .. .. .. 659 Scotland—Western District .. 65o I reland :
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .. .. . . . . 660' Foreign N ews Russia .. .. 661
Belgium ......................... .. 662 Germany .. . . .. .. 602 M emoranda :—
Catholic, Union .. .. .. 662 Educational........................ „. 663 General N ews ........................... 663
'H E Prince o f Wales has had a very enthusiastic reception at Poonah, the former seat o f the Peishwas, and the stronghold o f Brahminism in
Western India. H e rode up to the temple o f Parvatti on an elephant, reviewed the troops on the race-course, made a progress through the old c ity and the modern town, witnessed a splendid illum ination, and returned to Bombay, where he presented new colours to the -21st N a tive Infantry on W ednesday, and gave audience to the descendant o f the O ld Man o f the Mountain, who is said to have been greatly delighted at seeing the descendant o f “ Edward o f England.” T h e rumours of cholera if Southern India have caused some uncertainty whether the programme o f the journey will be observed exactly, and i f some o f the expeditions are omitted the Prince will arrive in C eylon rather earlier than was intended. I t has been settled that he is to stay at Madras on his way from Ceylon to Calcutta. On W ednesday he went to see the Parsee “ T ow e r o f S ilence,” the H in doo burning-place, and the shrine at Walkeshwar, d ined and slept on board the Serapis, and started on Thursday for a short visit to Baroda.
T h e French Governm ent has won its cause,
the french as was expected, and by 31 votes. M.jjGam-
betta’s organ o f course maintains that though beaten in the A ssem b ly the scrutin de lisle has the country in its favour, but we doubt this very much. F o r a long time past a strong feeling has been growing up — a feeling b y no means confined to keen politicians— that the system in force was too favourable to party wirepulling, and we suspect that the vote in the Chamber very fairly represented the balance o f public opinion in France. T h e debate and division were got over in one day, each side having very sensibly put forward their strongest man, and abstained from making any more speeches. M. P icard , indeed, first spoke in the name o f the present Committee o f Thirty, using against the scrutin de arrondissement the argument that it would strike a severe blow at universal suffrage, as the numerical proportions in the constituencies would be thus more roughly represented than by the scrutin de liste. A n arrondissement, however small, would return one deputy, and one with 199,500 electors only tw o ; 22 arrondissem ents, which have only 600,000 in the aggregate, would return 22 deputies, and Paris, with 2,200,000 inhabitants, only 2 4 ; and so on. Then M . Dufaure spoke, and was trenchant and sarcastic as usual. H e asked how it was possible that the millions o f electors who were not very enlightened or very conversant w ith politics could g iv e a vote that was worth anything for as many as six or nine candidates, and as an instance o f the way in which th e scrutiti de arrondissement would protect minorities he referred to M. Barodet’s election at Paris. I f 22 deputies had had to be e lected on that occasion, the candidates returned would all have been men o f M . B arodet’s principles, though in eight arrondissemenis M . de Rdmusat had a majority. T h is is indeed one o f the strongest arguments in favour o f the new system , which is in the case o f the capital very nearly equivalent to our system o f metropolitan boroughs. Westminster and the C ity would be scarcely satisfied i f their political opinions were always liable to be swamped by those o f Finsbury, H ackney, the Tower-H am lets, and the transpontine boroughs. Y e t this until now has been the fate o f the richer quarters o f Paris. F inally, M. Dufaure thanked the Radicals for their candid professions o f faith during the recess— which, he said, would not a llow him to vote for them. “ W e are not R e “ publicans,” he added, “ after the same fashion. T h e y “ may say that my R epublic is not the true one. I would “ say the same o f theirs.” T h e champion of the Left was M . Gambetta, who spoke with such fire and e loquence that the Tribune was surrounded by an admiring group com posed o f adversaries as well as friends. H e was very bitter against the Orleanists— speaking o f the Monarchy of July as upset by an agitation o f knives and forks— and very sarcastic about the belief in a conspiracy against society. “ There are a lw ays,” he said, “ men ready to detect those “ who imperil property, order, the fam ily, and— even the “ Cabinet.” “ Tw o o f the heads o f the hydra were “ discovered— one at Marseilles, and the other at Lyons. “ Only, unfortunately, the Lyons hydra turned out to be in “ the pay o f the G overnm en t; it was a hydra receiving “ wages.” H e threatened the Orleanists with extinction as a political party, saying that, though they had succeeded in “ changing a R evolution whiie it was a t nurse,” they would not be able to rear the infant. A n individual Orleanist m ight get elected in some very small arrondissement, or one where there is a good Prefect or sub-Prefect, but as a party they would be crushed between the Republicans and Bonapartists. Then, declaringthat all parties,if they knew theirown interests, ought to maintain the scrutin de liste, M. Gambetta concluded by demanding a vote by secret ballot, professing, apparently, to believe that i f party pressure were taken off many more members would vote against the Government. M. Thiers was the first to vote— o f course for the scrutin de liste. But M . L e fev re Pontalis’s amendment was carried by 357 votes to 326. I t is thus worded : “ T h e members o f “ the Chamber o f Deputies are elected singly. Every ad“ ministrative arrondissenient shall e lect one deputy. T h e “ arrondissements, the population o f which exceeds 100,000, “ shall e lect an additional deputy for every 100,000 or frac
N ewJSeries, V ol, X IV . No. 367.