A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From the Brief of His Holiness to T h e T a b l e t , June 4, 1870.

Voi. 45. No. 1836. London, June 19, 1875.

P rice sd. By P ost s^ d .

[R egistered a t th e General P ost O ffice as a N ewspaper.

C hronicle op th e W e e k :—


The i6thof June.— Russia and the Holy See.—The Tripartite Alliance.—Germany and Sweden.— Mr. Gladstone’s Parthian Shot.— The Belgian Outrages.—Dr. von Dollinger on the Effects of the Persecution.—The “ Plot ” against Prince Bismarck.— Mr. Whalley .and the Jesuits.— Contempt of Court.— Dr. Kenealy’s Count-out. —The West Suffolk Election.— Lord Salisbury on the Deposition •o f the Guikwar.—The Judica­

ture Bill.— The Labour Laws.— The Brighton Aquarium.—Affairs in Spain.— Free Education in France.— The Italian Parliament. —Home Rule Meeting, &c. . . 769


L e a d e r s :


National Education in Ireland .. 773 O'd and New India.. .. . . 774 The Reform of Church Music in

Germany.—X. .. .. .. 775 O ur P rotestant C ontemporaries :

Plurality of Churches .. .. 776 R eview s :

Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism,

and Socialism .. .. .. 778 The Italians .. .........................77s The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries .. .. .. 779 Catholic Memories of the Tower of London.. . . .. .. 780 Short N otice :

The Life of Father Bernard .. 781

E N T S .

Literary, Artistic, & Scientific Gossip 781 C orrespondence :


Jnbilees .. .. .. .. 781 The Jubilee of 1650.. .. .. 781 Canon Liddon and Dr. Newman.. 781 Orphan Boys.. .. .. .. 782 Church of the English Martyrs .. 782 P arliam entary Summary . . 782 R ome :— Letter from our own Cor­

respondent .. .. .. 785 Peter’s Pence .. .. .. 787 D iocesan N ews :—

Westminster .. .. .. .. 787 Beverley .. .. .. .. 788 Birmingham .. .. .. .. 788 Liverpool .. .. .. .. 788

D iocesan (continued) :



.. .. .. .. 788

Scotland— Western District .. 788 I r e l an d :

Home Rule Meeting at St.

James’s Hall .. .. .. 788 F oreign N ews

France.. .. .. .. .. 789 Germany .. .. .. .. 790 Poland .. .. .. .. 790 Bavaria .. .. .. .. 790 Switzerland .. .. .. .. 791 M emoranda :—

Religious .. .. .. .. 791 Catholic Union .. .. .. 791 Cricket .. .. .. .. 791 General N ews ............................792


the i6th of


O 1

N E day during this w eek has a triple claim to be remembered. W ednesday, the 1 6 th, was in the first p lace the twenty-ninth anniversary o f the e lection to the Supreme Pontificate o f Pius IX . T h e unprecedented duration o f his reign, its momentous history, the sp iritu a l glories and temporal calam ities for which it will ever be rem arkable, are too fam iliar to our readers for it to b e necessary that we should dwell upon them, and the prayers and aspirations which the recurrence o f this anniversary w ill inspire are sure to come so readily from all -Catholic hearts that it would be superfluous to suggest them . Another reason for which this day should not pass w ithout special notice is that it is the one on which the H o ly Father has called on all the faithful throughout the world to consecrate them selves by special prayer to the .Sacred H eart o f Our Lord, the source o f pity, o f pardon, and o f every kind o f help to the Church, to nations, and -to individuals. A third, though a subordinate reason, is that on this day in Paris took p lace the solemn cerem ony •of laying the foundations o f the church to be raised by voluntary subscriptions, but with the sanction o f the L egisla ture, as an expression o f national penitence and faith. T h e stone was laid on W ednesday by the Cardinal A rch b ishop o f Paris, in the presence o f the Nuncio, several A rch bishops and B ishops, the committee superintending the work, and about 8,000 privileged spectators, among whom w ere nearly all the Deputies o f the R ight.



T h e apparently inconsistent telegram s respecting a rapprochement between Russia and the H o ly See probably involve no substantial contradiction. T h e Jourtial de St. Petersbourg in deed contradicts a statem ent o f the Posen Courier that a •Concordat has been concluded, but it adds that “ the H o ly ■“ See d isplays more good-will than heretofore in its rela“ tions with the Russian Governm ent, and hence has arisen “ an im provement on both sides in the manner in which “ intercourse is carried on.” A n d the Paris Correspondent o f the Standard, who telegraphs that he has heard “ from a “ reliable source ” that the news given by the Univers is “ fu lly confirm ed,” and that “ official relations are about to ■“ be form ally established between St. Petersburg and the ■“ V a tican ,” is perhaps not far wrong, though it m ay be qu ite true that no Concordat, in the strict sense o f the word, has been signed.


Another telegram , the contents o f which are also derived “ from a most reliable quarter,” states that the alliance betw een the three Em perors has ceased to exist, Russia having with

New Series, V ol. X III. No. 345.

drawn from it, and that it is in consequence o f this that a new alliance has been form ed betw een Germany and the Swedish Court. There is ju s t this amount o f truth in this account o f the situation, that Russia has undoubtedly acted independently o f Germ any and Austria, and in concert with England, with a view o f putting an end to the recent panic, and restoring confidence in the maintenance o f Europe. T h a t she should have acted thus independently o f the tripartite alliance was, i f she was to act at all, a necessity o f the case. She could not act on Germ any in concert with Germany, and that she should a c t with England was only natural, considering that the views and interests o f the two Powers were in this matter identical. T h e Russian Golos takes this view, and supports the Anglo-Russian alliance by the argument that the agreem ent o f the three Powers was insufficient to secure the peace o f Europe when it was from one o f the three that the danger arose.

I t was perhaps not unnatural under these circum stances that the sem i-official Prussian Sweden. organs should be directed, or at least should attempt, to make the most o f the supposed

Swedish alliance. K in g O scar was asserted to have expressed his warm approval of Prince B ism arck’s campaign against the Catholics, and his hopes that German and Swedish soldiers would soon be fighting side by side. I f we were to believe the “ R eptile ” press, here was a new Gustavus Adolphus, ready to help in the prosecution o f another religious war, and as the price o f the alliance Germany was to obtain a guarantee for her possession o f Sleswig, and Sweden a chance o f recovering her lost province o f F in land. But Swedish public opinion has made short work o f these speculations ; and an article in the Morning Post o f Saturday last was the first exposure in this country o f the delusions propagated by the Berlin press. “ T h e German “ papers,” writes the A ftonblad o f S tockholm as there quoted, “ have unquestionably tam pered with the sense o f “ the words used by his Majesty. I t is unnecessary to say “ that his M ajesty could not have expressed any desire for “ a fraternity o f arms between conquering Germany and the “ v igorously peaceful k ingdom s o f Sweden and Norway, “ especially at an epoch when 200,000 Northern Sleswigers, “ who are so intim ately united to us by languages and “ blood, lie groaning beneath the heavy yoke o f Prussia, “ without being even a llow ed to petition in defence o f “ their v io la ted rights. W e regard as totally absurd the “ assertions according to which his M ajesty should have “ made a parade o f his Protestant zeal for the purpose o f “ approving the in tolerance and v io lence o f the Prussian “ Governm ent and the German Parliam ent towards the Ca“ tholic religion.” A n d the Dagblad is nearly equally outspoken. “ We shall willingly,” it says, “ accord our moral