HE A Weekly e—
I Newspaper and Review. T
From the Brief of His Holiness to T h e T a b l e t , June 4, 1870.
Vol. 45. No. 1825. L o n d o n , A p r i l 3, 1875.
P rice 5c!. B y Post s^ d
[R egistered a t the General P o st-Office as a N ewspaper.
C hronicle of th e W e e k :—
The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster.—The Cardinals “ in petto” Again. — Spain. — Mr. Moore on the Carlist Army.—The Infante Don Alfonso.— The Due de Montpensier.-Generals Concha and Jovellar. — Germany and Italy.— The Prussian Government and the Prussian Protestants.— Religious Orders in Germany.— The Prince Bishop of Breslau.— Conference of the Prussian Bishops.— The Emperor of Brazil and the Persecution.—The Catholics of the Jura.—The French Press Laws. — M. Gambetta’s Apology for Moderation.— The Berlin Courts, &c., &c. .. .. 417
L eaders :
Russia and England in the East 421 Alsace-Lorraine .. ., .. 421 Judgment Out of Court .. .. 422 Centenary of O’Connell .. .. 423 O ur P rotestant C ontemporaries :
Reason and Religion .. .. 423 P ictures :
New British Institution .. .. 425 R eview s :
The Public Life of Our Lord .. 426 Second Series of Practical Ser
mons for all the Sundays of the Year.. .. .. .. .. 426 The Story of Valentine and his
Brother .. .. .. .. 426 Short N otices :
A Letter to the Rev. T. E.
Bridgett, C.SS.R., &c. .. .. 427
An Essay Contributing to a
Philosophy of Literature .. 427 Catholicity, Liberty, & Allegiance 428 Legends and Lays .. .. .. 428 Victorius ou Rome aux Premier
Temps du Christianisme .. 428 Cyclopaedia of Costume .. .. 429 Literary, Artistic, & Scientific Gossip 429 C orrespondence:
Necessary Truth .. .. .. 429 Opening of the New Church at
Canterbury.— Important Notice 430 Belief of English Catholics of the
Last Century in Papal Infallibility .. .. .. .. 430 Misnomers .. .. .. .. 430 The Lock-out in South Wales .. 430 Ebbw Vale, the Poor Women and
Children, &c., &c. .. .. 431
R ome :— Letter from our own Cor
Page respondent .. .. .. 433 Cardinal Manning at S. Gregorio 435 D tocesan N ews :—
Westminster.. .. .. .. 435 Birmingham .. .. .. .. 435 Salford ' .. .. .. .. 436Shrewsbury .. .. .. .. 436 I reland :
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .. .........................437 Foreign N ews :—
France...............................................437 Germany .. .. .. .. 439 Austria .. .. .. .. 439 M emoranda :—
Religious .. .. .. .. 440 Educational .. .. .. .. 440 General N ews .. .. .. 440
IS Em inence the Cardinal A rch
Hbishop o f W estm inster to ok possession o f his titular church o f San Gregorio on W ednesday afternoon, after the Consistory in which the delivery o f the Cardinalitial ring and the c losing ” and subsequent “ opening of the m ou th s” o f the new Cardinals took p la c e : and on Thursday morning h is Em inence was to leave R om e for England, travelling rapidly, so as to arrive at Westminster on M onday next, in tim e for the usual meeting o f the Bishops o f the province, which is held every year on the Tuesday after Low Sunday. T h e opening of the church at Canterbury, which several papers have mentioned in connection with his Em in ences elevation to the Cardinalate] has nothing whatever to do with th a t event. T h e day for the cerem ony was fixed, and the A rchbishop had consented to preach on the occasion, long before he received the in telligence o f his in tended promot io n to the Sacred College.
T h e Times finds an apology for Prince B ismarck’s supposed scheme o f a concerted interference o f the powers with a future Conclave in the creation o f five Cardinals in petto. “ I f “ the Pope,” so it argues, “ confesses to having
41 made five such creations, and if, as is likely, he has the 41 acquiescence o f all his friends in the act, there can b e no “ reason why he should not create, and indeed have already 41 created, fifty.” N ow i f the lim e s considers, as we suppose i t does, that it has a reputation for accurate information to keep up, it would be well, i f before allow ing itself to be com m itted to a statem ent o f this kind, it would consult books, or at least some one who knows something o f the subject under consideration. I t is not in such a way as this that Cardinals are ever created and reserved in petto. Those reserved in petto are created, and the fact o f their creation is announced, in Consistory, ju s t as is the creation o f those who are proclaim ed. N o r is the number o f the Cardinalatial “ titles ” unlim ited, as the Times seems to th ink— ten only are vacant. But the writer goes on to hazard a still wilder supposition :— “ N ay,” he says, “ it is quite “ possible that he [the Pope] may already have put in to the “ hands o f some one whom he can perfectly trust any num“ ber o f creations to be divulged or suppressed at the time “ o f e lection as necessity may arise, or as the persons them“ selves may reveal their respective characters and views. “ A n election so conducted will not be an election by the “ Cardinals, but by a few persons armed with documents “ kept secret up to the moment o f their posthumous “ efficacy.” People must be very much at a loss for pre
texts on which to justify interference before they conjure up
N ew Ser ie s . V o l . X III. No, 334.
imaginings like these. A n d what possible object could the H o ly Father have in endeavouring to swamp the existing College o f Cardinals by such an impossible coup de main l Is the Sacred College not faithful to the cause o f the Church already ? Everybody knows that it is. Y e t so eager are some persons to d iscover in the acts o f the H o ly See a secret and tortuous policy that they prefer absurdities like the conjectures ju s t quoted to the prosaic explanation that there are five prelates who have a claim to be made Cardinals, and whom the Pope wishes to create before he dies, but whom it is inconvenient to proclaim at once, either because it is not desirable to remove them from the subordinate posts they now fill, or because in the present state o f the Pontifical T reasury it may not be advisable to throw on it the burden o f five additional allowances, such as are always allotted to Cardinals resident in Rome, as distinguished from the occupants o f episcopal sees elsewhere.
T h e telegrams from Spain are more distract-
spa in . ingly contradictory than ever. W e shall mention the principal statements on each side, but we beg that it may not be supposed that we give any o f them on our own authority. First, the Governm ent organ announces that six Generals, three Colonels, and many officers o f the Carlist army have crossed into France and form ally recogn ized K in g Alfonso. N ext, the Univers declares that Polo and R ada are the only Carlist chiefs who have answered General Cabrera’s appeal. Moreover a despatch from Santander states that a ll hope o f a convenio is fast dying out, and that Cabrera will n o tyet enter Spain. On the other hand, Bayonne telegrams inform us that on H o ly Thursday the Carlists and Alfonsists along the line o f the Orio fraternized, and that in the Carlist camp p lacards were posted up bearing the inscription, “ Long live Peace, the fueros and [ “ Cabrera ! ” A lso that D on Carles having called together ¡ an assem bly o f delegates from the four provinces, in order to obtain fresh contributions to carry on the war, was to ld | by the deputies that the country was exhausted, that it was I impossible to expect more sacrifices, and that Don Carlos should find the money himself, and that, in spite o f a threat from D on Carlos that he would retire, they persisted in their refusal. A San Sebastian telegram also states that the Carlist outposts have fraternized with the pickets o f General Lom a ’s army, and expressed a wish for peace, and mentions other manifestations in favour o f peace at many places in B iscay. Then there is about the usual quantity o f victories claim ed by each side. T h e Government troops are reported to have captured the “ form idable positions ” defended by T ristany in Catalonia, and General Saballs is said by the Carlists to have defeated General Martinez Campos and shut him up in Olot. General Primo de R iv era is reported to be marching to his assistance. In the meantime D on