A PVeekly Newspaper and Review.
D um vobis g r a tu lam u r , an im o s et ia m addimus u t in incceptis v e str is constan ter m a n e a t is .
From the Brief of H is Holiness to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.'
Vol. 4 5 . No. 1 8 2 3 .
L o n d o n , M a r c h 2 0 , 1 8 7 5 .
Price 5<J. By Post s5^d
[R e g is tered a t t h e Gen e r a l P ost O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper.
^Ch ro n ic le o f t h e W e e k :—
The Creation of Cardinals.— The Cardinal Archbishop o f Westminster.— The Subsequent Ceremonies.—The Allocution and a •Future Conclave.— The American Cardinal.— The Programme of the New French Ministry.— The Approaching Dissolution.— The Republic and the Empire.— The AntiBonapartist Inquiry.— The Bishop of Munster’s Offence.— Disendow■ ment without Disestablishment.— The Debate on the Bill.— Proposed’ Prohibition of the Voluntary System .— The Inspired Prussian Press.— Russia and the Jubilee.— The Declaration of 1789.— Mr. Mitchel’s Intentions, &c., &c. .. 353
C O N T E N T S .
L e a d e r s : Mr. Gladstone and the Protesta
Page tion of 1789 . . . . . . 357 Local School RatfiS.— Ireland . . 357 Mr. Gladstone and Monsignor
Nardi .....................................358 O ur P r o t e s t a n t C o n tem po r ar ie s :
Westminster Abbey .. . . 359 R e v ie w s :
The Hawaiian Archipelago . . 361 The Contemporary Review .. 362 A Few Comments on Mr. Glad
stone’s Expostulation . . . . 362 S hort N otices :
Rosmini’s Catechism .. . . 362 Shakespeare .. . . . . .. 363 Meditations in Honour o f St.
Joseph .................................... 363
Mr. Mulhallen Marum’s Reply to
Mr. Gladstone . . . . .. 363 Office of Holy Week . . . . 363 Easter Cards . . .. . . 363 C hurch M usic ........................... 363 Literary, Artistic, & Scientific Gossip 364 C orrespondence :
Necessary Truth . . .. . . 364 Alleged Interference of the Popes in Politics.. .. .. .. 364 The Persecution in Germany .. 365 The Crays, Kent .. .. . . 365 Distress of the Nuns in Italy . . 365 The Lock-out in South Wales .. 366 P a r l ia m en t a r y S ummary . . 366 R ome :— Letter from our own Cor
. . .. .. 369
The Pope and the German
Bishops . . . . .. .. 370 :
The New Cardinals . . . . 3 7 c D io c e sa n N ew s :—
Westminster.. . . . . •••371 Clifton . . . . . . . . 372 Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 372 Newport and Menevia . . . . 372 Salford . . . . . . : 372 Scotland— Eastern District . . 373 I r e l a n d :
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .......................................373 F oreign N ews :—
France.. .. . . . . .. 373 Germany . . . . . . .. 374 M em oranda :—
Religious .......................................375 G en e r a l N ews .............................. 376
THE Secret Consistory was held, as was expected, on Monday, and the six -----.......... Cardinals whose elevation was announced by us last week were pioclaimed.
Pietro Cardinal Giannelli, till now Archbishop of Sardis inpartibus infidehum, formerly Nuncio at Naples, was born at Terni on the n th of April, 1807, and was made Archbishop on his appointment to the Nunciature, on the 6th of June, 1858. Since the fall of the kingdom of Naples he has been Pro-Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of the Council. Miecislas Cardinal Ledochowski was born at Cork on the 29th of October, 1822 ; was named Archbishop of Thebes inpartibus infidelium on his appointment ■ to the Nunciature of Brussels, on the 30th of September, 1861 ; and was translated to Gnesen and Posen on the 8th o f January, 1866. As Archbishop of that See he possesses the title of Primate of Poland. John Cardinal MacCloskey was born at Brooklyn on the 20th of March, 1810 ; was onade Coadjutor of New York on the 21st of May, 1843 ; was translated to Albany on the 21st of May, 1847 ; and succeeded Archbishop Hughes in the Metropolitan See ot New York on the 6th of May, 1864. Henry Edward ■ Cardinal Manning was born at Totteridge in Hertfordshire -on the 15th of July, 1808 ; elected Archbishop of Westminster on the 30th April, 1865 ; and consecrated on the 8th June following. Victor Auguste Cardinal Dechamps was born at Melle, in Flanders, on the 6th of December, -1810; entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, and became a most celebrated preacher; was appointed Bishop of Namur on the 20th September, 1865 ; ■ and consecrated in the Redemptorist Church of St. Alfonso on the Esquiline, Archbishop Manning being one of the Assistant Bishops. He was advanced, on the death of Cardinal Sterckx, to the Archbishopric of Malines, which he has filled since the 20th of December, 1867. He is Primate of Belgium. Domenico Cardinal Bartolini is not a Bishop, but has been for many years a Domestic Prelate and Secretary to the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Consequently the Gerarchia furnishes no information concerning the place or date of his birth, or of his ordination as priest. In this Consistory the Holy Father also declared that he created and reserved in petto five other Cardinals, erected the Sees of Philadelphia, Boston, Milwaukie, and Santa Fd into Archbishoprics— which makes eleven Archbishoprics in the United States— and preconized or announced the appointment of Bishops for numerous Sees.
The notification of their elevation to t h e c a r d i n a l tjle Cardinalate was immediately conveyed to W e s tm in s t e r . t‘ie new Cardinals who were m Rome, and it was delivered to Cardinal Manning at New Series. V ol. XIII. No. 333.
the English College, in the presence of a large muster of English Catholics. A telegram brings us the words which his Eminence addressed to his fellow-countrymen when the ceremony was over. “ I thank you for your presence here “ to-day. I feel it is a sign of goodwill to me, and of your “ devotion to the Holy Father and to the Church. I do “ not affect to think lightly of the great dignity conferred “ on me without any merit of mine. It is truly an honour “ to be associated with the Sacred Council immediately “ around the Vicar of Our Lord, and to share His lot in “ good and in evil. Indeed I would rather that this dignity “ fell upon me, as it does, in the time of danger than in “ the time of safety. It is, as it were, being told off to the “ forlorn hope in the sight of the world; but it is a forlorn “ hope which is certain of victory. I feel that your presence “ this day is a representation of England, especially of those “ in England who have preserved unbroken the tradition of “ the faith, and that your kindness to me proceeds from “ love to England, and I feel assured that on returning to “ our country I shall meet with the same kindness arid “ affection.”
Thenew Cardinals presenttook the oath in the , t h e ^ throne room of the Vatican Palace on Tuesc e r em o n ie s . day, and *hey received the berretta. The final ceremonies of the investiture, such as the “ opening of the mouth,” that is, the conferring of the right to speak and vote in Consistory, and the delivery of the remaining insignia will take place at the public (or quasi public) Consistory to be held after Easter, when the hat will be sent and the “ titles ” assigned to such new Cardinals as are present in Rome. The berretta is to be sent to Cardinal MacCloskey, as usual, by an Ablegate, accompanied by a member of the Noble Guard, and it is reported that the Archbishop of Baltimore is to be empowered to deliver it to the new Cardinal. When the Sovereign of the country or the Chief of the State is a Catholic, it is usual that he should deliver the berretta when it is sent to a Cardinal at a distance. Cardinal MacCloskey will receive his hat and “ title” on his next visit to Rome ; as to Cardinal Ledochowski, it is doubtful whether he will ever learn the fact of his elevation until his delivery from prison. Cardinals Giannelli, Ledochowski, MacCloskey, Manning, and Dechamps, are created Cardinal Priests, taking precedence according to their previous seniority as Archbishops; Cardinal Bartolini is appointed Cardinal Deacon, and the list of Cardinal Deacons is now full. Cardinal Giannelli will have assigned to him the “ title ” of San Pancrazio, Cardinal Manning that of SS. Andrew and Gregory on the Ccelian, Cardinal Dechamps that of St. Agnes without the walls (just vacant by the death of Cardinal Barili), and Cardinal Bartolini the diaconal “ title ” of St. Nicholas in Car cere.