Contents a g e s
I m i a t i o n
A s s o c r e s s
P/r e s s
Pi a n
C a n a d
T h e
M o r a e s/R e u t e r s i c a r d o
R e u t e r s
/i t e
W h i m b e r l y
Agenda Making the news this month 8 Is there life beyond Lula? A look at the options when Brazil’s
11 Climate action back charismatic president steps down.
on the agenda Campaigners get moving after post-Copenhagen hiatus.
Analysis Special feature: democracy 14 The beauty of Big Democracy Vanessa Baird celebrates the joys of disenchantment and the birth of hope.
20 Arundhati Roy – princess to pariah Arundhati Roy’s fierce critiques of
Indian democracy have made her public enemy number one. But, argues Shoma Chaudhury, her story is that of contemporary India itself.
23 We preach democracy yet befriend dictators We only have ourselves to blame for the
Middle East’s cynicism, says Robert Fisk.
24 10 ways to kickstart democracy
12 Micro-dosing could end famine A good example from Niger.
26 The rising power of slum democracy ‘Democracy from below’ is sweeping Latin
America, with dramatic results, reveals Raúl Zibechi.
29 We don't really have a democracy Tony Benn, Caroline Lucas MP and
Agent Bristly Pioneer reflect on this year’s UK election.
Also in Analysis 32 I put a spell on you… Zuhra Bahman gives the inside story on how male sorcerers are keeping women down in Afghanistan.
34 Country profile: Ethiopia 46 Curfew in the Vale Anger is hurt turned inside out, explains
Dilnaz Boga, as protests and killings escalate in Kashmir.
l u e iB
i k k
/R e u t e r s
G o m e z
J o s e
4 ● New Internationalist ● OCTOBER 2010