A Weekly Newspaper and Review.
From the B r ie f o f H is Holiness P ius IX . to The Tablet, June 4, 1870.
V ol. 80. No. 2745. L ondon, D ecember 17, 1892.
P rice sd., by P ost 5 % d .
[Registered a t th e General P ost Office as a N ewspaper.
•Chronicle of the W eek :
The German Army Bills and the Centre—The New Spanish Ministry—The Emperor of China and English Farmers—The Banquet at the National Liberal Club— Royal Gift to Lancashire— Earl Spencer at the University — Municipal Lodging Houses—The Sunday Opening of Museums—Mr. William Watson— A Strange Report of Poisoning—The Vienna Unemployed—The Wigan Colliery Disaster—The Panama Scandals— A Recorded Miracle — Military
Insubordination at Gibraltar .. 961 L e a d e r s :
The French Government and
U g a n d a ......................... .. 965
L eaders (continued):
Henry VIII. in his Own State
Papers .. .. .. .. 966 An Historical View of the..Cur
Correspondence :
Rome :—(From Our Own Corre
spondent) .. .........................977 Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre
Page rency Question.................... 966 The Elizabethan Settlement of
R e l ig io n ............................... 967 Pilgrimage to Rome .. ^ .. .. 968 Dr. Mivart’s “ Happiness in Hell” . . 96S N o t e s ..................................................... 97° R eviews :
Eighteenth Century Vignettes .. 971 Saewulf’s Pilgrimage .. .. 972 Jesus the All-Beautiful . . .. 973 The Ivoi^r G a t e ......................... 973 Don Orsino .. .. .. .. 974 The Vicar of Christ .. .. 974 The Little Countess .. .. 975
spondent) .................................... 978 L etters to t h e E ditor :
Happiness in Hell .. .. .. 980 Blessing of the Colours of the
18th (Royal Irish) Regiment .. 981 The Meaning of “ Monsignore” 981 Convent Schools .. .. .. 981 Catholics in the Army .. .. 982 A Correction .. .. .. 982 The Policy of Leo X III. and “ The
Contemporary Review ” .. .. 982 O b ituary .....................................986 Social a n d Political : . . 987
SUPPLEMENT. N ews from th e Schools :
Exhibition Day at St. Mary’s
Training College, Hammersmith .. .. .. . • 993 The Training College of Notre
Dame .. .. .. .. 996 Tamworth School Board.. .. 997 Mount St. Mary’s, Chesterfield.. 998 N ews from th e D ioceses :
Westminster .........................985 Southwark . . .. .. .. 986 Leeds .. .. .- •• 986 Portsmouth .. .. .. . . 986 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 986 Glasgow .. .. .. •• 986
Rejected M S . cannot be returned tinless accompanied w ith address and postage.
the part of the Conservatives Herr von Manteuffel gave a grudging assent to the Government proposals, at the same time making it very clear that he and his friends were most reluctant to see any tampering with the old rule of three years’ service. On the second day of the debate Count Preysing, in the name of the Bavarian Catholic party, opposed the Government and declared that there must be either a dissolution or very material concessions. In conclusion he urged the Chancellor to see if this was not one of those cases in which there is wisdom in a compromise. Herr von Bennigsen, who spoke for the National Liberals, was unable to give any assurance that the Bills would be acceptable as they stood to his friends— the burdens now asked for were too heavy. Herr Bebel made a fine speech in behalf of the Social Democrats, a party, however, which is much under-represented in the House, and left everyj body with the impression that the Government must either 1spend the Christmas recess in devising some agreeable j manner of climbing down or else go to certain defeat.
■------- <--------
THE debate upon the first read
ing of the Army Bills in the mo. Imperial Diet bodes badly for the plans of the Government. The un
compromising language of the Catholic leaders, in whose hands the fate of Bills rests absolutely, can leave Count Caprivi very little doubt as to the issue. Herr von Hiine, who spoke for “ the solid centre” representing 106 votes, stated that he and his friends were unanimously agreed in regarding the Government measures as absolutely unacceptable in the shape in which they have been laid before the Diet. This unequivocal declaration from the master of legions naturally produced a great sensation. When the tumult had subsided a little the Catholic leader went on : “ Yes, I am speaking advisedly. We are, however, of opinion that in the event of legal force being given in the Bills to the introduction of the two years’ term of service, we shall be ready to recognize therein the fulfilment of a wish constantly expressed by the great majority of our party, and we shall he logically bound in consequence to grant whatever supplies may be necessary for the introduction of the two years’ service within the limits of the effective strength of the army is at present established.” The inwardness of this sentence is that the Centre will sanction new taxes provided the Government will give way on the two points upon which they are most likely to be obstinate. The -Centre want the Government to pledge themselves by law to reduce the military term to two years instead of leaving the concession to be granted or withheld as the exigencies •of the service may suggest. They further decline to do more than maintain the present strength of the Army,
Señor Sagasta’s new Cabinet was definitely formed on Saturday evening, and the following list was submitted for approval to the Queen-Regent:
President of the Council, without portfolio..................................... Señor Sagasta. Foreign Affairs ............................. Marquis de la Vega de
Justice.............................................. Señor Montero Rios. Finance .......................................... Señor Gamazo. Interior .......................................... Señor Venancio Gonzalez.
War.................................................. General Lopez Dominguez.
Public Works................................. Señor Moret Prendergast.
instead of sanctioning the increase asked for by the Chancellor. To maintain the present effective strength under a two years’ term of service an increase of 60,000 men in the annual contingent is required, while the Government, without pledging themselves to the shorter term, are asking for 83,000 men. Herr Richter, who followed in the debate, was jubilant over the speech of the Catholic leader, and gave a very needless pledge that the Radical party would resist the Bills to the utmost. On
New S e r ie s , V o l . XLV1II., No. 2 ,0 ^ .
Colonies.......................................... Señor Maura. The portfolio of Marine is offered to Admiral Cervera, who is at present in charge of the Anglo-Spanish shipbuilding Iyard on the river Nervion at Bilbao. On Sunday morning ' the new Ministers took the oaths of office, and afterwards Itook possession of their respective Ministries. The new Liberal Government (according to the correspondent of I The Times') is regarded as an exceptionally powerful one,
and is generally very favourably received. Some exception ' has been taken in commercial circles to Señor Gamazo’s appointment to the head of the Financial Department, as he 1is regarded as a supporter of increased taxation, and it is