A W eekly N ew sp aper a n d


From th e B r i e f o f H i s H o lin ess P iu s I X . to T h e T a b l e t , J u n e i 8 j o .

V o l . 8o. No. 2739. L o n d o n , N o v em ber 5, 1892•

P r ic e s d ., b y P o s t sJ£d.

[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N e w s p a p e r .

C h ro n ic le of t h e W e e k :


The Eucharistic Congress at Jerusalem— The End of the Carmaux Dispute— The Wreck of the “ Rournania ” — The Building Society Collapse—T h e Manchester Ship Canal— Storms in France— The ‘Congo State— The Queen’s Visit to Florence — Hypnotism in a Murder Trial — The French in Dahomey— A Narrow Escape— Germany and Africa— A ll Souls’ D ay—Alteration in the French .Nationality Law — The French Army— The Edinburgh Baccarat Case — Bismarck the MischiefMaker — A New Photographic

Invention—A Protestant Emperor — Duty on Spanish Wines—The Finances of Argentina— Riots in Madrid — Lord Rosebery and .Russia— The Afghanistan Mission Mixed Marriages in Hungary— The Belgian Constitution, &c. . . 721


L e a d e r s :

Mr. Chamberlain on Labour Poli­

Page tics .................................. 725 Italy and the Congress of Seville 726 The Wants of Catholic Sailors . . 727 Catholic Dedications in Modern

England . . . . . . . . 728 N o t e s ..................................................... 729 R e v ie w s :

Memoir of De Rossi . . . . 731 Growth of English Industries . . 731 “ Merry England ” . . . . 732 The Little Martyr of Prague . . 732 The Waverley Novels . . . . 732 Aspects of Anglicanism . . . . 733 Captain Lugard’s Last Report . . 735 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) . . . . . . . . 737

C orrespondence (Continued) :

Dublin :— (From Our Own Corre­

Page spondent) . . . . . . . . 738 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :

The Cardinal’s Grave . . . . 740 j Mrs. Murphy Deceased . . . . 740 “ Our Duty Towards Non-Catho­

lics ” . . _ . . . . . . 740 Cardinal Manning’s Works . . 741 The Guide to Heaven, for use of

Those at Sea . . . . . . 741 Catholics in the Army . . . . 741 The Proposal for a Catholic Club 741 “ Christian R u le s ” .. . . 741 Lantern Slides of the Catacombs 741 Angelica KaufFmann . . . . 741 The Beginnings of Catholicism in

Texas ^ . . .. . . . . . . 741 The Christian Brothers’ Triumph . . 742 The Catholic Congress in Spain . . 744 The Conversion o f Our Separated

Brethren and o f the Heathen at Home.. . ......................... 745

A Prince of the Church What Shall it Profit— ? Govan Parochial Board The Queen v. Barnardo S o c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l

Page . . 745 . . 740 . . 746 . . 747 . . 749

S U P P L EM E N T . N ew s from t h e S chools :

Mr. Acland on Free Schools . . 753 A Wesleyan Surrender to the

School Board Liverpool and Free Schools N ew s from t h e D io c e se s :


753 754 754

Southwark . . . . . . •• 754 Northampton Nottingham ......................... Portsmouth Salford Shrewsbury St. Andrews and Edinburgh

755 755 755 755 755 756

An Experiment in London Poverty 756 Dr. Russell of Maynooth . . . . 757


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spiritual advantages attached to the Congress, although prevented from being personally present.




'H E permanent Committee o f the

Eucharistic Congress, the President o f which is the Bishop o f Liège, has chosen Jerusalem as the meeting-place o f the Eighth General Assem bly to be held the last week in April and first week in May next year. This date will coincide with the arrival o f the French Pilgrimage o f Penance, to which will be joined pilgrimages from Germany, Holland, and Belgium, to the holy places. T h e Pope, in a B r ie f addressed to the Bishop o f L iège on the subject o f the congress, dwells upon the happiness and consolation it is for him to see the ardour o f the faithful in honouring and praying to the Eternal Shepherd o f the Church in the august Sacrament o f the altar. T h e Holy Father rejoices to hear that the Eighth Assem bly o f the Eucharistic Congress is convened to hold its sittings in the city of Jerusalem, a plan which appears to him full o f wisdom and likely to be productive o f the most salutary fruits. T h e Holy Father then dwells upon the fact that no more solemn and appropriate place for the assembly o f such a Congress could possibly be found than the holy city where our Lord instituted the admirable pledge o f his love ; besides inspiring the Christians in the east with increased favour towards the holiest o f all the Sacraments, the Pontiff is convinced that all those who take part in the Congress will, above all, pray for a reunion in the integrity o f the same faith with those who, although separated from the Holy Roman Church, bear the name o f Christian. In conclusion th e same spiritual treasures granted two years ago to the members o f the Congress assembled at Antwerp, are granted under the same conditions to the eighth Congress meeting in Jerusalem. The meetings will take place in the Church o f the Patriarchate, under the presidency o f Mgr. Piavi, Patriarch o f Jerusalem, and in addition to the Eastern Episcopate it is hoped that many Western Bishops will be able to attend. T h e Bishop o f Liège, in his circular, points out that the majority o f the Eastern Bishops are so poor that contributions towards their travelling and other expenses would be most welcome, and suggests that offerings for this

N e w S e r i e s , Vor.. XLV1IÍ., No. 2 ,0 48.



Wiser counsels have prevailed at Carmaux, and, after declining for several days, the strikers have decided to accept the Prime Minister’s award. T h is decision was arrived at, however, subsequently to, if not in consequence of, an important debate and division in the Chamber. A t a meeting o f the Radical party, at which some hundred deputies were present, o f whom the most important | was M. Clemenceau, it had been decided to call upon the ! Government to grant a general amnesty. M. Terrier was the spokesman o f the party, and demanded o f the Government an amnesty for all persons condemned for strike offences since October 1. H e professed profound respect for M. Loubet’s award, and for arbitration in general, and insisted that certainly the miners ought to accept it honourably and loyally. A t the same time, Parliament undoubtedly had the power and the right o f decreeing oblij vion for the past and so creating a permanent peace. Clem ency and generosity befitted a Republic based on j fraternity. Surely the Chamber must see how the workmen 1must consider it cowardly to resume work so long as ten I comrades, no more guilty than themselves and arrested at ' random, were still in prison. Humanity and policy united 1 in requiring an amnesty, which, being granted by a separate party, would not be inconsistent with the award. M. Viette, | Minister o f Public Works, then went to the Tribune and I spoke with commendable courage. H e insisted that there | could be nothing cowardly in obeying the award o f an i honest man, and added that, had work been resumed, he I himself would have proposed a pardon, which would almost | certainly have been followed by the re-instalment o f the ! released men. H e urged, however, that an amnesty was j applicable only to serious convulsions like the Commune, when passion might be supposed to have influenced the tribunals. Even i f the Company had acted indiscreetly and wrongly, that could not justify the breaking into and pillage o f a private house. After some further discussion, | a division was taken, and the amnesty was rejected b y 324 j to 198. T h e incident, however, was not yet closed. M. j Dumay, a Socialist, raised an interpellation as to the presence o f the troops at Carmaux. His view o f the situa­

tion was that the two parties to the dispute should be left ; to fight it out, and that the well-fed and opulent share: holders in the Company were not entitled to the assistance