A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From the B r ie f o f H is Holiness P ius IX . to The Tablet, June 4, 1870.

Vol. 80. No. 2729. London, August 27, 1892.

Price 5«!., by Post sJ£d.

[Registered at the Generai. Post Office as a Newspaper.

Page |

Chronicle of the Week :

‘The New Ministry—The Queen and Mr. Labouchere—Mr. Labouchere and the New Ministers— The Morocco Mission—Death of Marshal da Fonseca—The Popu­

lation of Scotland—The Unemployed in Belgium — Spread of Cholera—Precautions in the City —Mr. Gladstone on Small Holdings—Mr. Keir Hardie on Labour Politics — The Honours List — Obituaries of the Week — Mr. Gladstone and the New Honours 317 ■ Leaders :

The Case Against “ Eight Hours” 321 Mgr. Hirth’s Appeal to Cardinal

Lavigerie .. .. .. .. 321 Irish Catholics and University

Education _ .........................323 Readers and Writers .. .. 323


The Enthronement of the Arch­

Page bishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh .. .. .. .. .. 324 The Judgment Against Mgr. Cazet 325 No t e s ....................................................... 327 Reviews :

Walter de Stapeldon .. .. 328 Comte and Positivism .. .. 329 Archbishop Corrigan and American

Schools .. .. .. -. 330 Correspondence :

Rome :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent) .......................................333 Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent) ......................... .. 334 Letters to the Editor :

Our “ Catholic” Choirs .. .. 336 Cardinal Manning’s Portrait for

Balliol Hall .. .. .. 336

Letters to the Editor (Con­

Page tinued) : Hymn on the Pallium .. .. q “ A Word of Warning ” .. .. 336 Madagascar’s Strategetical Im­

portance .. .. .. .. 336 Rood-screen, Pertenhall, Bedford­

shire . .. .. .. 337 Merton Abbey .. .. .. 337 Premonstratensians at the Oratory 337 j An Appeal .. .. .. .. 337

Consecration of the Bishop of

Salford .. .. .. .. 337 A Visit to_the Coenaculum .. .. 339 The Archiépiscopal Oath .. .. 341 The Lincoln Judgment and the

Peace of the Church .. .. 342 Open-air Demonstration in Black­

burn .. .. .. .. .. 343 A Strange Election Prayer Meeting 343 Temperate Temperance Reform .. 344 Catholics Abroad .. .. .. 344


Social and Political . . . . 345

SUPPLEMENT. News from the Schools : What “ Free ” Education has

Done for Scotland .. .. 349 County Committees for Secondary

Education in Scotland .. .. 350 Royal University of Ireland .. 351 Mount St. Mary’s and the Oxford

Local Examinations .. .. 352 About Education .. .. .. 352 News from the D ioceses :

Westminster Southwark .. Northampton Plymouth Salford Glasgow .........................

352 352 353 353 353 353

Death of Father De Vit

•• 354

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HOUGH the new Ministry is not yet quite complete, the following is a list of the appointments already made :

T h e C a b in e t .

First Lord of the Treasury and Lord Privy Seal ........ Lord High Chancellor ........ Lord President of the Coun­

cil and Secretary of State for India................................ Secretary of State for Home

Affairs............. Secretary of State for Foreign

Affairs............ Secretary of State for the

Colonies............................... Secretary of State for War... First Lord of the Admiralty Chancellor of the Exchequer Chief Secretary for Ireland... Secretary for Scotland ........ Chancellor of the Duchy of

Lancaster ............................ President of the Board of

Trade ..................................... President of the Local Go­

vernment Board.................. Postmaster-General ............. First Commissionerof Works Vice-President of the Com­

mittee of Council on Education .....................................

Mr. Gladstone. Lord Herschell.

Earl of Kimberley.

Mr. Asquith.

Earl of Rosebery.

Marquis of Ripon. Mr. Campbell-Bannerman. Earl Spencer. Sir William Harcourt. Mr. John Morley. Sir George Trevelyan.

Mr. Bryce.

Mr. Mundella.

Mr. Henry Fowler. Mr. Arnold Morley. Mr. Shaw-Lefevre.

Mr. Arthur Acland.

N o t in th e C a b in e t .

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Lord Houghton. Lord Chancellor of Ireland Mr. Walker. President of the Board of

Agriculture........................... Mr. Herbert Gardner. Financial Secretary to the

Treasury................................. Mr. Hibbert.

New S eries. Vri, XLV1IJ., No. 2,038.

Patronage Secretary to the

T reasury................................

Junior Lords of the Treasury

Paymaster-General.................. Civil Lord of the Admiralty Secretary to the Admiralty... Under-Secretary Home Office Under - Secretary Foreign

Office ..................................... Under - Secretary Colonial

Office ..................................... Under-Secretary War Office Under-Secretary India Office Parliamentary Secretary

Board of Trade .................. Parliamentary Secretary

Local Government Board Financial Secretary to the

War O ffice........................... Attorney-General .................. Solicitor-General .................. Lord Advocate for Scotland Solicitor-General for Scotland Attorney-General for Ireland Solicitor-General for Ireland Lord Chamberlain.................. Master of the Buckhounds Comptroller of the House­

hold.......................................... Vice-Chamberlain .................. Captain of the Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms .................. Lord Steward............................ Lord Chamberlain.................. Master of the Horse.............

Mr. Marjoribanks. iMr. T. E. Ellis. - Mr. Causton. [Mr. W. A. M’Arthur. Mr. Seale-Hayne. Mr. Edmund Robertson.

Sir U. Kay-Shuttleworth. Mr. Herbert Gladstone.

Sir Edward Grey.

Mr. Sydney Buxton. Lord Sandhurst. Mr. George Russell.

Mr. Burt.

Sir Walter Foster.

Mr. Woodall. Sir Charles Russell Mr. Rigby. Mr. J. B. Balfour. Mr. Asher. The MacDermot. Serjeant Hemphill. Lord Carrington. Lord Ribblesdale.

Mr. George Leveson-Gower. Plon. C. R. Spencer.

Lord Vernon. Marquis of Breadalbane. Lord Carrington. Viscount Oxenbridge.

Mr. Labouchere is not in the Cabinet,

queenand and ^as set himself to account for the mr. labouchere. phenomenon. The simple explanation that he was not wanted seems not to have so much as occurred to him. It was agreeable to his vanity to jump to the conclusion that the Queen had objected to him. Accordingly he wrote to one of his constituents, saying : “ The Queen expressed so strong a feeling against me as one of the Ministers that, as I understand it, Mr. Gladstone did not think it desirable to submit my name.”