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H Jl S 1 jljL Jj JL/ JEL X «

yi Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From the Brie/ o f H is Holmess P iu s IX . to T he T ablet June 4, 1870.

V ol. 79. No. 2714. L ondon, May 14, 1892.

P r ic e s d . , b y P o s t s JA d .

[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r .

'C h r o n ic l e of t h e W e e k :


Imperial Parliament: Small Holdings Bill— Tuesday’s S itting—Mr. Balfour at Manchester— On the Relief o f Irish Poverty — The Liberal Counter-Blast — Ministerial Crisis in Ita ly—Death of Lord Bramwell — A Restaurant Burnt Down —-North Hackney Election — Mining Disaster in America— Mr. Balfour and Crofters— Presentation D ay at London University — Grievances of the Post Office— The Behring Sea . . 757 JLeaders :

Signor Crispi on the Temporal

Power . . . . . . . . 761 The Royal Academy . . . . 762 Away with Microbes . . . . 762 -St. Cuthbert’s Birthplace . . . . 763 Enthronement of the Archbishop-

Elect ................................................764 N o t e s .................................................... 768

C 0 N T

R ev ie w s :


Lincoln Cathedral . . . . . . 770 Two Centuries of English Catholicism .. Cardinal Manning ..

. . 771

Precious Stones and Gems •• 771 The Slave of the Lamp . . . . 771 Darkness and Dawn . . 771 C orrespon d e n c e :

Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) .................................... 773 Dublin :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) ......................... . . 774 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :

St. Cuthbert’s Birthplace.. _ . . 776 William of Wykeham’s Architect 776 The Converts’ Memorial Church and the L eakage.. . . . . 777 The Sisters of Charity, Carlisle-

place . . . . . . . . 777 Was Cardinal Manning Buried l by Subscription?.. . . . . 777


L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r (Con­

Page tinued) : Pius IX . and Railways . . . . 777 Mr. Stead upon Miracles . . . . 778 The Lenten Veiling of the Cross 778 Cardinal Gibbons and Cardinal

Manning . . . . . . . . 778 Modern Catholicism in England . . 779 The Leper Hospital in Japan . . 779 Freemasonry in Ireland . . . . 780 Catholics Abroad . . . . . . 7 8 1 The Amalgamation of the Dublin

Papers . .

. . . . 781

The Late Dr. Gilmartin, o f May-

nooth . . . . . . . . . . 781 The Very Rev. John Canon Doud 782 Death of the Rev. Father Spencer 783 The Archbishop’s Reception . . 783 O b itu ary .................................... 783 S o c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l . . . . 783 F rom E v e r y w h e r e . . . . . . 783

SUPPLEMENT. D e c is io n s o f R om an C o n g r e g a ­

Page t i o n s . . . ............................ 789 N ew s from t h e S chools :

The Vocation of the Catho

Teacher . . . . . .

Cosmopolitan Education Statis tics . . . . . . . . . . 790 Catholic Pupil Teachers Training

. . 789

in Birmingham . . . . . . 790 N ew s from t h e D io c e s e s :

Westminster ......................... 791 Southwark . . . . . . . . 791 Birmingham.. . . . . . . 791 Leeds . . . . . . . . 792 Plymouth . . . . . . . . 792 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 792 The Pope and the French Cardinals 792 A Patronal Hymn .. . . . . 793 Society of St. Vincent de Paul . . 794

Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.

to form a correct judgment on the entire scheme of the Commissioners. Mr. Jebb, in a maiden speech, described by The Times as successful, dealt with several of the points covered by the ordinances, and showed that, although the extramural system had worked well in the Faculty of Medicine, that Faculty had no real analogy with the Faculty of Arts. There was a danger that if extramural teaching were greatly extended, the Universities might become mere centres for the purposes of examination. These ordinances constituted an attempt to bring about a large and more efficient organization in which a place would be found for the ablest and best-qualified teachers, and he feared that the course proposed to be taken by gentlemen opposite might, if successful, defer the prospect of all academic reform in Scotland to an uncertain future. Mr. Balfour, speaking at two o’clock, said he thought the House would feel that the question had been thoroughly threshed out, therefore, instead of going into details at so late an hour, he rested his case on the admirable speech of Mr. Jebb. The House then divided, and the motion was rejected by 99 votes against 29.


TN. the House of Commons, on

Monday evening, clauses of Bii] the Small Agricultural Holdings Bill were further considered in

Committee. An amendment, was moved by Mr. Seale-Hayne, to the effect that the Local Government Board might authorize a County Council to take compulsorily any land referred to in provisional order, for any term not exceeding ninetynine years, at a rent and subject to terms and conditions soluble by arbitration, in the manner prescribed by the Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts. Mr. Gladstone supported the amendment as a lesser benefit, because the County Councils could not get compulsory powers for the acquirement of land as owners. On a division being taken, the amendment was negatived by 229 to 152. Mr. Esslemont moved an amendment to enable County Councils to acquire land in less quantities than one acre, but withdrew it when Mr. Balfour undertook to introduce, in the present Session an Allotments Bill for Scotland, framed on the lines o f the English measure. An amendment, moved by Mr. -Codings, empowering County Councils to lend money to labourers for the erection of buildings and for making improvements on small holdings, was rejected by 123 to 56. Mr. Thomas Ellis moved an amendment raising the question whether the County Council should be allowed to let small holdings to agricultural labourers from year to year, or under such other terms a", the Couucil might deem expedient. Mr. Chaplin gave the reasons why the Government preferred to create owners of small holdings, instead of tenants, and explained the necessary difficulties if County Councils had to discharge the duties of landlords of small holdings. After considerable discussion the amendment was negatived by 164 to 112. Mr. Haldane later moved, when progress was reported, that an address should be presented to her Majesty praying her to withhold her assent from ordinances n , 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18, made by the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889. He contended that in the absence o f certain further ordinances, not yet issued, which would deal with the finances of the Universities, it was impossible

On Tuesday morning the sitting was mostly

— T u e s d a y ’ s concerned with the continued considera-

siTTiNG. tion in Committee of the Small Holdings

Bill. Mr. Chaplin inserted an amendment enlarging the Committee for fulfiling small holdings work of the County Council, and insuring the representation on that Committee of the localities specially affected. Mr. Heneage strove to substitute registration of title instead of the ordinary form of conveyance between the County Council and the agricultural labourers. Mr. Chaplin pro! mised to bring up a new clause providing a system of regis­

tration of title, and the amendment was withdrawn. Mr. Barclay moved an amendment providing that the whole or part of the purchase money should be paid by annual or semi-annual instalments. Mr. Chaplin explained why he could not i assent to the whole of the purchase-money being paid by I instalments. The discussion was continued till nearly seven o’clock, when the closure was moved, and carried by 259 to 86 ; and, on a second division being taken, the amendment I was negatived by 229 to 94. A t the evening sitting, Mr. Caldwell, in regard to the working of the Crofters’ Holdings

(Scotland) Act, moved a resolution declaring that the Act to be extended and amended in certain respects. Its pro| visions should be extended to small leaseholders ; all imj provements not paid for by the landlord, should be expressly ! exempted from the payment bf rent; suitable powers should

N ew Series. V ol. XLV 1I., No, 2,023.