A W eekly Newspaper and R eview .


F rom th e B r ie j e f H i s H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T h e T a b l e t J u n e 4., 1870

V ol. 79. No. 2700. L ondon, F ebruary 6, 1892.

P r ic e 5<L, b y P o st 5% d .

[R eg iste r ed a t t h e G e n e r a i . P ost O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper.

C hronicle of t h e W e e k :


Lord Salisbury at Exeter— Death of Mr. C. H. Spurgeon— United States and Chili— Stranding of the “ Eider ” — Egyptian Reforms— Cruelties in the German Army— The Progress of Influenza— The Council of Judges— Death of Sir Morell Mackenzie — The Union Jack in American Ports— Lord George Hamilton at Manchester — Sir Charles Russell on the Situation—Sir Michael Hicks-Beach at Bristol— The Slave-Trade in Morocco— Health of Aldershot Camp — Financial Scandal in Paris . . 197 L eaders :

Old-Age Pensions . . . . . . 201 British Policy in the Soudan . . 202 Winter Exhibitions . . .. 203 Growing Old . . . . . . 204 Coming Beatifications . . . . 204


Page i N o t e s . . . . ............................205

L e t t e r s t o th e E d itor (Con­

R ev iew s :

The Texts of the Tao . . . . 207 De Sonis ......................... . . 208 Seeds and Sheaves.. . . . . 208 A Low Church Prophet . . . . 209 Peel . . .. .. . . . . 209 A History of England . . . .2 1 0 j Bozzy . . .. . . . . . . 2x0

The Realm of Nature . . . . 210 Longmans’ Silver Library . . 210 The Investor’s Review . . . . 210

I Consecration of the New Bishop of J Waterford . . . . . . . . 210

! C orrespondence : I Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent) . . . . . . . . 213 I L e t t e r s to t h e E d it or : ‘ The Stroud Green Catechism . . 214

tinued) : The Cardinal Archbishop’s Arms 215 Whitechapel Guardians . . . . 215 Catholics and the Russian Famine 215 A Proposed Work .. . . . . 2x5 The Cardinal Archbishop.. .. 215 A Catholic Club . . . . . . 215 A Gospel Commentary . . . . 216 An Enquiry . . . . . . . . 216 Some "Reminiscences of Cardinal

Manning . . .. .. . . 216 The Newman Memorial at Oxford 219 The Prussian School Bill . . . . 220 The Soudan Refugees .. . . 221 Some Publications of the Week . . 221 F rom E veryw h ere . . . . . . 221 Social an d P o l it i c a l . . . . 222


O b it u a r y ........................... . . 222 Funeral of Canon Last . . . . 222

SU PPLEM EN T . N ew s from t h e S chools :

The .£200,000 Grant for Irish

National Education . . . . 229 Report on St. Aloysius’ Schools,

Glasgow . . .........................229 Poplar Schools . . . . . . 229 About Education . . . . . . 229 N ew s from th e D ioceses :

Westminster . . . . . . 230 Leeds .. . . . . . . 230 Northampton . . . . . . 231 Plymouth . . . . . . . . 231 Portsmouth . . . . . . . . 231 Glasgow .................................... 231 The Late Sir John Lambert.. .. 231 The Hon. Colin Lindsay . . . . 233 Alderman Stuart Knill and “ The World” . . . . . . . . 234

%* Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.


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o r d Sa l i s b u r y addressed a meeting of 10,000 Unionists at Exeter on Tuesday night, and, after referring sympathetically to the death of the Duke of Clarence, and to that of the Khedive of Egypt, saying that the result of his reign had been the recovery of the country from financial and social suffering which had been almost unexampled, he went on to add that the Government had every hope that he was succeeded by a Sovereign who would carry out his wise traditions, and that the benefit to Egypt would not be less in the future than in the past. As to home affairs, the Premier said their opponents wished to take them for judgment before a tribunal without telling the judges the issue. He was mistaken if that absence of definition was observed by the inferior agents by whom their opponents’ election work was done. When they were dawn in a country parish, speaking from a van with no “ chiel takin’ notes amang them,” there was no end to the profit which they promised to the voters if they would vote Radical— profits which were to be had at the expense not only of their neighbours, the farmer and squire, but also at the expense of the Eighth Commandment. For himself, he was anxious that questions concerning the welfare of the working classes should be well considered. He was afraid of hasty and ill-considered legislation. While statesmen might do much by the wisdom of their measures, it was possible for reckless agitators to do irretrievable injury, He strongly urged the people to rely on their personal efforts, and said that the only true and lasting benefit which statesmen could give to the poor man was to so shape matters that the greatest possible opportunity for the exercise of his own moral and intellectual qualities should be afforded to him by the law. He was in favour of the extension of small holdings, as creating a class of peasant proprietors who -would constitute the strongest bulw'ark against revolutionary change: the soundest support for Conservative feeling and institutions. He did not know whether the State could create such a class, but he thought the experiment worth trying. There was plenty of land to be had, and he was most strongly against com-

N e w S e r i e s , V o l . X L V 1I . , No. 2 ,o c g .

pulsion, at all events, at this stage of the proceedings. Ireland still remained the burning question of the hour, upon which would rest the issue, not only of the next election, but perhaps of many ; as to the by-elections, Lord Salisbury accepted the comparison of “ as in 1885,” and showed that examiningthefiguresof South MoltonandRossendale— where theGladstoniansachievedtheirgreatest triumphs—the increase of the Unionist vote at the recent by-election, compared with 1885, was sufficient, if the same rate wasmaintained in all other constituencies, to give the Conservatives and Unionists a majority at the general election. But in any case he did not regard the next election as being a turning-point or a final election. He rather regarded it as an early stage— whichever way it turned— in a long and protracted struggle. In this connection it was the duty of the House of Lords to act according to their consciences in the matter before them. As to the road their opponents wished to travel, we should come to separation— separation with only a connection by the golden link of the Crown— if we moved the least along that road. Moreover, the new Irish province— he had almost said Republic— would be impecunious from the first. When the other members of the empire saw that under the pressure of Irish disaffection England had lost the nerve, or the fibre, or the manliness to uphold the integrity of its empire, would they not apply the lesson to themselves and many of them say, “ Now is the time for us to shake off this connection and stand alone and independent in the world ? ” I appeal to you, said Lord Salisbury, in conclusion, and to all well-loving members of this great community at- this critical hour of our fate not to be untrue to the great traditions, to the splendid position which our fathers have handed down to us, but to make every effort and to set aside every secondary issue or cause of conflict, in order that w'e may avoid before it is too late this crowning calamity and disgrace.

Mr. C. H. Spurgeon, Pastor of the famous d e a t h Baptist Tabernacle at Newington, expired at spurgeon. 23 minutes past i i o’clock on Sunday night.

He remained unconscious up to the last, and suffered no pain. Late in the summer of last year Mr. Spurgeon was seized with a dangerous illness which varied in intensity from week to week. In the autumn he rallied considerably, and it was hoped that by returning to the Riviera, which he had visited every year for some time past, he might eventually be restored to his usual health. He left London for Mentone, and the change at first proved beneficial. Lately, however, there was a return of his ailment, but his friends did not despair until a fewTdays ago,