15 Is trade in turmoil a chance for justice?

Vanessa Baird sets out amid the gathering storm clouds.

18 A rustbelt romance

Are Donald Trump’s tariff wars without reason?

21 Investor Rex

The low-down on ISDS – and other dodgy investor privileges.

23 The dark arts

Brexit boom-time for corporate lobbyists.

24 Open China?

What China promises, what China does.

27 Pigs that cross…

Climate-wrecking follies of free trade.

29 Winners and losers

How the clash of the titans, China and the US, is impacting the Global South.

32 Just, open and green

This is what a better global trading system might look like, concludes Vanessa Baird.

35 ACTION and worth reading

CURRENTS   8 African migrants seek new lives in China Plus: Borderlines   9 Introducing... Jair Bolsonaro   9 Free and fair elections in Armenia Plus: Seriously 10 Y’en a marre mobilize in Senegal 11 Tibet’s bid for emoji flag Plus: Sign of the Times 11 Meet the radical bird watchers 12 Bangkok street sellers live to fry another day 13 The legacy of Somalia’s worst suicide attack

Plus: Reasons to be Cheerful

REGULARS   6 Letters

Plus: Why I…   7 Letter from Dhaka

In her first column, Parsa Sanjana Sajid observes the symbolism of flowers being sold at an historical intersection in the city.

38 Country Profile: Cuba

40 Cartoon History The story of Toussaint Louverture, former slave

and military leader of the Haitian revolution, as told by ILYA (with Yohann Koshy).

44 The Debate

Dawn Foster and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown dispute whether or not religion should play a role in politics.

51 Temperature Check

From Extinction Rebellion to palm oil, Danny Chivers outlines the top five climate struggles to look out for in 2019.

55 Southern Exposure

Self-taught photographer Amarjeet Kumar Singh captures a candid moment during a behrupiya (impressionist) event in New Delhi.

60 The Interview

Soni Sori, an award-winning human rights defender, speaks to Dilnaz Boga about fighting for justice for sexually abused Adivasi women.

72 Hall of Infamy

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s ‘refugee drowner-in-chief’, is put under the spotlight.

80 The Puzzler