A Weekly Newspaper and Review.
From the Brief of H is Holiness P iu s IX . to T h e T a b l e t , June 4, ilsfo.
V o l . 94. N o . 3100. L ondon, October 7 » 1899.
P r ic e 5<1., b y P o s t 5
[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r .
J*PnJClr o f t h e W e e k : Qe Transvaal Crisis— Debate in Tje, P ape Asaembly— Mr. J. B. Robinson’s Views — The Dreyasite: Programme—Statement by AV1*..Millerand — The Venezuela Arbitration : Result — Ministers Y the Transvaal Crisis — A .c a r s Railway Accidents — A
ew Era jn Telegraphy— Mr. avit*’s Sympathy for the Boers "TAnti - Vaccination Martyrs — ^rmy Reform in France . . . . 557
Ck Church and the Dreyfus Case 561 ^bristianity in the Near East . . 562
t>ti an8e Consequence of Papal In fallib ility . . . . ; • 563 oüakespeare’s Philosophy ot L i fe 564 p T®s _ _ _ _ * . 5 6 8
A Great Historic Peerage: The
Larldom of Wiltes . . . . 57°
c O N 7 E N T S .
R ev ie w s (Continued) :
The Custom of the Country - - 57* Progessive Lessons in Science . . 571 Professions for Boys and How to Enter Them . . •• •• 57* Thoughts for A ll Times . . . . 5 8 2 The Romance of a Ritualist . . 582 The Works of Lord Byron . . 583 C orrespondence :
Rome (From Our Own Corre- ^
L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r (Con
tinued) :
The Rosary Confraternity . . 57s Which Book did Mr. Gladstone
Recommend ? ........................ 57® On Old-Age Pensions _ . . - . 5 7 9 The Catholic Social Union . . • • 579 The Ritual Controversy . . •• 580 The Historical Research Society _ 581 A New Departure in Japan . . 583 Dr. Horton and Mr. Britten • 5°3 The Catholic Marriage Rate in Eng
spondent) . . — — — 573 News from Ireland — — 574 News from France........................... 574 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :
The Grooming o! Our Boys . . 575 Evening Continuation Schools . . 570 " “ Rennes— and After ” . . •• 577
The Genesis o f Anglicanism . . 57° Fairy Rings . . 57° ' Family R e a d i n g ........................... 578
land . . ......................... •• 584 A “ Close T im e " for Anglican
Curates .......................................5^4 O b it u a r y . . — •• •• 5°5 Books of the W e e k ........................... 586 S o c ia l a n d P o l it i c a l . . — 586
SU P P L EM EN T . N ews from t h e Schools :
Certificate Examination, 1899 . . 589
N ew s from t h e D io ceses (Con-,.,
tinued : Oscott College, Birmingham . . 589 Commercial Education in Eng
land . . • •, •• • • 59° Eastbourne and Education . . 590 The A c c o u n t s of Volnntary
Schools . . . . . . - 59T Against Infection Among School
Children . . . . . . . . 591
N ew s from t h e D io ce se s :
Westminster . . . . — 59r Southwark . . . . ** •• 592 Birmingham ..........................593 Clifton ....................................... 593 P l y m o u t h .......................................593 Portsm outh...................................... 594 Salford . .........................594 Newport ...................................... 595 The Pope and the Friars Minor . . 595
Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied w ith address and postage.
N O T A N D A .
Attention is drawn to an extraordinary misconception on 'he part of the Bishop of Carlisle as to the meaning of the 'doctrine of Papal Infallibility. T h e distinction between inspiration and Assistance on the part of the Holy Ghost
‘ s illustrated and insisted .upon, and Dr. Bardsley’s notion that the Vatican decrees reduced the College of Cardinals to the position o f a superfluous survival is shown to be the Result of misunderstanding (p. 563).
The letters from Canon Corbishley and Father Bannin on Catholic Evening schools in connection with the School boards both introduce the question whether it might not ^ possible for a similar arrangement to be entered into in Mgard to our day schools. T h e arrangement has worked st«oothly and successfully, to the pecuniary profit o f the teachers and the educational progress o f the scholars,
Liverpool since 1895, in Salford since 1892, and in Manchester since an earlier date. As Canon Corbishley thoughtfully points out, a great deal must, of course, depend on the personnel of the Board. Whilst refraining from definitely saying that the question of the day schools could be settled on similar lines, he evidently is of opinion that it might, i f legislation could be procured to withhold a hostile School Board from undue interference with the denominational managers (p. 576).
T h e Rome correspondent of The Times is shown to have misrepresented the Osservatore Romano. Evidence is’given *0 support the contention that the Dreyfus agitation is being Made a stalking horse for an attack upon both ecclesiastical -and military authority in France. T h e confession o f a leader is quoted (p. 561).
W . Joseph Walton, Q .C ., takes part in the correspondence upon “ the grooming of our boys.” H e tells of the Meffaceable impression made upon his mind by the appearance o f the boys on a certain occasion at Stonyhurst, but Maintains that they put cleanliness next to godliness. Mr.
alton points out the new need there is to strengthen our schools in every possible way (p. 575).
•Series. Vol. LXII., No. 2,409.
T h e ioint letter which we publish from the Bishops o f Connaught to Mr. Gerald Balfour is an important document. After bearing grateful testimony to the efforts of the Congested Districts Board, the Bishops express the hope that the Government would help to extend its policy, so that the great grazing farms o f the west may be bought up and allotted among the poorer class o f tenants, l h e stream of emigration would thus be checked, and the land rescued from deterioration. Their lordships conclude with a declaration of their determination to put down any attempt to adopt unlawful methods on behalf of or by the tenants (p. 574).
In a review of Mr. Metcalfe’s “ A Great Historic Peerage,” the story o f the claim to the Earldom o f Wiltes in 1859 by the grandfather o f the present Mr. Scrope of Danby is fully told. T h e judgments delivered ten years later by the three Peers who formed the Committee for Privileges on that occasion are then considered in detail. Reasons are given for regarding the decision as erroneous (p. 570).
I f the words o f certain prominent Dreyfusards are to be trusted, it would seem that a fresh campaign of religious intolerance in France is to be opened. The evidence for this threatening prospect is scattered throughout the columns o f our present issue. There are the interview o f a Daily News correspondent with “ one o f the most influential members o f the Dreyfus party,” the speech delivered at Limoges by M. Millerand, Minister c f Commerce in the present Government, and the outrageous menaces uttered by M. Jonnart in the Figaro (pp. 558, 574).
P till Thursday there had been litt.e
CRISIS. u news from South Africa. On that day, however, the special correspondent o f The Daily Telegraph sent a long telegram to the effect that on the Natal frontier General Joubert had a fighting force o f 15,000 between Standerton and Volksrust, and would immediately invade the colony in strength. This plan is said to be based on an understanding with the Free State that its troops should assist, so as to enclose and captuie all places held by the British up to and including Ladysmith, A few hours later the same correspondent sent another telegram to the effect that the Boers