TABLET A IVeekly Newspaper a n d R eview .


From the Brie/ o j H is Holiness P iu s IX . to The Tablet, June 4, l iy o .

Vol. 93. No. 3076.

L o n d o n , A p r i l 22, 1899* price 5d„by post ¡%i

[R eg i st e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o st O f f i c e a s a N ew spaper.

p chronicle of th e W e e k :


Imperial Parliament : Sir William Harcourt and the Budget—The Housing Question in London— The Small Houses B ill- The New Code and Pupil Teachers—N a tional Expenditure— Repeal of the Crimes Act Refused —America and the Philippines — The Students’ •strike in Russia—The Position of parties at the Cape — United states and Canada—The Dreyfus disclosures : Colonel Picquart’s ^vidence — Fire in Hyde Park Lourt— The Decline of the Birthf * t e -M r . Balfour and the Sinklng Fund .................................... 597 B aders :

pasting the Horoscope of China.. 601 - ^jsatlantic Life in Fiction

With ¿^Ahe ‘ ‘ Uganda Relief Expe



N otes . . . . _ R eview s :

». 605

The Life of Sir George Pomeroy

Colley ..

Actors of the Century . .

Thoughts on H e l l ............................£09 Aspects of Religious and Scientific



T h o u g h t ....................................... 6io Les S a i n t s .................................... .... Dogmatic D ecrees.........................611 St. John Damascene on Holy

Images .................................... 611 The Kingdom of Heaven Here and H e r e a f t e r ............................6Tr Jewels of Prayer and Meditation 611 The Pope and America . . ..6x1 C orrespondence :

Rome (From Our Own Corre*

spondent) . . . . «. — 613 News from Ireland «. - 615 News from France........................... 615

L e t t e r s to t h e E d itor :


The Dreyfus Case . .

Genesis and St. Thomas . . ’ " The One-Man Manager . . . . “ St. George for England ” . . A^Memorial Church to Don Bosco Pilgrimage to Rome . . The Decoration of St. Paul’s ..’ For Working M e n ......................... The Archbishop of York on Au­


thority ......................... “ The Tendency of Religion ” . . The Ritual Controversy . . . . 618 St. Joseph's Foreign Missionary

616 616 616 616 617 617 6x7 617 617 617

Society ......................... St. Vincent de Paul Society Regulars and Episcopal Sees The Fighting in Samoa .. Books of the Week . . . . O b it u a r y . . . . So c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l

. 620 . 622 . 622 . 624

624 , 624 , 624

SU PPLEM EN T . PaS® N ew s from t h e Schools :

Thoughts on Secondary Educa-

tlon • ■

. . 62a

Elementary School Teachers and 9

Superannuation . . . . 6 ,0 Expenditure on Technical Educa­

tion.. . . . t


Catholic Colleges . . . . ..631 The Irish University Question . . 631 N ews from t h e D io ceses :

Westminster . . Southwark . . . . Birmingham.. .. Salford . . . . Glasgow . . .. Catholic School Committee Catholic Truth Society .. . . The Lord Chief Justice and Aid for Prisoners . . . . . . 635 Mission and Nursing Work in

R h o d e s i a ................................. 63s

63t 63t 632 632 633 633 6-33

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Sir parliament :

H E Budget proposals o f the

Chancellor of the Exchequer have met with a good deal o f unfavourable criticism both in and on the lines o f the objections taken om of t> • ’ tntn ! r 'l a m e n t on tne lines ot me oDjecuons taxen L a v ' ately by Sir Henry Fowler and Sir W illiam Harcourt. tob 1Qg aside the niggling finance o f taking something from it 0ACc° which does do good to consumers, and putting Sit tfl ° w'ne which will be immediately felt as a hardship,

Fowler summed up the Budget in the sentence ProP°sed to reduce the amount set apart for the o f tLent ° f the National Debt. H e deplored the reduction ioteJ at atnount in a time o f prosperity, and denounced Sir Wefr nce with the Sinking Fund as disastrous aDd unwise. iodi Harcourt followed with a florid speech o f heated p t o f .atio"- T h e proposal practically put an end to the bl0wlS10n f or the redemption o f the debt, and struck a fatal goo(j aSa’nst the system which Liberals had stood by in pr0s a° ? evil report. What was the good of proposing the r ‘ v.e liabilities and at the same tim e o f cutting off be rL ° Y 's' 0D by which it might be made easier for them to of t h ? ^ ' r William then went on to rally the Chancellor

~ xchequer for his lapse from financial virtue, which c°rru d the truth o f the old adage that evil communications the matmers. T h e provision for the redemption o f Cte<Ft Was a great strength to the nation, which gave us ar>d character abroad.

Pr0. ON, c posed

Whilst the H ouse in Committee of Supply was discussing the vote for the victualling and clothing o f the Navy, a reduction o f the amount asked for was ges t in order to call attention to the inadequate iard. H i eo to the labourers in the Deptford victualling tioo of A Goschen, in reply, pointed out that the condiS* eatins ] ' t o u r e r s referred to was due to the exactions o f Paid by ti ^dlords rather than to a deficiency in the wages house fg Government. Whilst wages had advanced 20, ‘he jj0 bad r' sen 5° Per cent. Evidently, therefore,

of ^ e poor in these districts had reached a jj cb was socially and econom ically deplorable, and Rvv SBRUtR, VOL. LXI., No. 2,385.

should be remedied if possible. T h e difficulty was to get house room at moderate prices. H e wished the local authorities would set to work to clear away the bad house property as fast as possible, and that a resolute effort could be made to house our workpeople better. In the last resort he would be prepared to see whether the Government could not make arrangements for housing the 150 Deptford labourers who were on the lower scale o f pay.

On Monday afternoon, when the Small Houses B ill came on for second reading, it b ill . was opposed by an amendment from Mr.

M 'K en na. This amendment declared that public money should not be advanced except upon the terms that the freehold o f the property should be vested, not in the individual purchaser, but in the public body which IeDt him the money. Considerable support was given to this counter-motion b y members on the Opposition side o f the House, to the no small surprise o f Mr. ChamberlaiD, as the principle o f the measure had already been approved by the L iberal leaders. A ccordingly M in isterialists thoroughly enjoyed the discom fiture inflicted upon previous speakers by Mr. Asquith, who, after pointing out that the B ill was merely permissive in character, and that the exercise o f the powers to be granted by it was fettered by stringent precautions lim iting the liability o f the ratepayer to the produce o f a rate not exceeding a penny in the pound, declared that he could have no objection to entrust such strictly guarded powers to the municipalities. T h e local knowlege and local resources o f the municipalities encouraged hopefulness in dealing with the particular social problem s o f different districts, and there was really no ground for the objection that these public bodies were likely to abuse the powers, granted by the Bill, at the expense o f the ratepayers. T o his mind the strongest objection to the proposal was that the scope o f its operation was to be so restricted. Mr. Chamberlain followed with an incisive examination o f the flimsy objections brought against the measure, and when a division was taken, the amendment was rejected by a majority o f 1S0. T h e B ill was then read a second time, and referred to the Standing Committee on Law.

A discussion afterwards arose on the

—the new code questi0n o f certain alterations made in the PUPIL teachers. Code o f Regulations for day schools. Mr.

’ Jeffreys moved the presentation o f an address begging that the Royal assent should be “ graciously