A W eek ly N ew sp ap er a n d R ev iew .


From, the B r ie f of H is Holiness P iu s IX . to T h e T a b l e t , June 4, /¿/0.

V o l . 92. No. 3052.

L ondon, N o v em b e r 5, 1898.

P r ic e 5c!., b y P o s t s & d .

[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r .


C n 'R O N I C L E O F T H E W E E K !

The Kaiser’s Pilgrimage— Entry into Jerusalem— Consecration of the Church o f the Redeemer—The Emperor’s Donation to the Gerf man Catholics— Patriotic Speeches

The “ Novoe Vremya ’ ’ Incident— T h e London County Council and the Water Supply— Major Marchand Comes Down the N i le—The Soudan— The Germans in Africa— The Court o f Cassation and the Dreyfus Case— The Finding of the Court— The Peace Commission— More Disclosures from Mr. Hooley— Entente Between Bulgaria and Montenegro—Ultimatum in C re te—The New French Ministry— Attack on a Caravan in 'East A frica— Naval Activity in the East .................................... 717 L e a d e r s :

Revision at Last . . . . . . 721


L e a d e r s (Continued) :


Augustine and Theodore . . . . 722 Letters from Canada — I X .—

Towns, Politics, and Climate . . 724 N o t e s . . — _ _ . . 726 The Dominican Order . . . . 728 R ev ie w s :

Ecclesiastical Vestments : Their

Development and History . . 729 Sonnets and Epigrams on Sacred

Subjects . . . . . . . . 730 Pere Ollivier on “ The Church ” 730 Historic Nuns . . . . . . 731

Chambers’s English Dictionary" 731 C o r r e s p o n d e n c e :

Rome r— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) . . — « . . 733 News from Ireland _ _ 734 News from F ra n c e ......................... 735 News from America . . . . 735

TL e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :

“ Rex Regum ” Save the Child : Proselylism

Italy “ Art in Small Churches ’’ Public Libraries and Catholic

Newspapers Laissez Faire and Church Music Holidays o f Obligation .. The Holy Father and the Bishop


736 737 • 737

737 737 737

of Christchurch, New Zealand 737 The Testimony o f a Window . . 738 A Mistake in “ Butler ” . . . . 738 The Ninth Centenary of A ll Souls’

D a y . . . . ......................... 738 Catholic Truth Society . . . . 740 The Ritual Controversy . . .. 741 The Charge Against a Priest in

Russian Poland . . . . . . 742 The Kaiser’s Gift to German

C a t h o l i c s ......................... . . 745 Building Grants to Manchester

Schools . . . .

. . 743


Books of the W e e k . . . . 743 F rom E v e r yw h e r e . . 744 O bITCARY ............................ 744 M a r r i a g e ........................................ 344 So c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l m . . 744

S U P P L EM E N T . N ew s from t h e S chools :

A Catholic University for Ireand 749 N ew s from t h e D io c e se s : Westminster . . . . „ 75®

Southwark . . , , . . 75c Birmingham.. . . . . . . 751 Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 75c Liverpool . . . . . . 752 Menevia ................................... . 752 The Church o f England . . . . 752 The Relation Between Religion and

National Success . . . . . . 754

% * Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.


The Imperial party after passing through

— e n t r y i n t o streets decked with garlands, flags and

J e r u s a l e m , triumphal arches, made their formal entry into the Holy City by the Jaffa Gate, amid

--------- ♦--------

TH E Imperial party, after landing at

Haifa, and visiting Mount Carmel, , proceeded by a new road to Jaffa, where they spent the night of October 27.

T h e German colonists at Sarona on the way thither presented an address, in reply to which the Emperor expressed his pleasure at seeing how beneficial the good relations between Germany and the Ottoman Empire were to the German subjects in the East. The more, he said, the Germans in the Levant held fast to their country the greater would be their influence as a •civilizing element for Turkey. It was from his recognition of this fact that the Sultan extended a benevolent protection to Germans in his dominions. T o an address presented by Father Biever, director o f the German Catholic settlement at Tabgha, expressing the gratitude of German •Catholics living in Palestine for the protection enjoyed under the “ glorious sceptre ” of his Imperial Majesty, the Emperor replied as follows : “ Your patriotic address has afforded me great pleasure, and I thank you very much for •it. In reply I am glad to have the opportunity of declaring once for all that my Catholic subjects may always be sure o f my Imperial protection, whenever and wherever they require it.” A deputation of Templars subsequently waited on his Majesty and presented him with water-colour drawings of their colonies at Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem. On the morning of the 29th the Imperial couple rode to Ramleh, and thence in the afternoon to Bab-el-Wady, where their camp was pitched for the night, by a road passing through the Valley of Ajalon, where Joshua defeated the Amorites, the cave of Makeddah, where they hid after the battle, El Kubbeh, and Labron, traditionally believed to be the birthplace of Dimas, the penitent thief. At all the places passed the cortege was enthusiastically received by the inhabitants of the villages, headed by their elders, the welcome being enlivened by the performance of the feats of horsemanship for which they are famous. The encampment outside Jerusalem was reached early on the following day, the weather continuing splendid though very hot, the thermometer sometimes registering 930 in the shade, and 9104° at noon in the sun. ‘

the roar of guns from the citadel and the clash of banels playing the German Anthem from David’s Tower. A t the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, whither they proceeded on foot, they were received by the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian clergy, headed by Mgr. Piavi, the Latin Patriarch. The address read by the latter ran as follows: “ The devout homage which your illustrious Majesties have come to offer to our Redeemer is such a great act of piety that it compels admiration, for it proves the deep religious feeling by which your Majesties are animated. In a time of religious indifference, the example which your Majesties thereby show is truly sublime, and will not fail to have the happiest results in advancing the Christian cause. Merciful God will surely pour forth the richest blessings on your illustrious Majesties. Our innermost wishes and prayers are that your Imperial and Royal Majesties may enjoy happiness, prosperity, and long life, for the glory of God and the welfare of the people which is entrusted to the care of your Majesties’ just and wise rule.” Mgr. Diamanos, the Greek Patriarch, and Mgr. Vahabedian, the Armenian Patriarch, also read addresses, the former in Greek and the latter in Turkish, which were translated into German by the Archdeacon Germanus. From the Church of the Holy Sepulchre their Majesties proceeded to the newly-built Evangelical church of the Redeemer, where the pastor, Herr Bosse, read an address tracing the history of the church from the acquisition of the site through the efforts of the Emperor Frederick in 1869, and expressed gratitude for the Emperor’s intention of being present at its dedication. The site known as “ La Dormition de la Sainte Vierge,” acquired by the Emperor in Constantinople, he has decided to bestow upon the German Society of the Holy Land in the interests of German Catholics, and this resolve he, communicated to Father Schmidt, Director of the German Catholic Hospice, in an interview with him. He has conferred on the Latin Patriarch the Order of the Red Eagle of the first class, and the the Order of the Crown of the first class on the Greek and Armenian Patriarchs. After their visit to the HolySepulchre their Majesties proceeded to the traditional site of Calvary, where the Emperor spent ten minutes, and it awakens a strange thrill of associations to read that on their return, the crowd in their enthusiasm “ strewed palm-branches on their way,” while the rough paving-stones were covered with

N ew S er ie s . V ol. LX., No. 2,361.