A . W e e k ly N ew s p a p e r a n d R e v ie w ,


From the B r i e f o f H i s H o lin ess P iu s I X . to T h e T a b l e t , J u n e 4, 1870.

V ol. 88. No. 2934.

L ondon, A ugust r, 1896.

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[Registered at the General Post Office as a N ewspaper

C hronicle of the Week \ L Imperial Parliament : _ London


University B ill— The Irish Land Bill Through Committee — Irish Education— Plea for a Catholic University— Lord Braye and the •Queen’s Reign — The Uganda Railway Bill — The Rising in Rhodesia— What Constitutes a Town — The Term of Judicial Rents—The Cape Assembly and M r . Rhodes— Crete and Macedonia— Mr. Bryan’s Improved Chances o f the Presidency — •Fighting in Matabeleland— The N ile Expedition—The “ Drum-mond Castle ’ ’ : Finding o f the Court of Inquiry— The Socialists a t Lille—Socialist Demonstration •in Hyde Park— Harvest Operations— Verdict in the Jameson Case-Sentences on the “ R a ?ders” 157 ¿Leaders :

Anglo-American Arbitration . . 161


Leaders (Continued) :

Socialist Propaganda in Italy Mr. Lacey’s New Theory The Aerial Graphoscope .. The Pope and the Sword Fisn . . N otes .. R e v i e w s :

“ Euthaliana ” Recollections of Scottish Episco-

palianism . . The Rising in East Anglia in 13S1 Here and There Memories Jeanne d’A r i Arbitration With America . . Correspondence ;

Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent).. . . M — News from Ireland ... ... — News From France Letters to the Editor :

PnRe . 162 • 163 . 164 . 164 . IÓ5

168 169 169 170 I7O

Barlow’s Consecration The Married Bishops Requisite Knowledge for Confir­

mation in the Anglican Church

Letters to the E ditor (Con­

Page tinued : Cadet Corps for Catholic Schools 177 The Abbé Portal on Reunion Father Ainsworth .. Gilbert Memorial Fund .. A Cure for the Abbé Portal The Ceremonial of Bishops Bimetallism and Civilizatio:

{¡metallism and Civilization The Houses of Celebrated Catholics 179 “ Salve Pater Salvatoris ” . . 179 The Secret of Catholicism . . . . 179 The “ Preston” Plan for the Solu­

17S 17S 178 178 178 179

tion o f the Education Question 180 Reminiscences o f Thomas Henry

Huxley . . ......................... 182

S U P P L EM E N T . News from the Schools:

St. Cuthbert’s College, (Tshaw . . 189 St. Gregory's College, Downside 189 Wimbledon College . . . . 189 RatclifFe College . . . . . . 189 St. Cuthbert’s Grammar School,

Newcastle . . . . . . 190

News from the Schools (Con­

tinued): Convent of Notre Dame, Black­

Page burn . . . . .. . . 190 St. Philip’s Grammar School,

Birmingham .. . . . . 190 The Convent, Abingdon . . . . 19c Coloma House, Croydon . . . . 19c Convent o f the Holy Child,

Layton Hill, Blackpool . . igx St. George’s College, Weybridge 191 Convent of Mercy, Chelsea . . 191 St. Catharine’s Convent o f Mercy,

Edinburgh ......................... igx Benedictine Convent of the Per­

petual Adoration^ Dumfries . . 192 St. Mary’s Catholic School for

Young Ladies, West Cliff, Southend-on-Sea . . . . 192 News from the Dioceses : Westminster

Southwark . . Portsmouth . . Salford

193 193 193 194

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improvements. Mr. Healy tvanted to know i f the maker o f paper for bank-notes would get the inherent capacity o f his paper when it was turned into banknotes, and then declared that the Clause as it stood notched the low-water mark o f acceptance for the Bill. An attack was made upon Mr. Balfour by Mr. Carson, in which it was declared, and the declaration was reiterated by Mr. Morley, that he had changed his opinion on this point since he had left the Opposition benches. T h e reply o f the Leader o f the House was at once complete and dignified. The Government had not embodied any doctrine, and had formulated none in their measure, for to attempt to find a definition on so difficult a question would have been to attempt the impossible. B y half-past four on Friday morning the consideration o f proposed new clauses was completed, and by twenty-five minutes to five, after several amendments to the schedules proposed by the Irish members had been successfully resisted by the Government, the Bill, amid loud cheers, passed through Committee. A pleasant feature connected with the termination of the discussion was Mr. H ealy ’s tribute to “ the great skill, industry, knowledge, and patience o f the Ch ie f Secretary in the conduct o f the B ill.”

----------- «----------

TH E Bill for making the Lon­

don University into a teachuniversity bill. 1nf> as well as an examining body has passed its second reading in the House o f Lords under the charge o f the Duke of Devonshire, who contended that the body o f opinion in declared opposition to the measure was not to be compared either in scientific or educational experience with the vast majority who were in favour o f the scheme. His G race corrected a misconception that had arisen that in receiving a deputation on the question he had conveyed the impression o f being less favourable to the measure as a whole than was really the case. This, he explained, was owing to the fact that in receiving such deputations he had been in the habit of endeavouring rather to put such objections as might occur to him to the case presented, with the object o f eliciting further information, than of expressing unqualified approval of the views put forward, ■ until he was thoroughly acquainted with what would be argued on the other side. Lord Herschell spoke in favour o f the Bill, pointing out that the Cowper-Temple scheme had the approval o f the Senate, who, as the governing body o f the University, were best able to judge of the risks to he apprehended from the proposed changes in the way o f a lowered standard o f degrees and of unfairness to candidates not connected with any college. H e deprecated the idea that no change could be made i f vetoed by the graduates.

D awn saw the H ouse o f Commons at

— the irish land iab ours 0n the Irish L and Bill on


Friday morning. A long discussion naturally took place on Mr. Gerald Bal­

four’s long and intricate amendment to Clause 4, which dealt with the difficult question of tenants’ improvements. Mr. K ilb r id e attempted to obtain an addition to the Clause, defining improvement to be “ any increased letting value due to or arising from out of any expenditure of labour or capital on or in respect o f the holding.” This was negatived, and then Mr. Smith Barry opened a discussion by moving that “ what was due to the inherent capabilities of the soil ” should not be taken into account as part o f the

T h e adjourned debate on the Irish Educa-

— irish tion Estimates was resumed by Mr. Dillon, education who raised the question o f the arrears o f fee grant which are claimed to be due to Ireland.

T h e Chancellor o f the Exchequer, whilst repudiating any desire to act unfairly to any part of the United Kingdom, pointed out that .£70,000 was nearer the mark as the amount of arrears due than the £ 12 7 ,0 0 0 which had been claimed. H e admitted that Ireland had a claim in this matter, but he thought that the payment would best be applied to the purpose of improving the solvency o f the Teachers’ Pension Fund by a grant o f £ 10,000 a year. H e declined to be held responsible for the action o f his predecessor in office, from whom, too, the Irish members had made no serious attempt to obtain the arrears in question. This suggested allocation o f the payment of arrears met with some opposition. The convent schools and the nuns, Mr. Knox and Mr. Healy pointed out, would derive no benefit from such a course, and that could scarcely be fair, seeing that the nuns formed one-eighth of the teaching staff o f Ireland.

On the vote for a grant in aid o f the for L catholic Q ueen’s Colleges, Mr. Dillon made a strong university. appeal to the Government to endeavour to settle the question o f Catholic University education in Ireland. It was no use establishing colleges to meet the wants o f Irish Catholics, and then to render it

N e w S e r i e s , V o l . L V I . , N o . 2 ,2 43.