T H A Weekly Newspaper and Review .
From the Briei oj H is Holiness P iu s IX . to T he T ablet, June 18 7
V ol. 87. No. 2920.
London, A pril 25, 1896.
p™» ,d. b, p0ST5^
[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o st O f f i c e a s a N ew spaper
■ Ch ronicle of t h e W e e k :
Imperial Parliament : _Disposal of the Surplus—The Nation’s Drinks — The Hybrid Committee on the Irish Improvement Bills— Dublin Castle and Its Critics— The Hardships of Agriculture—The Governm ent P r o p o s a ls — M i l i t a r y .Manœuvres—Old Soldiers— The
'Venezuelan Question Still _Unsettled—A Dangerous Situation— The W e s le y a n Census — The Matabele Rising— The Curates’ Union — The German Catholics and Duelling — An Experiment With the Drink Traffic—Another French Crisis— Resignation of the French Ministry . . . . •. 637 ■3L eaders :
A Declaration by the Cardinal
Archbishop and Bishops .. 641 The Catholic Party and the Poli
tical Future o f Italy . . . . 643 St. Mary’s, Moorfields . . . . 644
Expedition Against the Wa-Nandi.. 645 N o t e s ...................................... .. . . 646 R eview s :
Father Billot on the Incarnation 648 Retreats b y Father Dignam . . 648 Kriegspiel : The War Game . . 649 A Little History of China . . 649 The Reliquary . . . . . . 649 Our School Boards . . . . 649 An Outcast of the Islands . . 650 The Broom Squire .. .. . . 650 Joan the Maid Books of the Week The British Empire and the Catholic
Church C orrespondence :
Rome :— (From Our Own Corre
spondent) ......................... News from Ireland ..
News From France . . . . 656 L e t t e r s to t h e E d itor :
Anglican Orders and the Arch
deacon of Liverpool . . . . 658 The Anglican Ordinal . . . . 658
TL e t t e r s to t h e E d it or (Con
tinued) : Alms for the Armenians . . . . 658 Barlow’s “ Burial of the Mass” 658 The Position of Catholic Schools 658 St. Albert’s and Gray’s Elegy .. 658 The Catholic Cause and the Bill 659 Capuchins and Abyssinia .. .. 659 Funeral of the Late Canon Walshaw 659 The Duke of Norfolk at Bradford .. 660 English and Foreign Freemasonry 661 Catholics on the Bench and at the
Bar . . . . . . . . .. 662 Rome and Reunion : The Anglican
V iew .. . . . . . . . . 662 The Composition o f the Proposed
Education Committee . . . . 663 Capuchin Friars and Venezuela .. 663 Savage Superstition and Stupidity 663 A Child Custody Case . . . . 664 F rom E v e r y w h e r e ........................... 664 M a r r ia g e . . ........................... 664 So c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . 665
SU PPLEM ENT. N ew s from 'the S chools:
The Manitoba School Bill . . 66q Mr. Chamberlain and the Bill . . 669 Mr. J. Newton Coombe’s Opinion
©f the Bill . . . . . . 669 Separate Religious Instruction . . 670 ' The Four-Shilling Grant . . . . 670 The Bishop of Manchester and the Education Bill . . . . 670 The Conscience Clause .. . . 671 Mr. Chamberlain and Voluntary
Subscriptions.. . . . . . . 67c Conversazione at St. Patrick’s Col
lege, Wellington, New Zealand 672 N ews from t h e D io ceses : Westminster ........................... 672
S o u th w a r k ....................................... 673 Northampton . . .. . . 673 Nottingham....................................... 673 Plymouth . . . . . . . . 673 Portsm outh....................................... 673 Salford ......................... . . 673 Glasgow ....................................... 674
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IF proof were wanting for the statement that the financial yearwhich has just closed is as truly remarkableastheChancellorof the Exchequer declared it to be, it will be found in the fact that he has not allowed it to be the basis upon which to make his forecast for the current year. Whilst his forecast points to a revenue of ¿ 1 0 1 , 7 5 s ,000 he anticipates an expenditure that will leave him with ¿1,708,000 in hand. Out of this he proposes to extend some alleviation to a class of the community which is at present suffering heavily. Two hundred thousand pounds are to go towards redressing certain hardships which had been found to occur in the working o f the Finance A c t of last year with regard to the legacy and succession duties, whilst most o f the remainder is to be devoted to the relief of agriculture. O f this the reduction o f the Land Tax from four shillings to one shilling as it affects agricultural districts will absorb _£100,000 ; and Mr. Chaplin’s Rating Reform Bill will require ¿£9 75,000 to lighten the rates on agricultural land, by which some of the grievous inequalities now pressing upon the cultivating interest will be redressed. There is still left a net surplus o f ¿433,000, which is to be kept to defray such increased charges as will fall within the present year in connection with the proposals of the Education Bill now before the House.
prosperous, and
The revenue returns as seen in the Budget throw some side-lights on the habits o f the people which reveal many interesting facts. The times have been the prosperity has made itself evident in the nation’s drink bill. There have been r,600,000 more barrels of beer drunk than in the previous year, which Sir William Harcourt supposed may be accounted for by much toasting of the health of her Majesty’s present Administration. The consumption of light wines and spirits has increased very largely, and this, perhaps, points to greater wisdom in the nation’s drinking. Brandy is on the down grade, while the taste for rum seems to be absolutely declining. T ea shows an increase of ,£158,000 over the receipts of the previous year, so the cup that cheers without inebriating has been fuller than ever. This increase under the head of tea is accompanied by a large downfall in the returns from coffee. Sir Michael Hicks Beach thinks that this slump in coffee arises from the fact that tea is cheaper to buy, easier to make, and requires less milk. Doubtless it is the second of these reasons advanced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer which best explains the fall in coffee.
An unfortunate dispute arose in the c7 m m ™ Ro n House of Commons in the ranks of t h e ir i s h the ln sh party on the question o f the im p r o v e m e n t r i l l s , members to serve on the Committee which is to consider the Belfast Cor
poration and the Londonderry Improvement Bills. Amongst the names proposed were those of Mr. Dillon and Mr. Knox. Mr. Knox objected to Mr. Dillon’s name being included. He explained that in order to avoid the expenses of having the Catholic Associations represented by Counsel before the Committee, it had been arranged that Mr. T . Healy, as a member o f the Irish Bar with the requisite legal experience, and himself, as a member of the English Bar, should sit on the Committee to represent the Catholic Associations. Now it was found that Mr. Dillon had been nominated in place o f Mr. Healy, so that the arrangement would be upset, and the Catholics put to the expense of employing Counsel. Mr. Dilion declared that the whole thing was an attempt to influence unduly the appointment of Committees in the House, and declared that he would not withdraw. H e did not think that Mr. Knox had served the cause o f the Catholics o f Derry by the course he had adopted. H e ought to have observed the customs and traditions of party discipline. Mr. Dillon was backed up in his contention by The Freem an's J o u rn a l, which thought that the presence upon the Committee o f one lawyer like Mr. Knox was sufficient, and loudly deplored the letter upon the subject sent by Mr. Knox to the Press. As may be seen, however, from the report o f the Belfast Catholic Committee which we publish in another column, the action o f Mr. Knox is in complete accordance with the opinion o f that body. It is not a little to be regretted that the cause in question should be weakened by party wrangles. Perhaps the forthcoming meeting in Belfast may heal the disputes.
After a multitude o f questions had been addressed to Ministers at the opening of Friday’s sitting, the House went into Committee o f Supply on the Civil Service
N ew S e r i e s , V o l . L V . , o . 2 ,229.