THE TABLET u4 W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 155. No. 4,695.
London, May 3, 1930.
Rio is t z b id AT TBB Gekzral P ost O r r i c i as a Niw s p a p is
News and Notes . . . . . . 573 Non Possum us . . . 577 Com ing E vents . . . . . . 578 Notes fo r Musicians . . . 578 R e v ie w s :
A Polish Masterpiece . . . 579 Animism an d Psycho
Analysis ............................ 579 M onseigneur de Geneve 580 New L ig h t on the Flood 580 New Books and Music . . . 582
E d u c a t io n : The Govern
m ent’s P r o p o s a l s ................... 583 F rom The Tablet of E ighty
Y ears A g o ............................... 584 P ap a l D e c o r a t i o n s ................... 584 The Cambridge Summer
School ................................5 85 Catholic E ducation Notes . . . 586 Correspondence :
Rome (O u r Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly L e tte r from ) ................................58 9
Upholland College . . . . . . 590 Or b is Terrarum ( Gontd.) Obituary ................ . . . 591 China 596 Et Ce t e r a ............. . . . 592 F ran ce 596 I n d i a ................ 597 Or b is Terrarum ; Spain 598
Sw itzerland
England, Scotland Wales and . . . 593
U ruguay
A rm enia
I r e la n d ................ . . . 594 Marriages . . .
. . . 594 E p is c o pa l E ngagements 600
Belgium ................ B erm uda ................ . . . 595 . . . 595 Social and P ersonal .. 600 B razil ................ . . . 596 Ch e s s ................ 600
NOTANDA St. Augustine of Hippo. Points in the Holy Father’s encyclical summarized (p. 589).
Education; especially the Appointment of Teachers. The text of the Government proposals; some comments by The Tablet’s Educational Correspondent ; a Resolution of the Catholic Bishops; and a Tablet article explaining the situation in popular language (pp. 577, 583, 586).
Caveat Lector. A Note on “ news ” from Malta (p. 574).
The Liturgical Revival. Encouraging reports of this year’s Holy Week music. A contrast in Lancashire (p. 576).
Papal Decorations. Regulations by the Foreign Office for British subjects applying for His Majesty’s permission to wear such honours (p. 584).
An un-British award by the “ British ” Drama League. Out-of-date irreligiosity rewarded by a Cup (p. 576).
A Wesleyan Minister’s defence of the Catholic Church; and a Protestant “ Reform ist” on Liverpool’s Catholic Cathedral (p. 575.).
NEWS AND NOTES "DELGIUM’S rejoicings in honour of her first In^ dependence Centenary have begun. So cheap and quick is transport to Ostend and Antwerp that many of us will be able to take a look a t the Centenary Exhibition and to shake hands with our brave Belgian friends on their own soil. A hundred years ago Britain burnt a little gunpowder to help Belgium in her struggle against the King of the Netherlands ; and, during the four years of the Great War, hundreds of thousands of our sons poured out their blood in Flanders. To Catholics, Belgium is doubly dear. The masses of her honest and laborious people hold stoutly to the Christian Faith, revere the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,
New Series. Voi. CXXIII. No. 4,094.
honour Our Lady and the Saints of God and are full of loyalty to the Vicar of Christ. We wish them a very happy year.
We are writing these lines on Thursday, before news concerning the observance of May Day can be received. There lies before us, however, a Bolshevik paper, published in London, in which we find the summons “ Workers in Britain ! Mobilize on May Day to defend the Soviet Union.” Where and in what manner the mobilization is to take place we are not told : but abundant reasons for it are given. Here are some of the statements which Moscow’s well-subsidized agents in London are allowed to circulate without hindrance :
Every preparation for war on the Soviet Union is being rushed ahead.
Pilsudski is preparing for a Polish attack in May. The British Government’s naval aid to Rumania for Black Sea operations against the Soviet Union is already well advanced.
The Skoda munition works in Czecho-Slovakia are busy supplying Rumania.
British aeroplanes in large numbers are being sent not only to Poland but to such other border states as Finland, Esthonia, and Latvia.
The so-called “ lull ” in the imperialist “ religious protest ” campaign marks merely the transition from the stage of preliminary war propaganda to the stage of direct military preparations. The same newspaper (of which thousands of copies are printed and sold in London every day) speaks of the recent naval conversations by the Five Powers as “ The Five Bandits Conference.” Mr. Arthur Henderson, when he was reconciling the House of Commons to renewed diplomatic relations with Russia, assured the nation that Muscovite interference in our home life would cease. What dqes he make of this printed appeal to “ mobilize on May Day,” not on our own country’s behalf but “ to defend the Soviet Union,” which admits and even boasts that it is working against us in India ?
Several readers of The Tablet’s article “ Mr. Snowden Shews the Way,” ask us to develop our