Future Publishing Ltd. Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA Tel: 01225 442244 Fax: 01225 822793 Email: futuremusic@futurenet.com Editor Si Truss, simon.truss@futurenet.com Reviews Editor/Online Content Manager Simon Arblaster, simon.arblaster@futurenet.com Art Editor Phil Cheesbrough, philip.cheesbrough@futurenet.com Production Editor James Russell, james.russell@futurenet.com
BIG THANKS TO… Joe Rossitter, Jono Buchanan, Hamish Mackintosh, Tim Cant, Roy Spencer, Danny Turner, Dan ‘JD73’ Goldman, Tom Jones, Ben Wilson, Bruce Aisher, Jon Musgrave, Joby Sessions, Joseph Branston, Olly Curtis, Mark Gyver, Robbie Stamp, Oli Bell, Adam Lee, Catherine Hood
ADVERTISING For Ad enquiries please contact: Steve Hymas, steve.hymas@futurenet.com MARKETING Direct Marketing Executive: Will Hardy PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION Production Controller: Fran Twentyman Production Manager: Mark Constance Printed in the UK by: William Gibbons & Sons Ltd on behalf of Future Distributed in the UK by: Marketforce (UK), 2nd Floor, 5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HU CIRCULATION Trade Marketing Manager: Michelle Brock Tel: +44 (0)207 429 3683 SUBSCRIPTIONS UK reader order line & enquiries: 0844 848 2852 Overseas reader order line & enquiries: +44 (0)1604 251045 Online enquiries: www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk Email: futuremusic@myfavouritemagazines.co.uk LICENSING Senior Licensing & Syndication Manager: Matt Ellis, matt.ellis@futurenet.com Tel: +44 (0)1225 442244 MANAGEMENT Managing Director, Magazines Division: Aaron Asadi Art & Design Director: Ross Andrews Music Group Editor-In-Chief: Daniel Griffiths
Beat Of The Drum Right from day one, drum machines have provided the foundation on which dance music is built. In a practical sense, before DAWs were common-place, the beating pulse of a drum machine would be the heartbeat around which electronic productions were synchronised. In stylistic terms too, it’s not hyperbole to state that the not-so-realistic sound of Roland’s classic drum boxes have defined whole genres with their crisp, punchy hits and distinctive swing.
Whether it’s sample or synth based, software or hardware, at some point dance music producers are going to want to get their hands on a drum machine. But with so much use over the years, is there anywhere fresh to take your drum machine sounds? Join us on page 26 where we try to do exactly that. Don’t forget to grab this issue’s videos and samples from the cover disc and our new download site FileSilo, at www.filesilo.co.uk/FutureMusic
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Si Truss, Editor simon.truss@futurenet.com