March 21, 1936
THE TABLET ¿ 4 W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 167. No. 5002.
London, March 21, 1936.
R eg is tered a t th e General R o st Of f i c e a s a N e w s p a p e r .
New s and No t e s ................... 357 Couleur de R o s e ................. 361 A Bad Patch ................. 361 “ The A b b é ” Sieyès . . . 363 R e v i e w s :
The Holy D u k e ................. 365 Variation ............................ 365 The Church and the
Synagogue ................. 365 Par Louis Chaigne . . . 366 Freud in Practice . . . 366 Shame, Mr. Stock well! 366 New Books and Music . . . 367 Books Received ................. 368
The Urgent Need for
Catholic S c h o o l s ..........368 The Education Bill . . . 370 From the Archbishop of Westminster ................. 871 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 373 Com in g E v e n t s ...................3 74 E t Ct e t e r a .......................3 75 L enten P astorals :
Clifton ...............................3 76 Nottingham 376
From The Tablet of Long
A g o ....................................... 377 L etters to the Ed it o r :
Prayer for the Schools . . . 378 The “ Simple Prayer
Book ”
Benediction during Lent 378 A New Mass Centre in
Hertfordshire ................. 378 Herbert Dean, K.C.S.G. . . . 378 Ob it u ary ...............................3 79 W i l l ...........................................3 79 Or b is T errarum :
England ............................ 380 Scotland ............................ 380
Orb i s T errarum :
Ireland Austria Canada China Czechoslovakia France Germany India I r a q .............. Lithuania . . . Monaco Spain Yugoslavia . .. Ch e s s ................
. . . 380 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 381 . . . 382 . . . 382 . . . 382 . . . 384 . . . 384
The Rhineland crisis. His Majesty’ s Ministers’ hard work. Strange words from France (p. 357).
Mid-Lent. A thought, fo r Lsetare Sunday, on the world’s present troubles (p. 361).
Education. A Resolution o f the Hierarchy and a speech by the Archbishop o f Birmingham on the new Bill. The Archbishop o f Westminster on the urgent need o f more Catholic schools (pp. 368, 370).
Lenten pastorals. Extracts from the letter, on Fortitude, by the Bishop o f Clifton, and from the Bishop o f Nottingham’s pastoral on the Education cpiestion (p. 376).
“ A Bad Patch.” Some wise words in The Month prompt a Tablet leader-writer to a renewal o f warning (p. 361).
A Tw o fo ld Announcement: The Archbishop o f Westminster discloses the choice o f a biographer fo r Cardinal Bourne, and also the imminent transfer o f The Tablet to a group o f laymen (p. 371).
NEWS AND NOTES A L TH O U G H their gifts o f statecraft may be disputed, His Majesty’s Ministers are certainly proving their whole-hearted devotion to Peace. All day long, and far into the night, they are spending themselves without stint for the common good.
France is not helpful. With dismay, we find the Journal des Débats calling us “ an ancient race o f gentlemen in decline.” It might fairly be rejoined that the Débats is a once judicial paper which no longer tells the truth. Its issue o f Wednesday stated that “ ten days after the violation o f the Rhineland, England has not spoken a word o f denunciation.”
New Series. Vol. CXXXV. No. 4401.
Still, it is to Germany that we must look. She made this crisis ; and she could unmake it, if she would. Germany could say : “ Sovereignty can be displayed by voluntarily moving troops out o f a territory as well as into it. Not under pressure o f reproaches and threats, but to prove our desire for peace, we will again de-militarize the Rhine. In statu quo ante, we will then invoke the Hague Court to decide whether the Franco-Soviet Pact be inconsistent with Locarno.” In such a course, there would be no “ admission o f inequality ” but rather the contrary.
Resenting our article o f last week which was entitled “ A Breach o f Promise,” one o f Herr Hitler’s defenders tells us that we have been unfair. He admits that the Führer “ reaffirmed Germany’s fidelity to Locarno as part o f his own policy, as recently as last Spring ” ; but he maintains that Herr Hitler would not have uttered any such reaffirmation if he had known o f the Franco-Soviet Pact. We reply that dates are stubborn things. It was on May 21, 1935, that the Führer made his Reichstag speech, once more clinching Locarno ; and therefore he had known about the Pact for more than a fortnight, inasmuch as the preliminary signatures to that document had been written in Paris on May 3, without secrecy.
Herr Adolf Hitler’s long speech in Munich last Saturday night was heard perfectly by listeners in London ; and so was the preliminary discourse of another Adolf, Herr Wagner, who vouched for the infallibility o f the Fiihrer. ” Everything Adolf Hitler does is right,” said Adolf Wagner, “ and it remains right to all eternity.” Was one half or one hundredth so much ever claimed, even by the most ardent Papist, for the Pope o f Rome ?
A humorist who is also a well-informed publicist tells us that the problem o f German pugnacity may be settled after the fashion o f the Kilkenny Cats, who fought together until there was only one tail left. The privilege o f slashing one another in