January 18, 1936
THE TABLET y i W eekly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Fius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 16 7 . No. 4993. L o n d o n , J a n u a r y i 8 , 1936.
S i x p e n c e .
R eg is tered at the General. P ost Off ic e as a New spapb*.
New s and No t e s ................ 69 “ A Very, Very F ew ’ * . . . 73 The Eldest Daughter . . . 73 “ Myths About M exico” . . . 74 The Letters of Hilarion—
X V I I .......................... 75 R e v i e w s :
East Africa/s Own People 77 Gobineau’s Philosophy . . . 77 Outstanding Novel s—
LXVI .......................... 78 Annuals All .............. 78 New Books and Music . . . 80
Books Received .............. 80 Encyclical Letter— Contd. 81 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 85 From The Tablet of Long
A g o .................................... 86 Et C.k t e r a ............................ 87 Frederick Kolbe .............. 88 “ God, Country and King ” 90 Obitu ary ............................ 90
W i l l ................................. Page .. 91 Coming Events .. 91 An Honour for Father Fr iy 91 Orbis Terrarum:
England .............. .. 92 Scotland .............. .. 92 Ireland .............. .. 92 Austria .............. .. 92 Belgium .............. .. 93 British West Indies .. 93 Canada .............. .. 93 Ceylon .............. .. 93
Or b i s T errarum ( Oontd.) :
China ......................... 93 Czechoslovakia .............. 94 France ......................... 94 Hungary ......................... 94 I t a l y .................................... 94 Poland ......................... 94 Portugal ......................... 95 Spain .......................... 95 U.S.A......................................... 95 West Africa .............. 96 Yugoslavia 96 Ch e s s ........................................ 96
Ad Catholici Sacerdotii Fastigium. A further instalment o f the Encyclical on the Priesthood (p. 81).
A Voice from France. Cardinal Verdier’s important discourse on War and Peace (p. 73).
Mexico. The Tablet demolishes a Southampton paper’s assertion that there is no persecution o f the Church by the Cardenas Government (p. 74).
The forthcom ing Exposition o f the W o r ld ’ s Catholic Press at the Vatican. A “ pre-view ” in London o f the British exhibit (p. 75).
Catholics and Communists. Some words to the “ very, very few ” who have been compromising the Church in England (p. 73).
A great South A frican. The late Monsignor Kolbe and his work. A last letter to The Tablet (p. 88).
Spain’s nineteenth-century conflicts. A Lingard Society lecturer on Liberals versus Carlists (p. 90).
A novel which is more than a book o f entertainment. Mr. Croft-C ooke’s Crusade (p. 78).
Catholic activities in many lands. “ Orbis Terrarum ” takes note o f recent events at home and abroad (pp. 92-96).
NEWS AND NOTES A LTHOUGH Japan has vacated her place at the table o f the Naval Conference, she has gone out o f the council-chamber without angry words or any slamming o f the door. Her position is unique ; and therefore we must not blame Nippon’s rulers for failing to see naval problems from the standpoint o f White Powers whose political and geographical circumstances are strongly different from her own. Chaotic China and Red Russia are her near neighbours ; and there are reasons, historical and actual, why she cannot regard the great Power on the other
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXV. No. 4392.
side of the Pacific as wholly friendly to her future. But the Conference must not be wept over as a failure. It will continue its deliberations, on a narrowed but still wide basis. Meanwhile a great deal is gained b y the Japanese assurance that they will certainly not engage in a race o f armaments. There has been no grave set-back to the cause of Peace.
A highly valued friend o f ours in Spain— he is not a journalist— has sent us a few jottings. He believes that Sr. Gil Robles, the Catholic leader, has recovered much of the ground he lost last year ; but our friend reports what he calls “ disanimation ” among the followers of the Right. He bids us keep an eye on Valencia during the coming Election. Valencia, he says, is the key constituency for which all the Prime Ministers of the Spanish Republic, save one, have sat as Deputies in the Cortes. He adds :
The Catholics have a great arm in the power of prayer / besides, they are calm and the others are excited. Spain is a wonderful country and gets out o f tight places in a most disconcerting and surprising fashion. . . . Miguel Maura has done the right thing, as I thought he would, as he is a gentleman. The allusion here is to a speech made b y Don Miguel Maura (one of the founders o f the Spanish Republic in 1931,) who spoke bluntly to the Permanent Committee, of the Cortes last week. The Tablet may here amplify its brief extract from the speech which appeared in last Saturday’s “ News and Notes.” Don Miguel Maura, who is a vigorous speaker, seems on this occasion to have excogitated his remarks carefully. Having reminded the Committee that, five years ago, he worked strenuously with Sr. Alcalá Zamora (now President) to lay firm foundations for the Republic, he sternly rebuked his old associate for abusing the Presidential power by lending himself to intrigues. " What has happened,” he said, “ is twenty times worse than anything that happened under the Monarchy ” ; and he wound up by shaking the Republic’s dust off his feet.