December 21, 1935
THE TABLET A W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 166. No. 4989. London, December 21, 1935.
Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper.
News and No t e s ...................805 “ Christmas Comes but
Page ,
Once a Year ” ................. 809 The Great B lu nder................. 809 Broadcasting the Liturgy ... 810 Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs 811 St. Thomas, the Apostle of the O r ie n t ............................ 812 The Presents from the North 813 The Stable ............................ 813 The Magnificat ................. 814 R e v iew s :
By Archbishop Goodier . . . 816 Martyrs of Ireland . . . 816 Noel, Noel! ................. 816 “ A Plant and Flower of
Light” ............................ 816
R e v iew s ( Contd.) :
The Spiritual Exercises 817 By “ Three-colour Pro
Page cess ” ..........................817 More from Dr. Klotz ... 817 New Books and Music ... 818 Letters to the Ed i t o r :
The Rosary during Mass 818 The Westminster Mosaics 818 Captive and Performing
Animals ............................ 818 The C.C.I.R. 819 The Westminster Cathedral
Mosaics ............................ 819 Correspondence :
Rome ( Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 821
Et C/ETERA...............................823 A d v e n t P a s t o r a l s :
Lancaster ............................ 824 Leeds ............................ 824 Obituary ...............................825 Our Lady of Walsingham 826 Cardinal Bourne’s Anniversary ......................... 826 The Bishops and the Education Question ... ... 826 Coming Events . . . ... 826 Orbts T errarum :
England .............. ... 826 Scotland .............. ... 828 Ireland .............. ... 828 Brazil .............. . . . 828
Orb i s T errarum (Contd.) :
Ecuador ............................ 828 France ............................ 828 India 829 I t a l y ....................................... 829 Madagascar ................. 829 The P h ilip p in es................. 830 Poland ............................ 830 Spain ............................ 830 ü.S.A. ............................ 830 Yugoslavia 830 From The Tablet of Long
A g o ....................................... 832 A Christmas Week Dis
pensation ............................ 832 Social and P ersonal . . . 832 Ch e s s ........................................... 832
In what does not pretend to be a Christmas Number, The Tablet offers some Christmas reading. A Christmas-week dispensation (pp. 809, 813, 814, 832).
“ The Great Blunder.” Sir Samuel H oare leaves the Foreign Office (p. 809).
Much about the Liturgy. The broadcasting o f Compline and Prime. The public recitation o f the Rosary during Mass (pp. 807, 810).
Our Lady o f Walsingham. The Sovereign Pontiff and the Slipper Chapel. A n important rescript (p. 826).
The Mass and the Priesthood. Pastoral instruction, fo r Advent, from the Bishop o f Lancaster and the Bishop o f Leeds (p. 824).
Queen o f Martyrs. A recent painting by a student o f the Venerabile (p. 811).
The Apostle o f the Orient. A n article fo r the Feast-day surveys the evidence connecting Sc. Thomas with India (p. 812).
Ecuador fo llow s a bad example. Some Notes on the Equatorial Republic (pp. 808, 828).
The Westminster Mosaics. A n authoritative denial o f some recently-published statements (p. 819). _________________________________
NEWS AND NOTES W H ILE our pen, slowly and attentively, forms the letters o f what Christmas cards call “ ye old wyshe,” we are conscious o f the unique relation which binds this kind o f periodical to its readers. Behind the few fault finders (not all o f them or most o f them subscribers) who make themselves heard in the front row, there are the thousands o f quiet friends whom we may call b y that beautiful name, although they and we must go out o f this world without ever having seen each other’s faces. Like
N ew S eries. Vol. CXXXIV. No. 4388.
the housefather who gives his children “ their meat in due season,” it is our privilege, week b y week, to nourish our b ig fam ily with Christian ideas and inspirations. The dogmas, theological and ethical, o f the Church are to be found in formal treatises ; but it is the Catholic journalist’s business to in cubate Catholic principles in the warmth o f current events until they “ live and m ove and have their being ” as truths b y which to work and live. We are aware that our fam ily, like other families, does not remain entirely integrated. Individual dissentients, silently or noisily, desert our roof-tree for other lodgings. But the vast m a jority o f those to whom we send a greeting are with us in heart and mind. W e pray that the blessings o f Christmas-tide may richly visit them all.
A fter the Prefect o f Ceremonies, in the Vatican’s Hall o f the Consistory last Monday morning, had pronounced his customary Exeant omnes, the proceedings entered the phase known as a Secret Consistory, at which only the Sovereign Pontiff and the Cardinals are present. But the secrecy was little more than nominal. The proceedings lasted barely sixty-five minutes, during which time the many new Cardinals were proclaim ed and the appointments to archiépiscopal and episcopal sees since the last Consistory were announced. This means that the Papal A llocution reviewing recent events in the Church and in the world was short. His Holiness began b y rejoicing over many wonderful Acts o f Faith all over Christendom, such as the great Eucharistic Congresses and the Triduum for Peace at Lourdes. Quickly passing out o f this radiance into the shadow, he deplored the persecution o f Christians in Russia, and did not shrink from risking Nazi anger b y adding that, in some respects, Germany also is persecuting Religion.
On the unhappy War which, as His Holiness puts it, “ has plunged not only Europe and Africa but the whole world into anxiety,” the Pontiff declared