September 21, 1935

THE TABLET N. Weekly Newspaper and Review


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 166. No. 4976. London, September 21, 1935.

S ix pence.

Registered at the General P ost Offic e as a Newspaper.


News and No t e s ................... 353 Geneva 357 “ A t Least One J e s u i t” . .. 357 Downside ................................358 A Nazi “ Storehouse” . .. 359 Downside Abbey Church . . . 360 R eview s :

The Papacy in Action . . . 364 “ Eve Wilson ” ................... 364 An Ineffective T h eo r is t . .. 365 New Books and Music . . . 366


Letters to the Ed it o r :


The Spirit of P ax Romana 367 “ B a r ra— The Holy Isle ” 367 Catholic Pamphlets in

Braille ................................367 Correspondence :

Rome (O ur Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ................................369 Menevia. The Coming

Consecration ................... 370 Prom The Tablet of Long

A g o ............................................ 370

E t CLe t e r a ...................

Page . . . 370

The Fulda Pastoral . . . 372 Obituary ................ . . . 374 W il l s ................ . . . 374 Ordinations ................ . . . 374 Orbis Terrardm:

England ................ . . . 375 Scotland ................ . . . 376 W ales ................ . . . 376 Ireland ................ . . . 376

Orbis Terrarum(Oontd.) Page

Belgium ........................... . 376 Brazil ........................... . 376 Canada ........................... . 376 France ........................... . 376 I t a l y ....................................... . 377 L i t h u a n i a ........................... . 377 P e r u ....................................... . 378 Poland ........................... 378 U.S.A....................................... 378 Y u g o s la v ia ........................... . 378 Coming Ev e n t s .............. 380 Social and P ersonal .. 380 Chess ....................................... 380


The Consecration of Downside Abbey Church. A record for posterity, a set of photographs, and an article by a Tablet leader-writer (pp. 358, 360-63, 371).

Abyssinia’s progress (p. 354). The League’s great effort for Peace (p. 357).

War-cries against the Church in Germany. The concluding instalment, in English, of the protest and exhortation from the German Catholic Bishops, as set forth in the Fulda pastoral (p. 372).

Sweet and bitter waters from the Cambridge fountain. The Master of St. John’s College praises Fisher while the University’s Keeper of Western MSS. calumniates the Catholic Church (p. 357).

The Nazi store-house in Munich. An extract from a letter (p. 359).

More about the settlement of Australia. The truth about the North (p. 355).

A disgraceful advertisement. Some plain words to four managers (p. 355).

A centenary in Sunderland. St. Mary’s and its humble predecessors (p. 370).

More Catholic Congresses : Italy, Lithuania, and the United States (pp. 377, 378).

NEWS AND NOTES A MID the anxieties which oppress men and women at this time, Catholics must not neglect the routine life and needs of the Church. Next Tuesday is the day fixed for the episcopal consecration of Menevia’s new Bishop. Although Wrexham, the town where the pro-cathedral of Menevia will be the scene of the ceremonies, is within four hours’ run from Paddington, Englishmen who think nothing of a whole day’s journey to Lourdes or of a day and a half in the train to

N ew S e r i e s . Vol. CXXXIV. No. 4375.

Rome will not brave the quick trip to North Wales. None the less, we implore prayers for the consecrand. Although Dr. McGrath speaks and writes the language of his flock, he is divided from the Welsh people by a triple brass of racial, theological and ecclesiastical prejudice which only prayer can penetrate and overthrow.

We congratulate the League of Nations Union on its cancellation of an Albert Hall meeting which had been arranged for next week. The “ Silence in Court ” for which The Tablet has pleaded would be broken by a London demonstration on a great scale.

It is of the very essence of the League of Nations that all the nations, both great and small, should be reckoned among its member-States. Therefore the right thing was done last Monday when Ecuador was given one of the non-permanent seats on the Council. In some quarters there is a tendency just now to minimize the influence of the smaller countries. Sir Francis Lindley, for example, has been saying that “ small countries do not count in the modern world when it comes to a question of war involving a Great Power.” He asserts that “ individually, the worth of the small countries is 0 ” ; and, as it is a truth of arithmetic that 0—(—0=0, such countries are negligible. Sir Francis Lindley’s conclusion is that “ England and France acting in concert ” must be the decisive factors. In other words, the League, at a moment of crisis, is mere padding for a Big Two ; because Germany and Japan are practically out, the U.S.A. were never in, and Italy is antagonizing the other member-States. From this estimate of the situation we dissent. The smaller countries count more than 0+0 or 0x0. Apart from their incalculable potential strength in the event of an economic boycott against a peace-disturbing State, they have a stock of wisdom to pour out upon the table in the council-chamber. Invaluable speeches have been made during this month’s sessions of the