August 3, 1935


N W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V ol. 166. No. 4969.

L ondon, A ugust 3, 1935.

S ix p e n c e .

R eo is tered at the General P o st Of f ic e as a New s p a p e r .


News and No t e s ................. 129 “ Avenging Adowa ” . . . 133 The Lascivious Lemon . . . 134 Bishop John Ley burn . . . 135 St. Oswald, King and Martyr ............................ 136 R e v i e w s :

St. John of the Cross . . . 137 Myth and R i tu a l ................. 137 A Tremendous Tale . . . 138 The War Tragedy . . . 139 Mainly about Preachers 139 The Divine Nature . . . 139



Books Received ... . . . 140 New Books and Music . . . 140 St. Monica’s, Palmers Green 141 Liverpool Cathedral . . . 142 The Catholic Union . . . 142 L etters to the Ed it o r :

The Sea of Galilee . . . 143 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 145 At Boleyn C a s t l e .............. 146 Cambridge Summer School 147

London Matriculation


Results ............................ 147 School Speech Days . . . 148 Coming Events ................. 148 Et C/e t e r a .................... 149 Obituary ............................ 150 Prom The Tablet of Long

Ago ....................................... 150 Plainsong and Polyphony 150 London B.A. Examination 150 Or b is Terrarum :

England ............................ 151 Scotland ............................ 151 Ireland ............................ 151 Austria ............................ 152

Or b is 'Peerarum ( Contd.) :


Belgium ............................ 152 Bulgaria ............................ 152 China ............................ 152 Prance ............................ 152 Germany ............................ 154 Haiti 154 Hungary ............................ 154 India 154 Manchulcuo 154 Spain ............................ 154 Uganda ............................ 156 U.S.A....................................... 156 Social and Personal . . . 156 Ch e s s ....................................... 156


“ Avenging Adowa.” An inadmissible pretext fo r war between Italy and Abyssinia (p. 133).

“ The Peace o f Christ must begin and be strengthened in each soul.” A sermon on Peace by the Archbishop o f Westminster (p. 141).

Another Centenary. St. Oswald, King and Martyr (p. 136).

St. Aidan and St. Augustine? An Anglican clergyman’s solid rejoinder to the nonsense o f the late Bishop L igh tfoot and the living Archbishop Temple (p. 130).

Signs o f a better day in Mexico. A terrorist Dictator’s fall in the State o f Tabasco (p. 132).

“ The Lascivious Lemon.” A Tablet leaderwriter on the latest Nazi extravaganza (p. 134).

Post-Reform ation England’s first V icar Apostolic. A memoir o f Bishop John Leyburn (p. 135).

The Sea o f Galilee. An attempt to maintain and improve its ancient shore-line (p. 143).

Meletios II, Orthodox Patriarch o f Alexandria. The end o f a strange career (p. 131).

Yugoslavia and the H o ly See. A Concordat (p. 145).

NEWS AND NOTES A T the moment of our writing these lines, the

European prospect is less gloom y than it seemed to be a week ago. Statesmen to whom Peace is very dear, and who know that they have peace-loving peoples behind them, are in council at Geneva, labouring their hardest to avert an East African war which would give a set-back to Peace all over the world. Italy ’s temper is less intransigent, and hopes of conciliation are brighter. The danger is that Signor Mussolini will not relish comparisons with that droll commander-in-chief

N ew S e r ie s . Vol. C X X X IV . No. 436S

(called in the rhyme a Duke, not a Duce) who marched his army up the hill only to march it down again. Meanwhile, Peace makes progress in the New World, where Paraguay has already released thousands o f her Bolivian prisoners.

Just how the Holy See of Rome has been— and is— working for Italo-Abyssinian peace we cannot say ; because the Pope’s ways are not journalists’ ways, or diplomats’ ways, or even League of Nations' ways. We may be sure, however, that the efforts of Christ’s Vicar have lacked nothing of insistence along with prudence. Meanwhile it is of happy augury that the names of Italy and Abyssinia are linked in an approaching Beatification. In the year 1800 there was born, in Italy, Giustino de Jacobis, a boy destined to become the first Vicar Apostolic o f Abyssinia. Although, during the "bad days of King Theodore, many of Father de Jacobis’ 12,000 converts fell away, his name is pronounced with veneration even by those Abyssinians who have never drawn near to the Catholic Church. So well did he adapt himself to native customs and so great was his mastery of the language that the schismatic people, and even the King, often made him arbitrator in difficult questions. May he intercede powerfully both for the land of his birth and for the land o f his apostolic labours.

Readers of “ News and Notes ” were warned last month that Austria’s repeal of the laws and decrees which exiled the Habsburgs and confiscated their property does not necessarily mean a speeding-up of the Habsburg Restoration. This week’s news from the Danube confirms what we wrote. Yugoslavia, a State which shares with Czechoslovakia and Rumania a lively dislike of the Restoration idea, claims to have been reassured by Vienna that no such coup is contemplated. Some day, the Succession States may come to see that a Habsburg Restoration would be to their advantage, inasmuch as it would