Jone 29, 1935
W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a r id R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 165. No. 4964.
London, June 29, 1935.
Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.
N e w s and N o t e s ....................... 8 0 9 ** Of Rochester ” 813 Otherbody ............................ 814 Our Historic English Con
vents— X I I ............................. 815 The Canonizer ................. 816 Review s : Moral T h e o l o g y ................. 817
Gospel Portions ................. 817 Gervase Elwes ................. 818 What Patriotism is N o t . . . 818 Books Received . . . . . . 819 New Books and Music . . . 819 The Letters of Hilar ion— X 820 Eucharistic Demonstrations 820
Obituary ............................ 821 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 825 The Stonyhurst Centenary 827 St. John of Rochester . . . 827 Two Leicestershire Cen
tenaries ............................ 828 The New Paganism . . . 828 Prom The Tablet o f Long
Ago . . . .......................... E T C i E T E R A ......................................8 2 9 On Foot to Walsingham... 830
The Catholic Workers’
College ......................... 830 St. Edmund’ s House, Cam
Page bridge . . . . . . . . . 830 Letters to the Ed it o r :
Retreats for the Blind . . . 830 International Holiday
Student Exchange . . . 830 C o m i n g E v e n t s ................... - 8 3 0 Orbis Terrarum:
England . . .
Scotland . . .
Ireland . . .
Canada . . .
France . . .
. . . 831
. . . 832
. . . 832
. . . 833
. . . 833
Orbis Terrarum: Page
Germany ............................ 834 Italy .............. * ••• 834 Malta ............................ 834 Spain ............................ 834 U.S.A....................................... 834 Yugoslavia 836 The Catholic Needlework
Guild ............................ 836 SS. John Fisher and
Thomas More ................. 836 The Bishop of Hexham and
Newcastle ............................ 836 Social and P ersonal . . . 836 Ch e s s ....................................... 836
NOTANDA The Sovereign Pontiff on the Blessed Trinity. A n exposition and a homily (p. 825).
Anglicans and St. John o f Rochester. A Tablet leader-writer on a speech by Viscount Halifax (p. 813). .
A feast-day by the Medway. H ow Catholics honoured St. John o f Rochester in his own cathedral city (p. 827). .
About the “ L loyd George ” manifesto. W h y it was not printed in The Tablet (p. 809).
“ Otherbody.” A short plea on behalf o f Everybody’ s poor relation (p. 814).
The Bishop o f Hexham and Newcastle. A reassuring bulletin (p. 836).
Canon Sheppard again. His choice o f fo od and drink at a “ Fellowship M e a l ” (p. 811).
A Mime o f Martyrs. “ Hilarion ” on a successfu l experiment (p. 820).
English convents in Flanders in the Penal Times. D om Basil Whelan, O .S .B ., concludes his survey. A tabular summary o f the houses (p. 815).
Death takes heavy toll. W idely-known prelates and clergy in the week’ s obituary (pp. 821-3).
Sir Stephen Killik. A further honour for London’ s Catholic Lord Mayor (p. 829).
NEWS AND NOTES T O-DAY, Saturday, being the Feast o f SS. Peter and Paul, millions o f Catholics will pray for the intentions o f their H o ly Father. W e respectfully beg our readers while not forgetting immortal Rome and the Sovereign Pontiff, to spare also a thought and a prayer for the Abbey o f St. André, near Bruges, and for a Benedictine who will be raised this morning to the priesthood. W e are speaking o f Dom Lou-Tseng-Tsiang who, not so many years ago, occupied the posts o f Chinese
Minister at The Hague and St. Petersburg and was afterwards China’s Foreign Minister and Premier. As The Tablet duly reported at the time, this able Chinese, after the death o f his wife in 1927, entered the monastery o f St. André. During his eight years in Belgium he has not ceased to keep himself informed concerning his troubled fatherland and has written a study o f Japan’s Manchurian policy. Far from resenting his conversion to Christianity and his renunciation o f the world, Dom Lou’s old colleagues in Chinese politics regard him with admiration. Gifts in honour o f his ordination have come from the President o f the Republic o f China, from the Generalissimo Chang-Kai-Chek, and from many other high personages.
Nearly three weeks ago, we were asked b y the Rev. S. W . Hughes, who is the successor to that great enemy o f Catholic schools, the late Dr. Clifford, to publish a manifesto which is rightly or wrongly being attributed to Mr. L loyd George. When the document came to us, we had no ground for anticipating the little storm which is now raging round it. According to our practice, we examined the manifesto on its merits, which were few, and on its omissions, which were many and glaring. Preferring, however, to keep out o f The Tablet’s columns, if possible, a discussion inappropriate to a paper like ours, which has no party politics, we wrote to Dr. Hughes telling him that we did not see our way to print what seemed to be an ungenerous and unjust as well as unpractical utterance. Dr. Hughes sent us a somewhat sarcastic reply ; but b y the time his letter came to us we found that almost the whole o f the Press (with the exception o f those organs which are traditionally opposed to Catholic schools and still have the Clifford virus in their veins) broadly agreed with us in our dislike o f the manifesto. They especially resented the manner in which the signatories arrogated to themselves a censorious spokesmanship on behalf o f English Christians at large. Our Government was scolded as if its members were so
New Series. Vol. CXXXIII. No. 4363.