June X, 1935

THE TABLET y i W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v ie w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V ol. 165. No. 4960.

L ondon, J une i , 1935.


Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.

New s and Notes ................... 681 The Seed of the Church . . . 685 A Puzzle from “W h ita k e r’s ” 686 Catholic Action ................... 686 F rom The Tablet of Long

A g o ............................................ 686 O u r H is to ric E nglish Con­

vents.— IX


The Lesson of S t. Bede . . . 688 Coming E vents ................... 690 R e v ie w s : M any Mystics ................... 690

O u ts tand in g Novels.—

L X I I I ............................... 691


R e v ie w s (Oontd.).


V ic to ria an d A lb ert . . . 691 F rom Maiden Lane . . . 692 O rder o r C h a o s ................... 692 Books Received ................... 692 New B ooks and Mu s i c . . . 693 The Two New Sain ts . . . 694 E p is c o pa l E ngagements 695 Correspondence :

Rome (O u r Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from ) ............................ 697

The N ational P ilg rim age to

Lourdes ................................7 00 E t Cæ t e r a ................................70 1 Obituary ............................... 702 W i l l s ................................70 2 Letters to t h e E d ito r :

The New S a i n t s ................... 702 , The Catholic P re s s E xh i­

b itio n a t the V a t i c a n . . . 702 Adoption of Children . . . 702 Orb is Terrarum :

England ................................703 I r e la n d ............................... 704

Or b is T errarum (Oontd.) :


A u s tra lia ..........................7 04 B elgian Congo ................... 704 B u rm a ......................... 704 F ran ce ......................... 704 I ta ly ...................... 706 P e r u ...................... 706 Spain ......................... 706 U S.A........................................... 706 Mrs. Lyons. A Reception a t the D o r c h e s t e r ................... 706 Social and P ersonal . . . 708 Ch e s s ................ . . . 708

NOTANDA St. Bede, English and Roman. A further consideration of his theological and historical importance (p. 688).

St. John of Rochester and St. Thomas More. The Sovereign Pontiff’s homily at the Papal Mass for the Canonizations. A translation in full (p. 694). The address to the pilgrims (p. 697).

After the Canonizations. A Tablet leader-writer shows how the blood of the Tower Hill Martyrs may become “ the new seed of the Church ” (p. 685).

The Strange Case of Whitaker’s Almanack. After months of patient waiting, The Tablet tells its readers a bewildering tale (p. 686).

“ Out in the cold.” Some regrettable attempts by Protestants to exploit Their Majesties’ Jubilee to the hurt of English Catholics (p. 681).

A land where the Bad Crook fares better than the Good Samaritan. Germany’s two sets of weights and measures (p. 683).

NEWS AND NOTES T_TIS Grace the Archbishop of Westminster, almost A on the morrow of the canonization of our two English Saints, left the Eternal City and has been in residence at Archbishop’s House since last Saturday. To a man who had traversed and retraversed the vast distances of Africa, the welloiled run from Rome to Calais seems nothing at all. His Grace is in excellent health and hope. Thus is the long break in the normal life of the Church in England happily ended ; and the faithful may look forward to their united advance under a wise and strong and gracious leader.

To-morrow the Archbishop of Westminster, assisted by the Archbishop of Birmingham and the Bishop of Shrewsbury, will confer the fullness of the

N e w S e r i e s . Vol. CXXXIII. No. 4359.

priesthood upon Mgr. Dey, the beloved Rector of Oscott College, whom we shall thereafter know as Bishop of Sebastopolis and Ordinary to the British Army. There is good reason for hoping th a t his lordship will not have to retire altogether from the splendid work he has been doing as a promoter and director of Catholic Land Associations. His consecration begins at ten o’clock to-morrow morning, in the historic chapel of Oscott Seminary ; and we do not doubt that many a prayer will be offered, in all parts of our country, for the new Bishop’s health and success.

Having mentioned Land Associations, we must go on to speak of an important function which has been fixed for Monday, June 17. At three o’clock on the afternoon of that day, our Catholic Lord Mayor of London will formally open St. Mary’s Training Farm at Underhills, Bletchingley, Surrey. The Bishop of Southwark has promised to be present. Canon Crea (59, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.l) tells us th a t conveyances will meet the 1.46 p.m. train from Victoria (1.33 p.m. from London Bridge) and th a t parking arrangements can be made for cars if requests are sent in good time. The presence of a large and representative company on this occasion would help not only St. Mary’s Training Farm, but the whole Catholic Land Movement. We call for only a slight sacrifice in this connection ; for surely it will be no great hardship to visit rural Surrey only a week before Midsummer Day.

At the annual meeting of his “ Protestant Truth Society,” Mr. Kensit (of the Bones) said :

We may congratulate ourselves that in the Jubilee celebrations the Church of Rome has been left quite plainly out in the cold. In what sense Catholics have been “ out in the cold ” we do not know. But we do know th a t the NoPopery forces, not excepting their admirals and generals, have been out in the heat. They have indelicately used the Jubilee for bitter words about