April 27, I8861

THE TABLET A W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

VOL. 165. No. 4955.

L o n d o n , A p r i l 27, 1935.

S i x p e n c e .

Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.


News and No t e s ......... 521 St. George’s Monday . . . 525 Eostre-Tide ............................ 525 Discreet Matchmaking . . . 526 Easter Holidays in Soviet

Prisons ............................ 527 Our Historic English Con­

vents .......................................528 Catholic Arts and Crafts . . . 529


Reviews :


Blessed Thomas More . . . 530 Ars Orandi .................530 On a Gascony Parm . . . 531 Outstanding Novel s—

L X I I ............................ 531 The Pitfalls of Pleasantry 531 Books Re c e i v e d ................. 532 New Books and Music . . . 532 Catholic Education Notes . . . 533 Letters to the Ed it o b :

The Society of St. Augus­

tine of Canterbury . . . 534 Our Historic English Con­

vents ............................ 534

Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Correspondent’s Weekly Letter


Orbis Terrarum

England .. •

Ireland . ..

from) ......................... 537 Austria . ..

Our Martyr S a in ts .............. 538 Belgium . ..

Coming Events .............. 539 Borneo . .. Canada ...

Chile . ..

Et Ge t e r a ......................... 539 China . ..

Libels Against the Church 541 Egypt . .. France ...

Prom The Tablet of Long

A g o .................................... 541 Spain . . .

The Magnificat Society . .. 541 Yugoslavia . ..

Germany . ..

Obitdaby ......................... 542 Sociad and Personae Chess ......................... . . . 548 . . . 548

Page . . . 544

. . . 544

. . . 544

. . . 544

. . . 544 ... 544

. . . 544

. . . 546

. . . 546 . . . 546

. . . 546

. . . 5;46

. . . 548


The Triduum at Lourdes. A final call to united prayer (p. 521).

St. George’s Day. H ow it was neglected last Tuesday and how it will be observed next Monday (p. 525).

Easter or Eostre? A Tablet leader-writer gives reasons fo r not putting trust in the Third Reich as Christendom’s bulwark against Russian atheism (p. 525).

“ W . H. K .” An obituary tribute to a man o f remarkable gifts (p. 542). Father Kent as poet in Latin and in English (p. 539).

Anglican misuse o f Catholic altar-stones and vestments. Tw o more cases (p. 524).

“ Discreet matchmaking.” A final article on a difficult problem (p. 526).

Most Catholic Spain. A striking revival o f popular piety (p. 521).

Calumnies against the Church. H ow Manitoba has amended her law o f libel (p. 541).

NEWS AND NOTES H AVING journeyed to that mountain town in unfriendly weather, multitudes o f Catholics, ranging from Cardinals to humble Catalans, are gathered at Lourdes to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to pray for Peace. W e speak of the whole vast throng— not of the priests alone— offering the Masses o f these three days ; because the Holy Sacrifice is described to the faithful by the celebrant o f every Mass as meum ac vestrum sacrificium. Moreover, these Masses can be offered b y those of us who are unable to move a league from our own homes in the direction of Lourdes. Absens corpore, prasens spiritu. On the first day of the present month, our Holy Father Pius X I delivered a Consistorial Allocution in which he said o f the Lourdes

N ew S e r ie s . V o l . CXXXIII. No. 43S4.

Triduum that he wishes “ all the faithful, even thos who live in the most remote lands, to join their prayers ” with those which will be said in Lourdes itself. Although this is too great and solemn a business for compliments, we must not forget a fact of which the Bishop o f Tarbes and Lourdes, Mgr. Gerlier, has taken pains to remind Frenchmen ; namely that the first idea o f this Triduum “ was b om in the fervent soul o f an English priest, Father Waterkeyn.” England and Wales form only a weak quartet o f Provinces in the Universal Church ; yet we have not failed to throw into the common treasury many a mite which has been esteemed precious. On every ground, therefore, we should join with fervent earnestness to-day and to-morrow in beseeching Heaven to give in our time the Peace which is firmly rooted in justice and copiously watered with brotherly love.

Next week will be the Archbishop of Westminster’s week. Monday morning is allotted to the enthronement of His Grace in the Cathedral, and on Thursday evening, during his first public reception at Archbishop’s House, our new Chief will meet many of those who are eager to work under his direction. Between the morning of the enthronement and the evening of the reception, His Grace will hold one of those important consultations with the other Archbishops and Bishops of England and Wales which have long been known as the Low Week Meeting. Dr. Hinsley knows that it is no empty formula but a sincere statement o f fact that he has come into the midst of a welcoming and loyal people. _________

While the political crisis in Spain continues, the religious life o f that truly Catholic country displays an indisputable renaissance. Not only in Seville, the city most famous for pious pageantry, but in all parts o f the Republic the Sacred Passion has just been reverently commemorated. No longer could the atheist minority’ keep alive the fiction that Spain, as one o f their friends publicly said, has “ ceased to be a Catholic country.” The secular