March 9, 1935;
THE TABLET A W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V ol. 165. No. 4948.
London, March 9, 1935.
R eg is t ered at the General P o s t Of f ic e as a Newspaper.
New s and No t e s .............. . 289 A Synchrony............................293 Cmd. 4827 293 De Juventute ................. 294 Lent ....................................... 295
Recollections o f Malines ” 295 “ Brother Albert ” ................. 295 E p is c o p a l Engagements 296 R e v i e w s :
Mother St. Dominic . . . 296 Plain Talks from the
John Clare of Helpstone 297 The Liturgy ................. 297 The Empirical Argument for Theism ................. 297
R e v i e w s (.Contd.).
Christian Worship . . . 298 Two Dialogues o f Plato 298 B ooks R e c e i v e d ...................2 99 New B ooks and Mu s ic . . . 299 L en ten P a s t o r a l s : Westminster ................. 300
B r en tw o o d ............................ 300 Northampton ................. 301 Clifton ............................ 302 L etters to the E d t t o b :
“ The Island of Saints ” 302 Pere Lebreton’s Book . . . 302 Unemployment and Female
Labour ......................... 303
Dorridge. The New Church Correspondence : 303 Orb i s Terrarum E ngland . . .
Rome ( Our Own Correspondent’ s Weekly Letter
Scotland . . .
Wales . . .
from ) ............................ 305 Ire land' . . .
The Mexican Minister’ s
France . . .
Letter ............................ 306 Germany . . .
The Coming Canonization 307 Holland . . .
The Bishop o f Manchester
India . . .
and the “ V ictim s o f
P e r u ................
Fascism ” ............................ 307 Spain . . .
E t Ce t e r a ............................ 308 Switzerland
Ob it u a r y ............................ 309 W i l l s . . .
From The Tablet o f Long
The Pontifical Court Club 316
A g o ....................................... 310 So c ia l and P ersonal . . 316 Com in g E ve n t s ................ 310 Ch e s s ................ ... . . 316
.. 310
. . 311
. . 312
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. . 312
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. . 316
NOTANDA Lent begins. A first instalment o f Pastoral Letters (p. 300).
Their Majesties’ approaching Jubilee. The Sovereign Pontiff on a happy coincidence. A Tablet leader-writer discusses the proposed Jubilee Trust (pp. 293, 294).
Blessed John Fisher and Blessed Thomas More. The closing stage in the process fo r their canonization (pp. 293, 305).
Unequivocal declarations by the Anglican Bishops o f Manchester, Bradford and Sheffield that they do not support the Muscovite “ Committee fo r the Victim s o f Fascism ” (p. 307).
A poverello o f Poland. The story o f Brother Albert, apostle o f the down-and-outs (p. 295).
Britain’s defensive forces. Some remarks on the new White Paper (p. 293).
Mexico. A diplomat’s insolence examined by a Jesuit Father and by a Tablet note-writer. The Hospital o f Jesus Nazareno (pp. 289, 290, 306).
Paraguay, o f the “ so-called ” expulsions from Germany, o f the “ so-called ” civil strife in Greece. His Excellency knows as well as we do that the usurpers who now dominate Mexico b y means of a monstrous Constitution cleverly foisted upon the people have either ordered or connived at innumerable acts o f sacrilege and persecution, and that they have again and again boasted o f their antipathy to religion in every form. He knows that churches have been fouled, works of art burned, bishops and priests exiled and hapless Mexicans shot in the course o f his “ so-called ” conflict, W e challenge any responsible member o f the Mexican community in London, from His Excellency downwards or upwards, to debate publicly with our Editor, or with some other Catholic to be promptly chosen, the Minister’s own statement o f the case ; namely, that there is no ■persecution o f Catholics by His Excellency’s Government and that his letter to The Times gives what he calls “ the true facts about the so-called religious conflict ” in Mexico. Meanwhile we direct attention to a letter from the Rev. C. H. Heithaus, S.J., which appears on a further page.
NEWS AND NOTES TV/f UCH about Mexico will be found in this week’s issue o f 7 he Tablet. Happily Christendom is waking up to the truth about Bolshevism in North Am erica ; and certain events in the oil industry are helping to shake the protective crust off the consciences o f business men.
To His Excellency Señor Almazan, Mexican Minister in London, plain words are hereby addressed. His letter to The Times o f March 1, is dishonest insolence. The Minister speaks o f “ the so-called religious conflict in [his] country.” I t is as if he had spoken o f the “ so-called ” hostilities in Belgium and France in 1914-18, o f the “ socalled ” bloodshed in Austria and Spain last year, of the “ so-called ” struggle between Bolivia and
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXIII. No. 4347.
Señor Almazan reminds us o f the “ twelve ordinary British workers ” who were recently bearled through the Soviet Union. So far as we have been able to ascertain, not one o f the twelve knew a word of Russian and they admit that the interpreters were Soviet servants. Y et these men and women calmly say in the January issue o f Russia To-day, p. 10 :
We wish to state that the stories o f religious repression are absolutely without foundation. The Twelve do not say that religious repression did not come under their own notice. They say in effect that those o f us who, like the staff o f The Tablet, claim to have met and conversed with eyewitnesses o f the repression are wickedly telling “ stoiiss absolutely without foundation.” W e put to them a question. On the very page o f Russia To-day which prints their charge o f mendacity against such writers as ourselves there is a photograph o f an “ All-day-long ” demonstration in