March 2, 1935:
THE TABLET y l W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 165. No. 4947.
L o n d o n , M a r c h 2 , 1 9 3 5 .
S i x p e n c e .
R egistered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper.
News and No t e s .................257 The Tenth Hour ................. 261 Italia Bellicosa . . . . . . 262 The Golden Stool . . . . . . 262 Blesesd Antony Claret . . . 263 Liturgical F a b r i c s ................. 264 St. Mildred of Minster . . . 264 Review s :
The Foundress of the U rsulines............................205 Perilous Learning . . . 265 The New W o r l d ................. 266 Van Diemen’s Land . . .2 6 6
Review s (O on t,): Marxism Modified . . . 267
Antiquarian ................. 268 New Books and Music . . . 268 Books R e c e i v e d ......... 269 Lettebs to the Ed it o r :
Thomas More’s Descen
dants ............................ 270 Lope de Vega ................. 270 Match-Making ................. 270 Father Bede Jarrett’s
Anniversary ................. 270 A Catholic Savant in
London ............................ 270 Tlie Roswitha Players . . . 271
Coming Events ................. 271 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 273 From The Tablet of Long
A g o ....................................... 274 Obituary ...................... 275 W il l s ............................ 276 Ch e s s ....................................... 276 Et Ce t e r a ............................ 277 Dr. Downey’s Welcome
Home ............................ 278 Matriculation Results . . . 278
Orbis Terrabum: ; Page
England .............. f . . 279 Ireland . . . . . . 280 Belgium . . . . . . . . . 280 , Canada . . . ...............280
Czechoslovakia . . . . . . 280 France . . . ................282 Germany . . . . . . . . . 282 Haiti 282 I n d o c h i n a ............................ 282 South Africa .................. 282 Southern Rhodesia . . . 282 Spain ............................ 284 U.S.A....................................... 284 Social and Personal . . . 284
NOTANDA Home politics. A Tablet leader-writer urges the National Government to make full use o f its “ Tenth H our ” (p. 261).
Austria’s Chancellor in London. Precise figures o f the much exaggerated executions and imprisonments (p. 257).
Italy and Abyssinia. A regrettable rattling o f the sabre. What Britain did— and didn’t— in 1868 (p. 262).
Prempeh II. His elevation to the Ashanti highkingship (p. 262).
“ Welcome Home.” On his return to his diocesan city from Australia, the Archbishop o f Liverpool receives substantial p roof o f the religious enthusiasm o f his flock (p. 278).
Blessed Antony Claret. A n appreciation by one o f his follow ers in religion (p. 263).
A Saint o f Thanet. The shrine o f St. Mildred in the island o f her love (p. 264).
Journalism as a profession. A Bill to ensure Registration (p. 259).
Neo-paganism in the Third Reich. What certain Nazis would do with Good Friday (pp. 258, 282).
BB. John Fisher and Thomas More. Tw o dates to keep free in London (p. 277).
Tasmania. A new book on an old colony (p. 266).
Austria to a very small patch on the map, they did not and could not attenuate the traditional ability in politics o f one o f the most remarkable and highly cultivated peoples in Europe. We have no hope, however, that those British Reds who have been steadily lying about Austria for a year and more will change a policy which suits their Russian masters. Herr von Schuschnigg, during his brief stay on our soil, frankly admitted what has never been denied ; that is to say, he admitted that the rebellion o f February, 1934, and the later outbreak in which Chancellor Dollfuss was murdered, have required punitive measures, going as far as the death-penalty. Altogether, 67 persons were condemned to d e a th ; but only 23 o f these were actually handed over to the executioners. Less than 650 Socialists and Communists are in prison ; and it should interest our Reds to know that there are nearly three times as many Nazis as Communists and Socialists in Austrian gaols. Most of the prisoners are men who, in Russia, would have been shot without trial for bearing arms against the State and for being taken red-handed in sanguinary rebellion. The Moscow-minded Britons who hold up their hands in horror at the 23 executions in Austria and the still smaller number in Spain stand condemned as hypocrites; because Red Russia’s victims are not counted in scores or hundreds or even thousands, but in millions.
NEWS AND NOTES T HAT highly - respected and indefatigable diplomat Baron Franckenstein, who so ably represents Austria at the Court o f St. James’s, should find his hard task a little easier now that Chancellor von Schuschnigg and the Austrian Foreign Minister, Baron von Berger-Waldenegg, have spent two crowded days in London. These two Catholic statesmen have made our own Ministers understand that, although the Big Three abridged
N ew S er ie s . Vol. CXXXIII. No. 4346.
So long as a dog is allowed one bite, an Administration may be allowed one muddle. But two muddles in one month would be at least one too many. February began with the Government’s admitted blunder— a grave one— in respect o f Unemployment Assistance ; and it has ended in a fog o f rumours which seemed to suggest that the Indian Princes require changes in the Government of India Bill such as His Majesty’s present Ministers could not make. It is even said that faith has not been kept with the Princes. At the time o f our writing, a clear light upon the bare facts is not obtainable. It should be switched on without delay.