The Philosophers’
21 Parkhurst Road London, N22 8JQ United Kingdom Tel: 020 8889 7041 Fax: 0870 125 3783 editor@philosophers.co.uk www.philosophers.co.uk
Philosophers’ The
Magazine issue fifteen • summer 2001
Editor Julian Baggini
Editor, New Media
Jeremy Stangroom
Contributing Editors Susan Dwyer, Simon Eassom, Peter Fosl, Michael LaBossiere, Jeff Mason, Christian
Events Directory Co-ordinator
Mitch Hodge
Subscriptions UK: 020 7538 8288 North America: 1-800 444 2419 ext.1
See page 25 for full details
Contributors James Baillie, David Beisecker, Emma Borg, Anthony Campbell, Joseph Chandler, Steve Deery, Simon Eassom, Wendy Grossman, Margaret Gullan-Whur, Salam Hawa, Mitch Hodge, Ted Honderich, Mathew Iredale, Sue Johnson, Todd Jones, Michael LaBossiere, Tim LeBon, Brian Leiter, Lyn May, John Michael McGuire, Francis Moorcroft, Stephen Palmquist, Rupert Read, Robert Stainton, Karen J Warren, Thomas Wallgren, Ron Wilburn
Illustrations Felix Bennett (cover), Shaun Williams
Graphics Jerry Bird
With Thanks to Susannah Gill, Lori Fells, Steve Palmquist, Bernard Stangroom, Pam Swope
Distribution by (UK) Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8986 4854 (North America) Ingram Periodicals Inc., 1240 Heil Quaker Blvd., La Vergne, TN 37086-7000 Tel: (615) 793 5522 (North America) Ubiquity Distributors Inc., 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: (718) 875 5491
Printed by Warwick Printing, Theatre Street, Warwick
Contributors Notes Prospective contributors should contact the editor for further information or to submit ideas. Please do not send unsolicted manuscripts.
© 2001, The Philosphers’ Magazine contents
News and Features 6 NEWS HOUND The all-time top 50, Lord Sutherland and the death of Wesley Salmon
9 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media
13 KIM YOUNG-OAK John Michael McGuire The lecturer topping the ratings in Korea Essays 15 UNBREAKABLE Salam Hawa Hegel goes to Hollywood in the Bruce Willis movie
11 ALAIN DE BOTTON Steve Deery Cheering yourself up with Nietzsche
Good riddance? p23
17 SURVIVING DEATH Anthony Campbell Why philosophers have not always been so dismissive.
19 HUME ON ETHICS James Baillie Getting the great Scot right on morality Discussion 23 OPEN DEBATE: EXTINCTION Michael LaBossiere The case for letting species die and your chance to bite back
26 DISCOURSE Joseph Chandler Debating paternalism and philosophers in public life
All views expressed in The Philosophers’ Magazine represent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers.
ThePhilosophers’Magazine/Summer 2001
ISSN 1354-814X