
A Weekly N ew spaper a n d R eview


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 165. No. 4939. London, J anuary 5, 1935.


Registered at tbs General Post Office as a Newspaper.


News and Notes ............... 1 Nos Quieta et Finis Perf e c tu s .............. . . . . . . 5 The Will-to-War .............. 5 Sun-God or Son of Godi ... 6 Coming Events . . . . . . 6 Death of Cardinal Bourne : Memoirs ...................... 7 Messages of Condolence . . . 12

The Lying-in-State.................12 The Vicar Capitular . . . 12 A Broadcast Tribute . . . 12


Review s :

Anglo-Orthodoxy on the


Church ........................... 13 Outstanding Novels—LX... 13 Price One P e n n y .................14 New Books and Music . . . 15 Correspondence:

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ...................... 17 Examination Results . 1 8 Obituary ............................. 19 E t G&tera ............................. 20

Frequent Communion Oban’s New Cathedral “ Walling-up ” in Spain Orbis Tebrarum

England Scotland Wales ... Ireland China ... Denmark Fiji . . . France Germany Iceland

* T i .. 22 .. 22

.. 23 .. 24 .. 24 . . 2 4 .. 24 .. 24 .. 24 .. 24 .. 25 .. 25

Orbis Terrarum (Oontd.) Page

Indochina .............. 25 Mexico .............. . . . 25 Nippon . . . . . . . . . 26 The Saar .............. .. 26 S p a i n ......................... U.S.A........................... . . . 26 . . . 26 Jugo-Slavia.............. . . . 26 Books Received . .. .. 27 From The Tablet ot Long

Ago ......................... . . . 28 The Bishop of Leeds .. 28 Social and P ersonal ...28 Chess ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

NOTANDA The death o f Cardinal Bourne. In many columns, Tablet writers recount and appreciate the long story of a great churchman’s work as pastor and leader (pp. 5, 7-12). The Church’s “ immense loss.” Messages from Pope and King (p. 12).

Three portraits— one fo r fram ing— o f the late Cardinal (pp. 9 and 11, and Supplement). ' Is there “ a working Peace-policy” in the few words against war-desiring nations uttered by the Sovereign Pontiff on Christmas Eve? (p. 5). A translation o f the Holy Father’s address (p. 17).

Dr. Cowgill’s condition. The latest news from Leeds (p. 28).

Frequent Communion. A tardy but full reprint o f the Archbishop o f Birmingham’s Advent Pastoral (p. 21).

An episcopal consecration in Canterbury Cathedral. Strange choosing from a rich and ancient library (p. 4).

Moscow snubs the British Labour P a r ty and the T rade Union Congress. Maxim Gorki on “ the moans of professional humanitarians ” (p. 2).

NEWS AND NOTES ALTHOUGH the Note-writers of th is old paper deal week by week with events and prospects in all parts of the world, our prime concern is with th e life and work of th e Catholic Church in this realm. Therefore no reasonable reader will blame us for failing to keep some of th e promises made seven days ago in respect of th is week’s Tablet. The mortal remains of the quietly great churchman who had abundantly earned our love and gratitude as leader during nearly th ir ty years will have been laid to rest, by the tim e these lines are published, in a chapel a t th e fine seat of learning on which he had lavished untold sacrifices and pains. In order to tell adequately and in th e right context th e story of his

N ew Series. Vol. CXXXIII. No. 4338.

life as priest and Bishop and Cardinal, we have excluded from this issue of The Tablet sundry letters and articles which, by their controversial tone, might have jarred upon our trib u te to a saintly Catholic who, though never a coward or a laggard when a fight for a principle had to be fought, was a lover of peace. ________

A personage about whom newspaper-readers may expect to hear a good deal during 1935 is the Archduke Otto. Although th e idea of a Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary has had many opponents, and although those two countries fought one another bloodily and b itte rly during th e middle years of the nineteenth century, th e Legitimists of Hungary— which is not a Republic but an Apostolic Kingdom temporarily without a King—have no serious candidate for th e throne of St. Stephen other th an th e Habsburg and Austrian Otto. But i t is a big error to imagine th a t a Habsburg Restoration in both Austria and Hungary would necessarily mean any surrender of Hungarian independence. If Hungary shared an hereditary Ruler with Austria, Austria would also share an hereditary Ruler with Hungary. There would be no question of a Predominant Partner. Therefore those Hungarian Legitimists who have taken fright since Christmas a t th e Archduke O tto ’s declaration in favour of a Corporative State as the best Constitution for Austria do not need to be alarmed. Archduke O tto would be simultaneously th e Head of an Austrian Corporative S ta te and of a Hungarian Apostolic Kingdom w ith i ts old parliam entary institutions. In making these remarks, however, we are not to be understood as try ing to interfere with Austria’s and Hungary’s domestic arrangements.

I t may be th a t th e Christmas halt in th e gathering and distributing of news has deprived us of information ; but, so far, we have not heard th a t our Labour and Trades Union Congress friends have pushed home their protest against th e execution of accused persons in Russia after “ trials ” a t which they are denied legal assistance and by Courts