October C, 1934

THE TABLET s i W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pins IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 164. No. 4926. L o n d o n , O c t o b e r 6, 1934.

S i x p e n c e .

R eg is tered at the General P o st Of f i c e as a New s p a p e r .


New s and No t e s ................4 17 “ The Hearth of Europe ” 421 The Archbishop of Dara . . . 422 The Conversion of Wales and the Need for Welsh 422 R e v i e w s :

A Master of Devices . . . 423 “ The F i fth ” ................. 424 “ Limey ” A g a i n ................. 424 Books Received ................. 425 New Books and Music . . . 425 The Congress C i t y ................. 426 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................ 427



The Catholic Relief Committee for R u s s ia ................. 428 Ob it u ary .............................. 428 Catholic Education Notes 428 Southwark C.E.G. Con­

ference ............................429 E t C/ETEr a .............................. 430 ClEESS...........................................4 31 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 433 Archbishop Kinsley’s Suc­

cessor ............................435 A New Church at Coventry 435

L etters to the Ed it o r :

The Ex-Servicemen’s Pil

Page grimage ............................ 436 Walsingham .................436 Mussolini and Hitler . . . 436 Coming Events .................. 436 The C.O.M. R a l l y ................. 437 Catholic Social Doctrine and

Modern Problems ... 4S7 W i l l s ...............................4 38 Orb is T errarum :

England ............................ 438 Wales ............................440 Ireland ............................ 440

Or b is Terrarum ( Oontd.) Page

British Guiana ............. 440 China ........................ 440 France ........................ 440 Germany ........................ 440 India ........................ 442 Kenya ........................ 442 Nigeria ........................ 444 Spain ........................ 444 The Sudan ............. 444 TJ.S.A. ........................ 444 Y u g o s la v ia ........................ . 444 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 444

NOTANDA Spain’s new crisis. The undemocratic threats o f the L e ft (p. 417).

Archbishop Hinsley’s successor. Mgr. Riberi, linguist, diplomatist and young man, becomes A postolic Delegate to the A fr ica n Missions (pp. 422, 435).

Germany’s choice. W ill “ The Hearth o f Europe ” be a cheerful f o y e r or a pyre o f firebrands? (p. 421).

Buenos Aires. An account o f the great A rgentine city, where all is ready fo r the opening o f the Eucharistic Congress (p. 426).

“ Reach them in Welsh.” A Cambrian convert’s plea in the spiritual interests o f his fellow -countrymen (p. 422.)

Starving to death in a Russian winter. The pitiful appeal o f a Catholic Relief Committee (p. 428).

Mr. Arthur Henderson’s unashamed Muscomania. Russia “ right at the forefront ” o f the League o f Nations (p. 418).

The Children o f Mary’s rally at the Albert Hall. Points from the speeches (p. 437).

NEWS AND NOTES TN Spain, Sr. Lerroux is busy trying to form a

Cabinet in succession to the fallen Samper Ministry. It seemed to be the President’s duty to entrust power at this juncture to Sr. Gil Robles and the Catholics ; but His Excellency goes in fear o f the undemocratic and lawless Left. These hypocritical champions of democracy and liberty were soundly beaten at the last General Election, on an electoral system o f their own contriving; yet they threaten civil war if the victors at the polls, the Catholics, are called upon to form a Government. We write this note on Thursday morning, with a sheaf of bewildering messages on our desk. Some

N ew Series. V o l . CXXXII. No. 4325.

say that there will be another General Election ; but there are ugly rumours that the Left are afraid of the people’s verdict and that they may try, without delay, to seize Spain for a Red despotism by Russian methods of revolutionary violence.

Their notices have been withdrawn and the Welsh miners who had threatened to strike will go on with their hard labour in depths where the only suggestion of sunshine is in that hard black coal which was a vast green forest hundreds of thousands o f years ago. This is good news. The economic derangement involved in a strike o f coal-miners just now would have been disastrous ; but far worse would have been a fratricidal conflict almost on the morrow of the explosion at Gresford which killed nearly 300 of the coal-workers. On the face of it, the settlement has had nothing to do with Gresford; but happily it is beyond denial that the catastrophe in North Wales brought out the best feelings o f the whole Principality.

Hard indeed is the task o f those who try to unravel the intricacies of British Labour policy towards the Reds. On the strength of first hand and trustworthy information, The Tablet has affirmed again and again that the Vienna Socialists, whose revolt in the early part of the present year had to be put down by force, were Moscow’s men. Nobody has made any attempt to rebut our proofs, which have been duly given ; but the friends of the Soviets in this country have doggedly gone on telling what they know to be a lie. They have represented the Socialists who were bent on destroying the Christian State in Austria as earnest and patriotic men who became the victims of brutal tyranny. The Tablet, on the other hand, has consistently maintained that the whole affair of the February rebellion in the Austrian capital has been exploited by certain persons in Moscow’s interest.

When the Annual Conference of the Labour Party assembled at Southport last Monday, one of the items of business was to ban the “ Relief Committee