THE TABLET A W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 163. No. 4909.
London, June 9, 1934.
Registered at tot General P ost Office as a Niw spapeb .
New s and No t e s ...................7 13 Fifty Y e a r s ............................ 717 Small Expectations................. 717 Francis, Cardinal Bourne 719 R eview s :
A “ Bourne B o ok ” . . . 724 “ The Corridor ” ................. 724 Humpty-Dumpty................. 724 For “ Orthodox ” En
quirers ............................ 726 New Books and Music . . . 726
Ch e s s ........................................... 727 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................729 St. John Bosco ................. 730 E t C e t e r a ...............................731 Catholic Education Notes . . . 732 Com in g E ve n t s ................. 732
L e tters to the Ed it o r :
Blackshirt Morality . . . 733 “ The Patron of Lawyers ” 733 St. Yves ............................ 733 The Saar ............................ 733 The Sovereignty of God . . . 734 Ob it u ary ...............................7 35 Liverpool’s Eucharistic Fes
tival ....................................... 736 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ............................ 736
W i l l s ................ *.............. 736 Orb i s Te rrarum :
England ............................ 736 Ireland . . . ... ... 738 Austria ............................738 Brazil ............................ 738 France ............................ 738 Germany ............................ 740 India 740 Mexico ............................ 740 R o u m a n ia ............................ 740 Spain ............................ 740 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 740
Limitation o f Armaments. A plea for a modest Something rather than Nothing (p. 717).
H ow Catholics have fared in this year’s Birthday Honours (p. 731).
“ S. J. G.” discusses a Catholic writer’s new book on Money (p. 724).
The Golden Jubilee o f Cardinal Bourne’ s ordination to the priesthood. A n appreciation o f His Eminence by “ One W ho Knows H im ” (pp. 719723). The Tablet’s Educational Correspondent surveys the Cardinal’s fruitful labours on behalf o f our schools (p. 732).
Dr. Vance’s Burge Lecture on “ The Sovereignty o f God ” (p. 734).
Is our nation growing callous? A young lady’s “ enjoyment ” o f a man-hunt which ended in the quarry’s suicide; and a shameless entertainment in Leeds (p. 716).
Next year’s plebiscite on the Saar. A new journal fo r German-speaking and Nazi-fearing Saarlanders (p. 714).
“ A Mission in Ruins.” Patna’s devastated area after the great earthquake (p. 716).
NEWS AND NOTES ^ O W that some of our most serious news■* ’ papers, not excepting The Times, have begun to print rumours concerning the decline of Hitlerism, The Tablet may speak more freely o f a matter on which it has been reticent. Since Easter, we have been receiving communications to the effect that last year’s Revolution in Germany lacks the stability and finality which its authors have claimed for it. In full frankness, we admit that the greater part of our information is of French origin. Some readers may say that we ought to know better than to accept stories about Germany from a country N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4308.
where the Boche is a perpetual bogey-man ; so let us add that our attention has not been given to French scaremongers but only to men who have often informed us accurately and guided us sanely on many occasions in the past. Some of these men have almost everything at stake ; so their investigations into German politics are not to be despised. In one case, our informant lives close to the frontier ; and we do not hesitate to say that, in these days o f a muzzled Press, the Germans themselves do not know as much about events in their own country as does our French friend.
One of the statements made to us is that the German Communists are less docile than the Nazis fondly believe. The thousands of Reds who have joined the S.A., apparently as converts to the new order in Germany, are said to be living in hope of a clash with the Reichswehr in which they and their comrades would not come off second best. 'Ihey count upon a great movement of public opinion in an anti-capitalist direction, which would help them against a Reichswehr which is on the side o f the Right. In last week’s Tablet, a hint was thrown out along this line. One of our Notes pointed out that Germany’s foreign trade is falling off seriously. We did not go further than to declare that “ evidently the hour has not yet struck for speaking of Prosperity Hitler ” ; but we may now publicly take account of the huge disappointment which must possess the souls of Germans when they find their Fatherland, with its boasted industry and efficiency, having to proclaim another moratorium in spite o f their Superman’s fifteen months of unobstructed dictatorship.
A pessimist among our correspondents delivers himself of the gloomy prediction that Adolf Hitler will turn out to have been not much more than what he calls “ a Kerensky painted to look like a Mussolini.” B y this he means that a year or tw o of Hitlerism will be followed b y a Marxist reaction which the Reichswehr will not be strong enough