June23, 1934
y l W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 163. No. 4911.
L o n d o n , J u n e 23, 1934.
S i x p e n c e .
R eg is tered a t the General P ost O f f ic e as a New spaper
New s and No t e s ................. 777 A Great Lone Land . . . 781 The Marburg Monologue . . . 782 Culture in the Soviet
Labour Camps ................. 783 The “ Catholic ” Crusade 783 Coming E vents ...................7 83 Cardinal Bourne’s Jubilee 784 R e v ie w s :
The Faith Militant . . . 786 Ecce D e u s ............................ 786 Or. Goodier’s New Book 787
R e v i e w s ( Contd.).
“ The Lord is Risen
Indeed ” ............................ 788 Grandmaison’s Grand
House ............................ 788 New Books and Music . . . 788 Books Received ................. 789 Jubilarians Both ................. 790 Ch e s s ........................................... 791 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 793
Catholic Education Notes . . . 794 The New Church at Wood
Page stock ....................................... 795 Two Homeland Pilgrimages 795 E t Ce t e r a ...............................796 Sermons for the Times . . . 797 Ob it u ary .............................. 798 W i l l s .............................. 799 L e tters to the E d i t o r :
The S a a r ............................ 800 Fascism: A Query . . . 800 Blackshirt Morality . . . 800
From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ......................... 800 Or b is T errarum :
Chile . ..
So c ia l and P ersonal .. 804
NOTAN D A Cardinal Bourne’s Golden Jubilee. A miscellany o f addenda to last week’s report (pp. 784-5).
Herr von Papen’s Marburg speech. A brave and grave Vice-Chancellor (p. 782).
Australia’s empty spaces. A Tablet leader-writer on North and North-W est Australia as a settlingground fo r farm-trained Britons (p. 781).
The Archbishop o f Liverpool, in a jubilee sermon, recalls how Standish “ carried over ” from the days o f Faith to the era o f Restoration (p. 797).
Unitarians in Anglican pulpits. The R ecord ’s theory o f the invitation (p. 779).
A t Calder Abbey. A Benedictine celebration o f the eighth centenary (p. 795).
Less bread than circuses. L ife in Russia’s labourcamps (p. 783).
A country church in Oxfordshire. St. Hugh’s, Woodstock, illustrated and described (p. 795).
The late Canon St. John. H is great work for Catholic education and emigration (pp. 794, 798).
NEWS AND NOTES /C A TH O L IC S are sensible o f the good feeling
4 which inspired the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recent suggestion that the Sovereign Pontiff should “ with his unique influence and authority ” speak to a listening Christendom upon the world-problems which baffle secular statesmen. We remind His Grace that the H oly Father has spoken many times already. Perhaps, however, Dr. Lang desires a more vehement papal pronouncement and one more clearly addressed to Christians o f every denomination. The Tablet must not pretend to know the mind of H.H. Pius X I in this connection ; but perhaps we may be allowed to point out that the “ unique influence and authority ” o f the Pope might not be enhanced if the appeal achieved no N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4310.
solid success. There is the danger that it would be a front-page news-item for one day and a topic for platforms and pulpits a few weeks longer, and then nothing more. I f we may so put it, the Papacy is not journalistic, and the Pope best helps the world by a steady, all-the-year-round insistence upon Christian principles. None the less, we thank the Anglican Primate.
During the Hitler-Mussolini conversations in Venice, it was firmly stated b y many newspapers that Germany through her Führer had promised Italy’s Duce to respect the independence o f Austria. Support seemed to be given to this story by the cancellation o f a German meeting at which sympathy for the anti-Dollfuss Nazis in Austria was to have been loudly expressed. But we lack confirmation o f the Venice rumour and cannot yet accept it as a New Deal. Meanwhile, we caution the public against fictions concerning Austria. The Daily Telegraph’s Vienna Correspondent, for example, has slipped back into outworn notions and has told his readers that " the Vatican’s principal aim in Central Europe is the reconstruction of the Great Roman Catholic Habsburg Monarchy on the Danube,” He adds that papal diplomacy is busily restraining certain hotheads who might “ jeopardise the plan by undue haste.” Empires, Monarchies, Republics and Corporative States are equally acceptable to the Pope so long as they are founded on a Christian basis and governed on Christian lines.
Our article “ Six and Six Make Twelve ” , concerning the Blackshirt meeting at Olympia, was in print before the House of Commons debated this deplorable a f fa ir ; but not much was said in the House which we, in common with other persons or ordinary intelligence, had not anticipated. The point to keep in mind is the one made in the postscript to our article ; namely, that the Olympia troubles “ were not merely conflicts between Blackshirts and Reds.” There is no denying the fact that Communists deliberately planned the breaking up of Sir Oswald Mosley’s meeting and that they did