May 26, 1034


A W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 16 3 . No. 4907.

London, May 26, 1934.


R iq i s t i r k d at t e i Gin i b a l P ost Of ï t c » as a Niw s p a p m .


New s and No t e s ...................649 Our Rank-and-File . . . 653 The Cardinal of Munich . . . 654 1A Good, Cheap Church ” 654 The Decipherment of the

Hittite Inscriptions . . . 656 R e v i e w s : —

Puritanism and the Indus­

trial A g e ............................ 657 A Purge for Behaviorism 657 The Last of the Fire

Eaters ............................ 658 Karl Clemens’ Meditations 659


Books Received .............. Page 659 New Books and Music ... 660 Notes for Musicians 661 Catholic Action .............. 662 Chess ........................................ 663 Correspondence:

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 665 On Brownlow H i l l .............. 666 Et CzE TERA........................... 667 Catholic Education Notes ... 668 Coming E vents ................ 668

L e tters to the E d it o r :


The Patron of Lawyers . . . 669 Blackshirt Morality . . . 669 “ The Grail ” 669 Ob it u ary .............................. 670 Middlesbrough’s New Church 670 A Centenary in Bengal . . . 670 Orb i s Terrarum :

England ............................ 672 Ireland ............................ 673 A r g e n t i n a ............................ 673 Canada ............................ 673 Ceylon ............................673 France ............................ 674

Or b is Terrabum ( Oontd.) :


Germany .............. . . . 674 India .............. . . . 674 Mexico .............. . . . 674 Papuasia .............. . . . 674 Portugal .............. . . . 674 Spain .............. . . . 674 U.S.A......................... . . . 676 A Memorial to Bishop

Keatinge ......................... 676 Dr. Vance’s Burge Lecture 676 The Association of Convent

Schools ......................... 676 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 676

NOTANDA Catholic Action defined and enjoined. The Joint Pastoral Letter o f the English and Welsh A rch bishops and Bishops (pp. 653, 662).

Cardinal Faulhaber’s Advent Sermons. A precious little book in English (p. 654).

“ W ith the Rodeo I have no concern whatsoever.” A strange letter o f censure from the late Earl o f Birkenhead’s daughter to The Tablet (p. 651).

Progress towards the decipherment o f the “ F orgotten Empire’ s ” inscriptions (p. 656).

The eighth centenary o f Calder Abbey. A coming celebration in the North (p. 667).

Russia takes up cricket. Some witty verses from the Manchester Guardian (p. 650).

“ Cheap, Good Churches.” Some remarks on a new church fo r North Walsham, and a drawing o f its exterior (pp. 654-5).

Efficient film-making in England. H ow an organist in a Catholic church accompanied a choir many miles away (p. 661).

Catholic progress in Bengal. The Archbishop o f Calcutta tells the story o f a hundred years’ work (p. 670). = ; _ =_ = = ^ ^

NEW S AND NOTES A LTHOUGH big difficulties beset the plan for laying an embargo upon the export o f arms and ammunition to Bolivia and Paraguay, we hope our Government will persist in its humane proposal. It has often been remarked that wars are very seldom ended for want o f money. There always seems to be a financier somewhere in the shadows who is willing to furnish even a losing and almost bankrupt belligerent with warlike stores. Both Bolivia and Paraguay are poor countries, to which the cost of aeroplanes, field-guns and high explosives must be a serious matter ; but their bloody vendetta goes on,

N ew Series. Vol. CXXXI. No. 4306.

and is being fought out with modern weapons such as neither of them can manufacture in her own arsenals. It is reported that Czechoslovakia, where the monstrous guns which battered down Liege in 1914 were made, is opposing the embargo on the ground that arms ought to be denied to the aggressor only in a modern war. This argument leaves us where we were. For long and dismal years, various friends o f Peace, both ecclesiastical and civil, have been trying to appraise and locate the rights and wrongs of the Gran Chaco dispute, but all in vain. In such circumstances, we should like to see Prague falling into line with London and Buenos Aires. President Roosevelt is giving the embargo his sympathetic attention.

So anxious is the League o f Nations to retain all its members and to win back those who have withdrawn that the threatened expulsion o f Liberia may safely be regarded as an act o f justice. Everything possible has been done from Geneva and from London to help a State which will not help itself. In some quarters it has been said that Liberia is without rulers. Unfortunately this is not true. I f the country merely lacked an Administration the situation would be bad enough. But things are made worse by the fact that there are rulers and that they are tyrants. Tribesmen have been driven from their villages, crops have been burnt, and scores o f men have been put to death b y the misgoverning and corrupt clique in Monrovia. Public money is not accounted for and no Budget discloses the position of what may be ironically called the national finances. In her treatment o f minorities and in many other ways Liberia has displayed a complete contempt for the obligations o f League membership. It follows that Great Britain is right in urging that the Black Republic shall be presented with a stark choice between repentance and expulsion.

While little Liberia’s membership of the League hangs in the balance, the prospect o f Germany’s return has been clouded b y a speech of Vice