
April 14,1934

THE TABLET A Weekly N ew sp a p e r a n d R e v iew


From the B r ie f o f H is Holiness P ius I X to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

Vol. 163. No. 4901.

London, April 14, 1934.


R eg is t er ed at th e General P ost Of f ic e as a New s pa p er .

Page ;

New s and No t e s ................ 457 j More • • o r L e s s ................... 461 F o r Goclly Gadabouts . . . 462 j “ A Roman Catholic False­

hood ”

.......... 462

About a B ro therhood . . . 463 R e v ie w s :

S a in t B r id g e t of Sweden 464 Jerom e’s L ion— and U n i­


............. 464

F o r P rea chers ................ 465 j “ Seul S u r la T e r r e ” . . . 466 New Books and Music . . . 467 Books Received ................... 468 The Pope and the C.E.G. . . . 469



The D u ty of P r a y e r . . . 470 The N a tio nal Catholic Con­

gress ............................................ 471 Ch e s s ............................................ 471 Correspondence :

Rome (O u r Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from ) ............................... 473 C ard in a l ' B ou rn e ’s Sacer­

dotal Jubilee ................... 475 The Holy Y ear Mass C ru ­



E p is c o pa l E ngagements 475 Catholic Education Notes . . . 476



M arriage of Lord E ldon . . . 476 E t Cj e t e r a ............................... 477 Letters to the E d ito r :

K in g A lbert in the Missal 478 Animuccia’s Mass “ Cond ito r ”


Abbot B u tle r ................... 478 S to nyhurst Church . . . 478 Walsingham, Fakenham an d Wells-on-Sea . . . 478 F rom The Tablet of Ninety

Years A g o ............................... 478 The Conference of H igher

S tudies ............................... 479


Coming E vents ...................4 79 The C a rd in a l’s Reception 480 Obituary ............................... 480 W i l l s ............................................ 480 Orb i s Terr arum :

England ............................... 480 Scotland ............................... 482 I r e la n d ............................... 482 F rance ............................... 482 Germany ............................... 484 Spain ............................... 484 Y u g o s l a v i a ............................... 484 Social and P ersonal . . . 484 The Eucharistic Congress 484

NOTANDA The Pope and the Press. Representatives of 5,000 newspapers at the Vatican (p. 457).

Cardinal Bourne’s recovery. His Eminence as prccscs of the annual gathering of Bishops and as host at a Low Week Reception (p. 480).

A pastor to his people. Words o f guidance and exhortation, from the Bishop of Middlesbrough, on the duty of prayer (p. 470).

Walsingham. The revival of a famous preReformation pilgrimage. An August day to be noted and set aside (p. 477).

A novelty in hydrostatics. A Royal Navy “ under the heel ” of the Pope of Rome (p. 460).

More, not Moore. A big newspaper’s amazing blunder and its lesson (p. 461).

A Lion-and-unicorn “ Roman Catholic priest ” on the “ Re-union ” of two bodies which were never united (p. 464).

The National Catholic Congress. The place and date of the next meeting (p. 471).

“ Godly Gadabouts.” Sixpenny Tours for London Catholics on fine weekday evenings (p. 462).

NEWS AND NOTES TN London, “ Low ” Week is (outside the Liturgy) -*• a High Week for Catholics. The Metropolitans and Ordinaries of all four English and Welsh Provinces, when they assemble at Westminster for their annual deliberations, graciously find time to renew many old associations and to encourage new enterprises. As it has been our privilege to converse with many of Their Graces and Their Lordships this week we can once more bear thankful testim ony to the spirit of quiet confidence which prevails throughout the whole Catholic Church in this realm. Firm ly united in loyalty to their pastors, the faithful press forward into another year of opportunity.

N e w S e r i e s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4300.

Always gracious, the Sovereign Pontiff invited to his presence, last Monday, the Italian and nonItalian journalists who work in Rome. In all, about 5,000 papers were represented. His Holiness spoke to the visitors, one by one ; and, addressing them collectively in French, he thanked these “ loud-speakers with brains ” for broadcasting the events and lessons of the Holy Year. Although the Pontiff delicately recognized the adm ixture of Protestant and Jewish and agnostic elements among his guests, he im parted his blessing to all, knowing th a t those who could not open their hearts to it in the Catholic way would nevertheless receive it as a benison. On the French discourse of His Holiness we shall have more to say next week. Meanwhile we thank him from our hearts.

Further proof of our Holy F a th er’s benevolence towards the Press is found in the Osservatore Romano’s official announcement th a t the 1936 Exposition Internationale de la Presse Catholique (which will synchronize with the Third Congress of the Catholic Press), is to be held a t Castel Gandolfo, the pontifical villa above Lake Albano. When we heard about the great works of restoration which are going forward a t Gandolfo, we felt sure th a t something other th an his own comfort during the August heats was in the Pontiff’s mind.

Until we receive a communication from the Bishops, The Tablet will stand by its announcement of last week and will say little about the observance of the extended Holy Year. On one point, however, we cannot wait. We wish every Catholic to understand vividly th a t a chief theme of our prayer during the Year is to be Russia. I t is now a long time since the Sovereign Pontiff directed th a t the wellknown prayers after Low Mass should henceforth be said on Russia’s behalf. I t has been our own privilege to assist a t Low Masses said by Catholic Bishops in this country, a t which their lordships have used audibly, a t the end of Mass, the words “ For Russia ” or “ Pro Russia,” in order th a t all present could direct their intention to the end