February 10, 1934.
THE TABLET s £ W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
V o l . 16 3 . No. 4892.
L o n d o n , February i o ; 19 3 4 .
R eg is tered at the G eneral P ost Of f ic e as a Ne w s p a p i e .
News and No t e s .............. 161 Equality and Security . . . 165 Some Words for France . . . 166 The Conversion of England through the Liturgy . . . 166 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years A g o ......................... 167 R eview s : Mr. Arnold Lunn’s Apolo
gia .................................... 168 English P a i n t i n g .............. 368 Miss Dale Persists . . . 169 By Father James . . . 169 A Wonderful Table Book 369 Gardens, Old and New . . . 170
Books Received ................. 170 New Books and Music . . . 170 Catholic Education Notes . . . 171 Coming Events ................. 172 The Matrimonial Causes
Bill ....................................... 172 Ch e s s ............................... 175 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 177
‘ Die Fledermaus ” by Amateurs ......................... 178
Et C.e t e r a ............................ 179 Letters to the Editor :
“ Shirts ”
M. Claudel’ s Play . . . 180 The Name “ Catholic” . . . 180 Obituary ............................ 181 The Seal of the Confessional 182
Orbis Terrarum :
England ............................ 183 Scotland ............................ 184 Ireland ............................ 184 Æther ............................ 184 Canada ............................ 186 Costa R i c a ............................ 186 France ............................ 186 Germany ............................ 186 India ............................ 186 Spain ............................ 186 Uganda ............................ 188 Cardinal Bourne ................. 188
Monsignor Canon Ashmole 182 Episcopal Engagements 188 The “ C.A.” Dinner . . . 182 Social and P ersonal . . . 188
A sharp crisis in France. Our neighbour’s urgent need o f a National Government (p. 165).
Is England pulling her weight in the Liturgical Revival? The work o f two Italian Societies (p. 166).
A happy innovation. H .M . Secretary o f State fo r Foreign Affairs meets the ecclesiastical Editors o f London at the Foreign Office (p. 162).
Britain’s Disarmament proposals. A Tablet leader-writer takes the long view (p. 165).
The Seal o f the Confessional. The irrelevant case o f Kate Webster (p. 182).
Next Monday’s London celebration o f the Sovereign Pontiff’s receiving o f the Triple Crown (P- ,161)
The case against the Matrimonial Causes Bill. Dr. O ’D onovan’s speech in the House o f Commons in opposition to Mr. H o lfo rd Knight’s measure for Easier D ivorce (pp. 164, 172).
Good news from Menevia. H ow Catholics will keep St. David’ s Day in St. David’s city (p. 179).
NEWS AND NOTES r I " 'W E LLE years ago, the great churchman who
*■ rules the Universal Church under the name o f Pius X I was elected to the Supreme Pontificate, in succession to Benedict X V , a Pope to whom posterity will render the justice which his contemporaries denied him. On Monday next, at four o ’ clock in the' afternoon, the anniversary o f the Sovereign Pontiff’ s Coronation will be observed in Westminster Cathedral. The Bishop o f Cambysopolis will give Benediction, and afterwards, together with the Bishop o f Lamus, will hold a reception at Archbishop’s House on behalf o f the Cardinal Archbishop o f Westminster. W e trust that a great concourse o f the faithful in the principal
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4291.
Catholic church o f the British Empire will once more manifest the love and devotion o f his children to the H o ly Father. Up to the time o f our writing the Ambassadors or other diplomatic representatives o f seventeen countries have notified their intention o f taking part in the Westminster Cathedral celebration.
Last week’s debate in the House o f Commons on Anglo-Russian trade made sorry reading. A fte r two Scottish Conservatives had proposed and seconded a very mild resolution demanding less onesidedness in Russia’ s commercial relations with this country, the conversation was almost wholly dominated by Liberal and Labour Members with proMuscovite opinions. Practically the only exception was Sir W . Davison. As the reply o f the Government included the too familiar words “ Wait and See,” and went hardly at all beyond excuses for procrastination, we can say little about it. The Tablet, however, puts the country on its guard against a plan o f Russia’ s in respect o f the Lena Goldfields. Breaking her word without shame, M oscow left unpaid the sum o f £13,000,000 awarded to the shareholders in that concern under an arbitration by which she had agreed to be bound ; and, fo r many years, she has retained this large sum without paying a kopeck o f interest upon it. Everybody has heard the rumour that, in order to induce Great Britain to complete a trading agreement favourable to herself, Russia will offer to pay the Lena stockholders a sum equal to about 30 per cent, o f the compensation awarded to them, on condition that they accept this dishonest arrangement as a full and final settlement. The Tablet, however, is credibly inform ed that payment would be effected in such a way as to make our country a laughing-stock. During the Commons debate, Mr. Maclay, Liberal Member fo r Paisley, let the cat out o f the bag. Disclosing the policy o f Britain’ s Muscophils, he expressed his hope that our Government will “ make credits to Russia as large and for as long terms as are compatible with the risk.” In