January 27, 1934.

THE TABLET y l Weekly N ew sp a p e r a n d R e v iew

- X h e f í e c to V


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. _____________________________________ ' T h e A h f o e i j

Vol. 163. No. 4890.

London, January 27, 1934.



News and No t e s ................ 97 Lord H a lifa x , Englishm an 101 S h i r t s ............................................ 102 “ M erry England ” ................... 103 R e v ie w s :

The F o r e r u n n e r ................... 106 Ill-E nded ............................... 107 I n Defence of the Tract a r ia n s ............................... 108 P r e a c h in g Made E a sy . . . 108 P o p u la r Apologetics . . . 108 Books Received ................... 109 New Books and Music . . . 110

R e q is t eb ed at the General P ost Of f ic e a s a Njbwspafeb. ____________________________ J z r d f n d i t t y


Q t Y m in c )

V o lu n ta ry S te rilization of


Mental Defectives . . . 110 F o r Those a t Desk and

Counter ................................I l l Correspondence :

Rome (O u r Own Corre­

spondent’s W eekly L e tte r from ) ................................11 3 C ard in a l B ourne ................... 114 The B irm ingham Catholic

Reunion ................................1 14


E t Ce t e r a ................................11 5 Catholic P r iso n e rs ’ A id

Society ................................ 116 Letters to the E d ito r :

P r iso n e rs ’ Aid ................... 116 The Nazi D a n g e r ................... 116 Catholic E ducation Notes . . . 117 Obituary ............................... 118 W i l l s ................................1 19 Coming E vents ................... 119 lo n g s ta n d in g ................... 120 F rom The Tablet of N inety

Y ears A g o ................................12 0 — - ............. —

Ob b is Tereabcm :


England ................ . . . 120 Belgian Congo . . . 122 Belgium ................. . . . 122 I r e la n d ................ . . . 121 F rance ................ . . . 122 Germany ................ . . . 122 In d ia ................ . . . 122 Malta ................ . . . 124 M a n c h u k u o ................ . . . 124 Spain ................ . . . 124

Social and Personal . . . 124 Ch e s s ............................ . . . 124

NOTANDA More about Germany under Nazi domination. The Camp at Sonnenburg. Sentences on Catholic priests (pp. 97-8).

Death of Viscount Halifax. A Tablet leaderwriter offers a solution to the riddle of the High Anglical leader’s life (p. 101).

Four coming canonizations. The dates of the ceremonies in Rome (p. 113).

In an address as President of the Birmingham Catholic Reunion, the Bishop of Nottingham once more exposes the “ Continuity ” myth, and points the only way to England’s return to Catholic peace and security (p. 103).

Shirts of many hues. Lord Rothermere moves to Sir Oswald Mosley’s aid (p. 102).

V oluntary Sterilization in Britain. Some Catholic objections to an impending Permissive Bill (p. 110).

Youthful law-breakers. The Catholic Prisoners’ Aid Society’s plans to meet a new social duty (p. 116).

Hartlepool. The celebration of a hundred years of Catholic life and work (pp. 115, 120).

NEWS AND NOTES A N ugly by-product of the Washington-Moscow

Accords is the fabrication in the U.S.A. of scares which debit Japan with pact-breaking and war-making designs against Russia. Knowing something about the hatchers of these canards, we warn the public against them. Japan will not submit tamely to Muscovite intrigue or militancy; but, in the event of conflict, she will not be the aggressor.

Catholics will be living in a fool’s paradise if they do not face the possibility of trouble and perhaps failure in Austria. Chancellor Dollfuss commands the passionate loyalty of millions; but the fact remains that Austrians are mostly of German blood and speech. There is a force of gravitation in politics as well as in physics. Germany, with 65.000. 000 or so of inhabitants, may exert an almost irresistible pull upon Austria, with her mere 6.500.000. Poverty is sharp in Austria; because her economic life was developed on the supposition that Vienna would always be the imperial capital of an Austrian Empire containing over 50,000,000 subjects. This poverty, says the Nazis, would fade away if Germany and Austria became one mighty Reich of 72,000,000 souls. It is reported that Dr. Dollfuss may soon invoke the League of Nations’ aid against Germany’s connivance in terrorist attempts to Nazify Austria by bombs and mobviolence ; but we cannot see what the League can do with a Germany which has shaken the dust of Geneva from her feet. England, however, can help by making it plain that Austria has her ample ancl practical sympathy.

I t has become clear that Herr Adolf Hitler does not intend to “ make a back,” as schoolboys say, by which a ITohenzollern Prince can climb to the throne of the German Empire. A Nazi Minister in a high position has warned the Restorationists in a sharp tone. After some rough words about the ex-Kaiser at Doom, the Minister said that persons who try to upset the State by Restorationist propaganda will be “ treated just as we have treated the Marxists in the pay of Moscow.” Meanwhile we hear nothing of the Wittelsbach Restoration, which would have been effected a year ago if the Nazi tidal wave had not broken over Bavaria as well as over the rest of Germany.

“ The Terror Continues ” was the title of an article in last week’s New Statesman. Anything more horrible than its account of the Sonnenburg Concentration Camp, where Nazism interns its real or supposed opponents, could hardly be imagined; indeed, some of the punishments described in detail

New Series. Vol. CXXXI. No. 4289.