THE TABLET A W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r and R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 162. No. 4872.

L o n d o n , S e p t e m b e r 23, 1933.

S i x p e n c e .

Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper

News and No t e s ................. 385 Tshekedi ............................ 390 “ The Tie and Urge of

Office ”

“ Recently Very B u sy ” . . . 391 On Pilgrimage in Bur­



gundy ............................ 391 The Jubilee of “ S.J.G.” 393 R eview s :

Theology Through Daventry

Philip of Spain ................. 393 The State ............................394 “ A Passion for Facts and


a Tidy M ind” . . . 394 Heimweh ............................ 395 New Books and Music . . . 396



Books Received .............. 396 The Bishop of Shrewsbury 397 Letters to the Editor :

The English Martyrs . . . 398 “ To-morrow’s Leaders ” 398 The Seriousness of Mr.

Stephen Gaselee . . . 398 Wilfrid and Josephine Ward ............................ 399 Indulgenced Prayers . . . 399 “ Marydown ” .............. 399 Organ Music at Soho ... 399 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’ s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 401



Cardinal Bourne in Paris 402 ET CiETERA......................... 403 j Catholic Education Notes 404

The Fetes at Vienna . . . 405 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years Ago

. .. 406

Obituary .............. . . . 406 W il ls .............. . . . 406 Coming Events . .. 406 Orbis Terrarum:

England .............. . . . 406 Ireland .............. ... 407 Austria .............. . . . 408 Canada .............. . . . 408 China .............. . . . 408

Orbis Terrarum (Gontd.) :


Czechoslovakia .................408 Esthonia ............................ 408 France ............................408 India 409 South Africa .................409 Spain 409 Sweden ............................ 410 The Seychelles .................410 U.S.A.......................................410 Yugoslavia 410 K.S.C. Pilgrimage to Can­

terbury ............................ 412 Social and Personal 412 Chess 412

NOTANDA Cardinal Bourne in Paris (p. 402). A word to the wise and to the unwise on the conserving o f the Cardinal’ s health and strength (p. 385).

Dr. Singleton’s episcopal silver jubilee. An appreciation o f Shrewsbury’ s Diocesan by one o f his lordship’s flock (p. 397).

Black and White. A recent case in Bechuanaland moves a Tablet leader-writer to discuss the present position o f White Paramountcy in Christendom (p. 390).

More about the High Protestant plot to rob Catholics in this realm o f their rightful name. The “ seriousness ” o f a H igh layman (p. 398).

The participation o f the Laity in the apostolic work o f the Episcopate. A Methodist sidelight on the H o ly Father’ s definition o f Catholic Action (p. 389).

Feng again. The elusiveness o f “ the Christian General’s ” contemporary Christianity (p. 387).

Wekrwissenschaft in the German Reich. A renaissance o f Frightfulness (p. 386).

Vienna’s great w e ek : the closing gatherings. Honours from the H o ly Father fo r the President and the Chancellor (p. 405).

NEWS AND NOTES W ITH jo y we record the Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster’s journey to Paris and his safe return. That His Eminence can now cross the sea and sustain the fatigue o f ceremonies without hurt is a good augury for next year. Certain newspapers, mistaking the reason for the Paris visit, have stated that Friday of last week was the fiftieth anniversary of Francis Bourne’s priestly ordination. This is not correct. The Cardinal-to-be was ordained on June 11, 1884 ; and therefore his golden jubilee as a priest is still nearly nine months ahefid. What we have to do is to refrain from

N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXX. No. 4271.

expecting any save administrative acts from this beloved Chief during the trying weather of winter and spring ; and to pray that the summer of next year may find him in robust and ample health. It is an open secret that the Cardinal hopes to signalise the jubilee by developing a work which is very dear to his heart.

Through the efforts o f our contemporary the Universe, a unique H oly Year Pilgrimage is to leave England to-morrow, bound for the Eternal City. The pilgrims are four hundred unemployed men who have been carefully chosen to represent every diocese in the Kingdom, especially those districts where Unemployment is most grave. The project has been criticized as an untimely expenditure of money ; but perhaps the critics have not understood that the total outlay on an expedition which its members will never forget will be much less than one Saturday’s gate-money during the football season.

Forty years ago, when Alexander I I I was Tsar, a Dual Alliance of Russia and France was set up as a safeguard against the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy. The seniors among us remember the slap administered to idealists by that Franco-Russian entente. Men who admired France as a land of light and liberty were deeply shocked in their moral sense by a political and military marriage between Freedom and Despotism. Since those days, the parties have nominally changed places. It is Russia which claims to be the paradise of the proletariat, while France has returned to a mild conservatism. But there is a fear that history may repeat itself and that a Franco-Russian entente may again become a strong factor in European politics. M. Herriot’s visit to the land o f the U.S.S.R. was not a private one ; and the ex-President of the Council has been followed to Russia b y M. Pierre Cot, one of the French Ministers, who is regarded as a coming man. From a wellinformed French publicist The Tablet learns that Germany is the key to this new French policy.