¿ 4 W eek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w
From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.
Vol. 162. No. 4868.
London, A ugust 26, 1933.
S ixpence.
Rkgistebed at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper
News and No t e s ......... 257 Oakwood’s Turn ................. 261 Self-Slaughter ................. 262 Liverpool Cathedral . . . 263 Our Lady of Boulogne . . . 263 Review s :
The Celts Under Elizabeth 264 A Calvinistic Hamlet . . . 265 Outstanding Novels — LY I I ............................ 265 Jacopone da Todi . . . 266 A Fine Book from India 266
Books Received ................. 266 New Books and Music . . . 267 Tongerloo Abbey ................. 268 A W indow in Ely Place . . . 269 Catholic Education Notes 270 London University Ex
aminations 270 Catholic Progress in India 271 From The Tablet of Ninety
Years Ago 271 Correspondence :
Rome (Our Own Corre
spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 273
Et C.e t e r a ......................... 275 Letters to the Ed it o r :
The Crusade of Rescue 276 “ Mary down ” .............. 276 Liturgical Mistranslations 276 A Pilgrimage to Dunwich 276 Obituary ......................... 277 The Sterilization of the Unfit .................................... 278 Coming Events .............. 278
Orbis Terrarum :
England ............................ 279 Wales ............................279 Ireland ............................ 279 Austria ............................ 282 Czechoslovakia .................282 France ............................ 282 Germany ............................ 282 Indo-China 282 Kenya Colony .................284 Spain ............................ 284 Social and P ersonal . . . 284 Chess ............................ 284
Tension in the Irish Free State. W ill Mr. de Valera act against the I.R .A . ? (p. 257).
Suicide. A Tablet leader-writer draws attention to a growing evil (p. 262).
“ Fire, Fire ! ” Some comments on a recent trial in London (p. 260).
Father David Mathew’s important book on the Irish, Scots and Welsh under Oueen Elizabeth (p. 264).
Our Lady o f Boulogne. A poem fo r to-m orrow ’ s centenary rejoicings (p. 263).
Celebrations at two famous Abbeys. The eight hundredth anniversary o f Tongerloo (p. 2 6 8 ) ; and the Triduum fo r the centenarv at Mount Melleray (p. 279).
The German Reich to-day. Notes on the position o f Protestants and on Nazi penal processions (p. 258).
A medical journalist’s striking criticism o f sterilization proposals (p. 278).
Andorra’s troubles. Some notes, historical and contemporary, on the Valleys and the Cerdagne (p. 259).
NEWS AND NOTES A BUMPER wheat-crop is expected in more than one country this year. It will not go to replenish empty granaries, because there are already huge stocks o f wheat on hand ; indeed 60,000,000 “ hidden ” bushels have just come to light in the U.S.A. This is one more reminder that Distribution is the major-problem of our time. There have been grim crises in human history when the famous advice “ Bury the dead and feed the living ” could hardly be acted upon ; because the food was not there. In 1933, there is a superabundance of corn, o f wine and of many another good gift from Heaven.
N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXX. No. 4,267.
Here then is a call from our kindly, robust Mother Earth to a world in which thin-blooded, weakly statesmen have too long had their way. The thought of World-plenty synchronising with World-misery ought surely to give the statesmen a shaking-up.
Here is a bare announcement which we may be able soon to amplify. Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna, has formed in his own city a Committee to help the starving Russians. His Eminence calls upon the civilized world to face the awful fact that thousands of men, women and children within the jurisdiction of the Soviets have lately died of hunger and that the figure o f cannibalism stalks before the eyes of the survivors. Cardinal Innitzer begs all appropriate organizations, especially the International Red Cross, to save Russia’s hungry millions during the coming winter by giving help on a vast scale.
“ A Victory for the I .R .A .” is the Daily Telegraph’s description of this week’s chief event in the Irish Free State ; and we do not find in it any tinge o f injustice. Sir John Keane, an able member of the Free State Senate, was not contradicted last Tuesday when he publicly reminded the Government that “ within the last fortnight, on a hill within sight o f Dublin,” there has been an armed camp o f the Irish Republican Army. Only four months ago the I.R .A . paraded through the streets of Dublin, 5,000 strong, with none to say them nay. Two months later, the}^ mustered in still greater strength, after public announcement, in County Kildare ; and again they were let alone. Not long ago, they took possession of an empty mansion and used it as headquarters during military manoeuvres, without let or hindrance. So much for the irregular and illegal Army of the Left. But General O ’D uffy’s National Guard, an unarmed organization of the Right, has been proclaimed illegal for nothing worse than the holding of parades without militancy. Over-riding the Governor-General, the constitutional personage for setting up such a Court on the Executive