A W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V ol. 16 2 . N o . 4863.

London, J uly 22, 1 9 3 3 .


Registered at the Genebah P ost Office as a Newspapeb


News and No t e s ........ 97 Pact and Fact ................. 101 On the Translating of

Papal Encyclicals . . . 101 Sanctions and World Re­

covery ............................ 102 St. James and Spain . . . 104 R e v ie w s :

Japan ............................ 108 Poland Reborn ................. 108 A Cambridge Precursor of the Oxford Movement 109 “ Studies” .................... 110



New Books and Music . . . 110 The Reopening of Padley

Chapel ............................ I l l Augustinian Appointments 111 Chess ............................ i l l Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 113 From The Tablet of Ninety

Years Ago


Et Ce t e r a ............................ 115 Catholic Education Notes . . . 116


Obituary ............................ 117 W il ls ............................ 117 Coming Events ................. 117 L etters to the E d it o r :

Padley Chapel ................. 118 Liturgical Mistranslations 118 Wales .............. . . . 118 An Organ in Soho . . . 118 Orbis Terrarum:

England .............. . . . 119 Scotland .............. . . . 120 Wales .............. . . . 120 Ireland .............. . . . 120

Orbis Terrarum (Oontd.) :


A r g e n t i n a ............................ 120 Australia ............................120 Austria ............................120 Belgium ............................ 120 Canada ............................ 120 China ............................122 De Oriente Christiano 122 France ............................ 124 Germany ............................124 Japan ............................ 124 Spain ............................ 124 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 124


More than bare subsistence fo r all. The Sovereign Pontiff’ s message to a Conference on social questions (p. 97).

Papal Encyclicals. A plea fo r better translations into English (p. 101).

Sanctions. Lord Howard o f Penrith shows how Pacts fo r Peace may become Facts (p. 102).

Spain’s Patron Saint. A timely paper on St. James o f Compostela, whose Feast is next Tuesday (p. 104).

The Keble Centenary. Some untenable statistical claims. The Anglican Bishop Knox on a Tractarian error (pp. 99, 100).

Skrypnik’ s end. H ow a large-hearted Russian rebelled in vain against M oscow ’ s cruelties towards starving Ukrainians (p. 98).

A letter from South A fr ica on Liturgical Mistranslations (p. 118).

A fte r 345 years. Mass once more in Padley Chapel (p. 111).

Claude and Philomena Crommelin. A touching and beautiful letter from the stricken home (p. 111).

NEWS AND NOTES O N Monday will begin the “ Semaine Sociale de Reims,” already announced by our " Orbis Terrarum ” correspondents. Through his Cardinal Secretary of State the Sovereign Pontiff has sent a message to the Semainiers. His Holiness recalls the principle that it is the State’s duty suppeditare vitce sufficientiam perfectam— “ to supply a perfect sufficiency of life ” to all its men, women and children. Snppeditare is a very strong v e r b ; indeed, we are tempted to snap our fingers at the philologists and to find ditare rather than pes in its make-up. Not a bare subsistence, but “ life more New S e r ie s . Vol. CXXX. No. 4,262.

abundantly ” is to be mankind’s portion. The Pope does not mean, however, that the State is to pour out lavish doles. He means that the State must so organize production and distribution that everybody will have both Work and a just share of W ork ’s fruits.

Disappointments must never be accepted as irretrievable disasters or defeats. Although events have mocked the bright hopes which animated us when King George welcomed the members of the World Economic Conference to London, we must not look upon this unique gathering as an unmitigated failure. While the big and famous statesmen have been taking what appears to be futile counsel together, their subalterns— some of whom will be the famous men and national leaders of their respective countries to-morrow-—-have established contacts of inestimable value. ' Although we must patiently await the official ! texts of the new Concordat with the German Reich |before discussing its clauses, there is no harm in a further allusion by The Tablet to Herr von Papen. While the ex-Chancellor was a target for depreciatory remarks from all sides, our own Notes and leading articles consistently took the view that Herr von Papen is a man of ability and character. He is no superman and does not pretend to be one ; but he has again and again proved himself to be no mere figure-head. When books of memoirs and letters reveal the inner history o f recent German events, it will be found that Herr von Papen has been a force for good. Indeed, we suspect that German Protestants as well as German Catholics are in his debt.

One of the most welcome accompaniments of the Four-Power Pact, which is discussed in our leading article to-day, has been the restoration o f goodwill between Italy and France. Bad feeling between these two great neighbours had more than once warmed up into such an ugly temper-that young Fascist fire-eaters talked of Nizza (Nice) as a little